MDC.178 Telephones

Melbourne Deepcast show

Summary: Saving the very best till last this year with a heartfelt selection from our favourite Norwegian, the telemetrical vibe master Telephones. "I was actually planning something different, but then decided to play from the heart, follow the mood and vibe I had that day, which always works out best. And since it's a deeeeeepcast, I figured I'd play some deep, emotional and soulful party vibes that mean a lot to me. It's kind of a love letter actually.. summing up my recent times in different ways. It's got quite a few records traded or gifted between friends, so for the intro and two others I wanna give a huge shout out to Roberto in Toronto for selling me those records and serving up a delicious BBQ! Also big shouts to Gary Abugan over there, and shouts to Till at Oldie’s Records in Bern for the Sunday dig from which some are in this mix, and thanks to Jose Padilla for gifting me the Elements Of Life 12" a few years back and to Tristan Jong for the Whispers!"