161 – We all have an intense longing for inspired masculinity

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: This week is Father’s Day in the United States and so we’re talking about masculinity, specifically inspired masculinity.<br> What it is and why is it important to our recovery.<br> “Masculinity, as we shall see, is finally not a thing to be learned, but rather a quality to be tasted or experienced. The masculine within is called forth and blessed by the masculine without.”<br> – Leanne Payne, Crisis in Masculinity, p. 11<br>  <br> REV Group Coaching<br> Join a REV group this Summer. New spots available. Connect with other guys on the journey, each week, in our confidential online meetings.<br> <a class="button" href="https://dobberco.wufoo.com/forms/rev-group-coaching-w-matt-dobschuetz-application/">Apply now</a><br>  <br> Support Pornfree Radio<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.patreon.com/mattdobschuetz?ty=h">Give to Pornfree Radio – Pledge Now</a><br> <br> Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">iTunes</a>. If you haven’t had a chance yet <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">please subscribe in iTunes</a> and leave a rating or review because that helps get the word out.<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>