49 | 26 years in the making and all for you…

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Summary: About Twenty-six years ago something magically happened to me.<br> <br> <br> <br> I had just moved to San Diego after escaping the U.S. Army and I was about to go to college. I was 20 years old and other than being in the army I hadn't been outside of the state of Utah much.<br> <br> I was raised in a very religious city. There were even laws that were set to "help" you live by the religious rules, even if you weren't of that religious faith.<br> <br> One day in March, all those years ago, I came across a book that would have a huge effect on me.<br> <br> I've had quite a few books that had a massive and lasting effect, but this one was the big daddy.<br> <br> The book itself, Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins, doesn't matter as much as the world it opened up to me. <br> <br> I'd never heard of personal development as a book category and the closest thing to that I'd seen might have been the Bible...<br> <br> The idea of being able to go to the next level with life was unknown to me. I thought going to college was going to be the biggest step up, since no one in my family had been.<br> <br> I thought getting a good, long-term, 'rest of my life' job was going to be just what you do. College, job, wife, kids, kids in college, grandkids, death. That's it.<br> <br> The idea that I could break that cycle and work my ass off for a life I had fully chosen hadn't occurred to me before I picked up that personal development book.<br> <br> I finished the book in a day. I re-read it the next day.<br> <br> I didn't know how or if there was room for someone else, but I wanted to write books like that and help others feel like I did after reading in. I had no idea how to do that, back then.<br> <br> In 2004 I quit that 'rest of my life' job to start my quest on finding ways to help people get to the next level in life. I've always wanted to help those that dared to quest for what they truly desired.<br> <br> That's how the Freedom Club came about. My 26 years dream of helping other people escape the ordinary world to quest for the life of their dreams was finally beginning.<br> <br> Everything’s in place to make that easier than ever. 26 years ago it wasn't possible to do what you can do now, so now is the time. <br> <br> Now is the time to join me in helping others, by helping yourself. <br> <br> Join the club and the community that was designed to help you escape and take your life to the next level:<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> BTW: I'm going to finally be starting my personal development business and I'll be going right along with you through the Freedom Club to build it. <br> <br> Join me.<br> http://www.FreedomClubVIP.com<br> <br> Jeremy Frandsen<br> World Leader in Freedom Business Education