Natalya & Fiona of PYRUS

Team Flower show

Summary: Attaching giant arrangements of flowers to buildings — today’s guests, Natalya and Fiona of PYRUS have done just that. Their work for the Inspiring Impressionism exhibit will leave you breathless and with questions about how it came together, but the good news is, they’ll answer those questions. Learn what they are looking for during a site visit and what the next steps are after that. Their partnership is inspiring and has given them quite a bit of courage. Learn about their unique backgrounds and why their partnership is flourishing. Looking for some new instagram accounts to follow outside the realm of flower world, Natalia and Fiona are sharing some of their favorites. A balanced life is really important to both of our guests. Get a peek inside what this looks like for them. They are also sharing about their walled garden project, and all the flowers they are growing inside.