Special Edition – Matthew James Christoff, The New eMANgelization

The Catholic Man Show show

Summary: <h1> <a href="http://www.newemangelization.com/" target="_blank">Matthew James Christoff</a>, founder of The New eMANgelization, sits down with The Catholic Man Show</h1> <p>We had a change of plans this week.  We originally were going to be airing an episode reviewing a delicious IPA from Estonia, highlighting a useful study tool Adam and David use frequently, and talk about indulgences with a special guest, Fr. Bryan Ketterer, chaplain of University of Tulsa’s Newman Center. Unfortunately, the audio we recorded did not save properly. We could not recover it. So as men who were faced with adversity, we pushed forward to give you another option in the 11th hour. Adam and David had the opportunity to talk with <a href="http://www.newemangelization.com/the-new-emangelization-project-2/" target="_blank">Matthew James Christoff</a>, founder of New eMANgelization, about true masculinity within the Church.  This interview was originally intended for our “Friends of the Show”, but due to the quick need of content, we edited the interview and we are providing it to you as a special edition. We don’t follow the typical format of the show so we invite you to pour yourself a glass of whisky or beer, sit back, and enjoy a great conversation. We would love to hear from you so reach out to us on our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thecatholicmanshow/">Facebook page</a>! We are on the Lord’s team. The winning side. So raise your glass! Cheers to Jesus!</p> <p>Man Drink: N/A<br> Man Gear: N/A</p> <p><a id="u_0_25" class="_4-eo _2t9n _50z9" href="https://www.facebook.com/thecatholicmanshow/photos/a.1760750347477616.1073741828.1758346711051313/1853339341552049/?type=3" rel="theater"></a>Man Topic: Masculinity</p> <h2><a href="http://www.newemangelization.com/uncategorized/cardinal-raymond-leo-burke-on-the-catholic-man-crisis-and-what-to-do-about-it/" target="_blank">Matthew James Christoff interviews Cardinal Raymond Burke</a></h2> <p><strong>Like this interview and want more interviews like it? Become a Friend of the Show today and enjoy exclusive content, a monthly newsletter, private Facebook group with Adam, David, and other Friends of the Show, and get a free Catholic Man Show Glencairn Glass as a thank you for signing up!</strong></p> <p>Go to <a href="https://swp.paymentsgateway.net/co/default.aspx?pg_api_login_id=kGx2FfD213&amp;e_pg_billto_postal_postalcode=Zip+Code" target="_blank">Breadbox Media</a> and make sure to sign up as a $10/mo donation and we will put you on our Friends of the Show list!</p> <div id="attachment_8567" style="width: 194px;" class="wp-caption aligncenter"> <img class="wp-image-8567 size-medium" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/wordpress-1725408034581029/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2016/11/29213652/Glencairn-glass-184x300.jpg" alt="glencairn-glass" width="184" height="300"><p class="wp-caption-text">The Catholic Man Show Glencairn Glass</p> </div> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8366" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/wordpress-1725408034581029/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2016/10/14181658/cheerswithbeer.jpg" alt="#CheersToJesus" width="1500" height="878"></p>