Why It Is Essential to Put Strategy Before Tactics

Duct Tape Marketing show

Summary: If you loved this podcast and post check out our <a href="https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/marketing-strategy-plan/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ultimate Guide to Small Business Marketing Strategy</a><br> <a href="http://traffic.libsyn.com/ducttape/John_talks_strategy.mp3">Marketing Podcast with John Jantsch About Strategy</a><br> Marketing strategy is one of my favorite topics, and it’s been a distinguishing mark over the years of Duct Tape Marketing because so many marketers want to talk about tactics. When I talk about marketing strategy, the first thing I talk about is what it is not, before what it is.<br> What marketing strategy is and is not<br> I think even Google gets confused. If you type, “what is marketing strategy” or “<a href="https://www.google.com/search?ei=cH9XWtGAGIP8zgKW-KXYBg&amp;q=small+business+marketing+strategies&amp;oq=small+business+marketing+strate&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l5j0i20i263k1l2j0i22i30k1l3.13086.19387.0.20391." target="_blank" rel="noopener">small business marketing strategy</a>” into Google, you’re going to get a bunch of blog posts that list 15 marketing strategies for small businesses. Those 15 marketing strategies will all be nothing but tactics.<br> I believe that you must develop a strategy before you even think about the tactics. If you’ve read anything I’ve written, if you have listened to anything I talk about, then you know that I mention that this is the key element to make marketing effective.<br> You must have an approach that is focused on a very specific type of client, with a very specific need or problem, and a promise to solve that problem in a very specific way.<br> That’s marketing strategy, and that’s the part we have to figure out first before we ever go out there and start listing the things we’re going to do to create awareness and to convert those people that have a need into clients.<br> Building a strategic foundation<br> When I talk about marketing strategy, I break it down into a foundation that has several elements. It’s not just one thing. It’s a handful of things that have to go together to work in concert to make your marketing strategy effective.<br> Understand your ideal client<br> You have to figure out who your <a href="https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/choosing-ideal-client/">ideal client</a> is and tailor everything you’re doing for that client as though you’re talking to them one to one. You have to have a core message that helps you differentiate and stand out from everybody else who says they do what you do.<br> Some people might call it a brand promise, but it has to be something that gets somebody’s attention.<br> Develop a core message<br> You’ll want to focus on developing a core message. Often when a business talks about their brand they’re talking about logo and identity elements.<br> Identity elements, colors, fonts, a look and feel that people expect, are the things that you do need to actually build. Once you have that core message, once you know who your ideal client is, you want to build supporting identity elements.<br> Create content<br> Content has grown beyond just being a tactic. <a href="https://www.ducttapemarketing.com/content-key-growth/">Content really is air</a>. It’s the thing that powers the entire customer journey. It’s the way for us to actually create the voice of our strategy.<br> Guide the customer journey<br> Part of your marketing strategy has to be an understanding of how you are going to <a href="https://ducttapemarketingconsultant.com/guiding-the-customer-journey/">guide the customer journey</a>.<br>