43 | You don’t know this, but you should…

Internet Business Mastery | Escape the 9-to-5. Make More Money. Start an Freedom Business, Now! show

Summary: During my morning reading time I came across a quote I love and I'm going to share it with you.<br> <br> <br> <br> It reminded me of how I felt when I started my freedom business nearly 13 years ago.<br> <br> Back then, I gulped down information for like 6 months. Anything I could get my hands on. <br> <br> Good information on starting a business was a bit scarce, but I gathered it all.<br> <br> I was excited about all I was learning, but I was getting desperate. <br> <br> I still hadn't made any money.<br> <br> But I felt like I knew A LOT! <br> <br> If I could go back to that time I'd give myself this quote and message:<br> "To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people."<br> ― Charles T. Munger<br> Just learning bits and pieces of information on starting a freedom business is worthless if you don't turn it into VALUE for someone else.<br> <br> Creating value for a very specific audience of people is where the money begins, the most important concept about making money is called the Value Cycle.<br> <br> The Value Cycle is so important to understand that Jason and I focused a big portion of our training, the Freedom Business Blueprint, on it, so you'd have the knowledge you need to get to the money side of freedom as quickly as possible.<br> <br> I added the step by step Freedom Business Blueprint to the Freedom Club, to make sure you have exactly what you need.<br> <br> It really is everything you need to go from Zero to Freedom, no joke!<br> <br> Best thing you can do is click the link below to watch the Value Cycle video right now:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education