The Confidence Podcast  show

Summary:  <br> <br> Make today matter. Today’s motivational podcast episode from Confidence on the Go challenges you with five questions to get you to take Carpe Diem from a state of common knowledge to actual, lived out common practice.<br> <br> You become what you think about.<br> Life is fragile, you aren't guaranteed tomorrow.<br> Refuse to let yourself keep wasting your own life, start living like you are meant to<br> First, we make our attitudes, then our attitudes make us. -Dennis Waitley<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> Episode #23 Notes:<br>  <br> <br> The tragic shooting in DC brought to light the unpredictability of life.   Living 55 miles from DC and in a community of commuters, DC hits close to the heart. Tragedy ignites awareness of the human condition.  It inspires me to take a fresh look at life and my own frame of reference. <br> <br>  <br> <br> Today matters.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.<br> <br>  <br> <br> There is a difference between common knowledge and common practice.  I used to live with this as common knowledge but did not put it into common practice and that is exactly what I want to challenge you to do today. <br> <br>  <br> <br> A native American boy was talking with his grandfather. “What do you think about the world situation? He asked. The grandfather replied, “ I feel like wolves are fighting in my heart. One is full of anger and hatred; the other is full of love, forgiveness, and peace.” “Which one will win?” asked the boy. To which the grandfather replied, “The one I feed.” (Origin Unknown)   YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.<br> <br>  <br> <br> How long will you continue to sabotage yourself and the real you in order to play the blame game for your unhappiness?<br> <br>  <br> <br> How long will you keep making excuses when you aren’t guaranteed tomorrow?  <br> <br>  <br> <br> How many more hours of your day will you waste comparing yourself to others or self-conscious of their judgment?<br> <br>  <br> <br> What are you putting off because you are stuck in the past, in your own self-imposed limitations or because of self-doubt and fear?<br> <br>  <br> <br> Quite simply, what are you putting off that you really want to accomplish?<br> <br>  <br> <br> No more tomorrows, today is the day.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Dennis Waitley: “First we make our attitudes. Then our attitudes make us.”<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br>  THE GIVEAWAY MENTIONED ON THE SHOW:<br> I am giving away one of my own running plan for anyone wanting to run a 5k, 10K, or marathon.  I even have another option for my non-runners out there: a WALKING half marathon plan.   Each plan typically sells for $50, so this is a steal of a deal! All you have to do is write a review on Amazon for one of my books or in iTunes for my show or app. <br> <br> You can select one program per review that you write for the following options:<br> <br> (1). Review The Skinny, Sexy Mind: The Ultimate French Secret on Amazon.com<br> <br> (2). Review my ebook Building a Better Body Image: 50 Days to Loving Yourself from the Inside Out on Amazon.com <br> <br> (3). Review my podcast show Confidence on the Go in iTunes under podcasts<br> <br> (4). Review one of my iOS apps in iTunes<br> <br> So, just write a review (and this is on the honor system) and then let me know which running training program you'd like in return.  If you'd like more than one program (which I recommend since they're not always going to be free!), then simply pick another product to review!<br> <br> Pretty simple! Now there's no excuse not to have a consistent workout plan! Just do it.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Below are more ways to connect with me, check them out, post a comment below or email me for more info at trish@trishblackwell.