The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> Podcast episode about getting the FLAB out of your life; stop being FLABBY and TRANSFORM the way you eat &amp; see food through these mindful eating tips. Learn how to not get FLABBY by ignoring the F.L.A.B in your life with this episode of Confidence on the Go.<br> *SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT*<br> 30-Day Confidence Coaching Program:<br> Next session starts AUGUST 1st, APPLY NOW!<br> This is your LAST chance opportunity before the price goes up, up, up! Don't miss out!<br> http://www.trishblackwell.com/confidencecoaching<br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> References from the episode:<br> Treat food with respect. Do not use food as a scapegoat.  <br> <br> F.L.A.B. always leads to mindless eating and more flab in your life!  THANK YOU to Alex Kelly-Maartens of PITAIYO for sharing the FLAB acronym with me and for opening my mind to mindful eating practices! <br> <br> F=FEAR<br> L=LONELINESS<br> A=ANXIETY<br> B=BOREDOM<br> <br> MINDLESS BEHAVIORS:<br> Shopping without a list<br> Shopping while hungry<br> Eating randomly<br> Not planning meals<br> Not pre-planning lunches<br> Relying on vending machines or take out<br> Packaged foods as the main source<br> Eating as a reaction to a difficult emotional situation or stress<br> Eating in bed, on the couch, in the car<br> Eating quickly<br> Eating without utensils<br> Eating while you watch TV or read<br> Chewing quickly or incompletely<br> Skipping meals<br> Eating everything on your plate<br> Thinking that you "need..."<br> Expecting perfection from your habits..."I blew it so I might as well keep blowing it.."<br> Not paying attention to nutritional content<br> Feeling guilty<br> Concluding the change is hopeless<br> Feeling weak<br> Focusing on slip-ups as failures<br> Seeing food as punishment or reward<br> Not acknowledging your own progress<br> Obsessing over the scale<br> <br> MINDFUL BEHAVIORS<br> Shopping with a list<br> Shopping after eating<br> Planning meals<br> Preparing lunches and snacks<br> Making time for meal preparation<br> Realizing "high risk" situations and preparing accordingly<br> Traveling with snacks<br> Recognize planning as "healthy and wise"<br> Eating in one place<br> Eating mindfully<br> Paying attention to the texture of your food<br> Paying attention to the taste of your food<br> Not drowning your food in sauces to cover up the actual food<br> Eating slowing<br> Chewing food thoroughly<br> Thinking "I want..but I could go without"<br> Allowing yourself to get back on track<br> Having a mind of grace towards yourself<br> Thinking "I can but I choose not to"<br> Experimenting with new, healthy foods<br> Serve portions before eating<br> Eat slowly with utensils<br> Engaging in conversation and connecting with others while eating<br> Forgiving yourself for "slips"<br>  <br> <br> 30-Day Confidence Coaching Program: Next session starts August 1st, APPLY NOW!<br> <br> http://www.trishblackwell.com/confidencecoaching<br> <br> Recommendations: http://www.trishblackwell.com/recommendations<br> <br> INSIDER Group: http://www.trishblackwell.com/register<br> <br> Trish on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/trishblackwellfitness<br> <br> Trish's Apps:  http://www.trishblackwell.com/trish-shop<br> <br>