128 – The Porn Free Plan That Never Fails Pt. 2

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: In the second of 2 episodes, I share my journey discovering the The Porn Free Plan That Never Fails.<br> <br> * I share the final 3 steps you need to create your own plan<br> * Common ways guys get stuck<br> * And finally why this system doesn’t fail<br> <br> Will this work for you?<br> The answer is simple. If you will honestly face the truth about yourself and your addiction; if you will depend on the help and support of others; if you commit to a plan, activation, and the habit of review, I believe you can indeed join the ranks of those who recover. This system always leads to continual improvement.<br> The magic is in the orange arrow. Our Review leads to new Awareness which re-ignites the process.<br> To review all 5 steps, steps 1-2 are presented in <a href="http://recoveredman.com/127-the-porn-free-plan-that-never-fails-pt-1/">episode 127</a>.<br> Resources:<br> <br> * <a href="http://recoveredman.com/rev">Apply for REV Group Coaching with Matt Dobschuetz</a><br> <br>  Coaching w/ Matt Dobschuetz<br> <br> * <a href="https://dobberco.wufoo.com/forms/sprint-coaching-for-porn-addiction/">Sprint Coaching with Matt Dobschuetz</a> (1-on- Coaching)<br> <br> Support Pornfree Radio<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.patreon.com/mattdobschuetz?ty=h">Give to Pornfree Radio – Pledge Now</a><br> <br> Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">iTunes</a>. If you haven’t had a chance yet <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">please subscribe in iTunes</a> and leave a rating or review because that helps get the word out.<br>