Live Q and A with 7 Digit Amazon Seller Chris Davey | SellerSPEAK

SellerSPEAK With Successful Amazon Sellers show

Summary: Hello fellow sellers. For this week's edition of #SellerSPEAK, we are excited to be joined by Chris Davey, a UK-based sourcing expert, and entrepreneur who has set-up two e-commerce firms ‘FBA4U’, and 'Source From Asia' in Shenzhen, China Chris is a 7-figure Amazon seller who designs, engineers and sources his own private label brands of products, sold worldwide via Amazon. Over the past three years, he has built up two unique brands of products, going from zero to $1m in the first year of selling. He is the founder and director of ‘FBA4U’, which advises multiple companies on how to expand their online sales. FBA4U conducts the biggest networking events in China for western e-commerce sellers, attracting 500+ power sellers, the event is held every six months during Canton Fair in Guangzhou, China. He has also founded "Source From Asia", which provides solutions to sourcing, logistics and quality control in Asia.