101 – The Most Important Recovery Book You’ve Never Read

Porn Free Radio show

Summary: In 1939, the most important recovery book of all time was written. It has sold more than 30 million copies!<br> However you won’t find it when searching for “porn addiction” on Amazon.<br> And chances are you have never read it. But it’s a powerful recovery document and should be part of every guy’s toolbox.<br> In this episode, you’ll learn:<br> <br> * About the “Big Book”<br> * Why and for who it was written<br> * How the allergy of the body and obsession of the mind leads to powerlessness<br> * What it means to us as we recover from porn addiction<br> <br> Resources:<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1893007162/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=1893007162&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=pornradi-20&amp;linkId=ec4133b5b42440b34bb2fbac27c61880" target="_blank">Alcoholics Anonymous (The Big Book)</a> Amazon link<br> * <a href="http://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/alcoholics-anonymous">Alcoholics Anonymous (The Big Book) </a>Read Online at aa.org<br> * Big Book study with Joe &amp; Charlie mp3 (<a href="http://www.xa-speakers.org/pafiledb.php?action=download&amp;id=150">Download .zip</a>)<br> * Joe &amp; Charlie “Big Book Comes Alive” (<a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/joe-charlie-big-book-comes/id687141143?mt=2">Podcast</a>)<br> <br> 1-on-1 Coaching<br> <br> * <a href="https://dobberco.wufoo.com/forms/sprint-coaching-for-porn-addiction/">Sprint Coaching  with Matt Dobschuetz</a> (1-on- Coaching)<br> <br> Support Pornfree Radio<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.patreon.com/mattdobschuetz?ty=h">Give to Pornfree Radio – Pledge Now</a><br> <br> Thanks for all your ratings and reviews in <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">iTunes</a>. If you haven’t had a chance yet <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pornfree-radio-matt-dobschuetz/id872329779?mt=2">please subscribe in iTunes</a> and leave a rating or review because that helps get the word out<br>