Why should I dream small at first for my business and my vision?

Wait What Really OK with Loren Weisman show

Summary: Why should I dream small at first for my business and my vision? <br><br>The Brand Messaging Podcast Wait What Really Ok Episode 10, is hosted by Brand Messaging Strategist Loren Weisman. Loren digs in to the ideas around organizing and planning for sustainability and operational success before only planning for the best case scenario and the highest level of profit. <br><br>While it is good to plan for the long term and layout the vision you have, too many put too much focus on the stars and don’t take the steps that are right before them to build their business, vision or dream effectively. <br><br>At the same time, many that plan too large, end up never seeing those plans come to fruition because they left out many of the details and considerations that would have allowed for smaller steps and initial success to happen. <br><br>Allow your vision to take shape by planning for all the aspects of it. The more defined dream that is laid out in working order from the worst case to best case scenario, the better the results will be.<br><br>Why should I dream small at first for my business and my vision? is the title of episode 10. <br><br>This Brand Messaging Podcast is available on iHeartRadio, Spreaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podbean, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, Stitcher, TuneIn, Chartable, Hubhopper and other Podcast Distributors.<br>************************************************<br>Wait What Really OK is Part Radio Show, Part Podcast, Part Strategy &amp; Part Comic Relief that takes apart the misconceptions, misunderstandings and mistakes of online branding, messaging and optics by delivering up to date, easy to understand information that can be applied to your messaging, regardless of your business. <br>************************************************<br>Host, Loren Weisman is a Brand Messaging Strategist and Contributor for the Fish Stewarding Group which is Stewarding Strategic Solutions. Loren focuses on the authenticity, authority, optics, psychology and perceptions of a brand, persona or product. <br>*****************************************************<br>Fish Stewarding Group (Orlando Division) <br>207 West Plant Street<br>Winter Garden, Florida, 34777-0991<br>*************************************************<br>Links<br>FSG URL: <a href="https://fishstewarding.com/" rel="noopener">https://fishstewarding.com/</a><br>LW URL: <a href="https://lorenweisman.com/" rel="noopener">https://lorenweisman.com/</a><br>Podcast Info: <a href="https://lorenweisman.com/brand-messaging-podcast/" rel="noopener">https://lorenweisman.com/brand-messaging-podcast/</a><br>Videos: <a href="https://youtube.com/lorenweisman/" rel="noopener">https://youtube.com/lorenweisman/</a><br>Pictures: <a href="https://instagram.com/lorenweisman/" rel="noopener">https://instagram.com/lorenweisman/</a><br>Amazon Author Page: <a href="https://amazon.com/author/lorenweisman" rel="noopener">https://amazon.com/author/lorenweisman</a><br>********************************************** <br>Music Credits: Opening Theme Song<br>“Fully Licensed Wait What Really Ok Theme Song" by RKVC. <br>Copyright 2016 eMbloh Music (ASCAP)/ Cienzo Music (BMI). <br>Administered by Ass Backwards Music (ASCAP)/Bass Ackwards Music (BMI) <br>********************************************** <br>Music Credits: Closing Theme Song<br>“News and Information Podcast Percussion Outro” by Doug Hinrichs. <br>Copyright 2016 Dig And Be Dug Music (BMI).<br>Administered by Bass Ackwards Music (BMI)<br>**********************************************<br>Why should I dream small at first for my business and my vision?