Lives Of The Sahaba 02 - Abu Bakr al-Siddiq - PT 02

Yasir Qadhi show

Summary: Part 2 - Pre-Islam life &amp; Conversion Story<br> <br> What we know about Abu Bakr (r) before Islam<br> -Abu Bakr's conversion story, as the first adult non family member male to convert<br> -Abu Bakr (r) being beaten publicly for preaching Islam publicly<br> -Abu Bakr's mother accepting Islam<br> -Abu Bakr (r) receiving and then having his protection removed<br> -Allah mentions Abu Bakr in the Qur'an to elevate his status in Surah Tawbah - as "Second of the two" (Thani Ath-nayn), "sahib" (companion) and that "Allah is with us"