Ep.72 | Dumb things people do with their Money!

The Property Couch show

Summary: We’ve received a lot of great feedback regarding our Money SMARTS System and quite a number of our listeners have requested us to unpack a little bit more. So for today’s episode, we will be talking about some of the dumb things people do with their money!<br> If you’ve listened to all our previous episodes in this podcast, by now you would have understood that good money management is crucial to building a successful property portfolio. But this is easier said than done. What we would like to highlight in this episode is small things leads to big things. A tiny expense here and there would eventually sum up to a significant amount if not monitored properly. So Bryce and Ben listed 12 bad habits that they’ve seen and here’s the top 5!<br> <br> * Having too many separate individual bank accounts<br> * Not changing your lenders simply because you are too familiar with the facilities and online banking arrangement<br> * Thinking credit card money is your money<br> * Not paying yourself first<br> * Not having an offset account<br> <br> Tune in to find out the rest!