141期:思考·突围时空的第四种选择 – The 4th option of breaking the rule

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   柴静的纪录片《穹顶之下》把雾霾的环境问题搬到了大众的眼前,这部纪录片很牛逼,但今天我不想详细聊雾霾的生成原因与治理防治的方法,我只想向正在听节目的你提出这样的一个问题:如果有一份理想的工作,一份你梦寐以求的工作,刚好在像北京这样的一个严重污染不合适小朋友和老人居住的城市,那么你会如何选择呢?第一种选择:离开家人,争取到这份工作,和亲人两地分居;第二种选择:放弃这个机会,和家人继续生活在慢节奏却相对比较健康家居的城市;第三种选择:和家人一起,搬到污染的城市,争取到这个你心仪的机会,但你的家人也需要和你一起,牺牲自己的健康。这三个选择,你会选哪一个呢?这个选择艰难无比是吗?其实,还有隐藏的一种选择,一种不用做出巨大的放弃和牺牲的选择,一个可以兼顾梦想、亲情和健康的选择,这是一条看起来好像是黑乎乎的,也没多少在走的小路,但走上一段距离之后,迎接你的将是霍然开朗的桃花源,这就是突破时间和空间藩篱的第四种选择。 The popular documentary ‘Under the Dome’ by Chai Jing brought the environment issue to the focus of our society, it is a great job, but I don’t wanna talk about the environment issue in this episode, instead of it, I wanna ask a question to you: If there is a perfect job for you in Beijing, a city not fit living for children and elders, will you take it? Option 1: Leave your family and take the job. Option 2: Give up the job; Option 3: Take your family with you for the job, and sacrifice your health. This is a tough question, right? Actually, there is an hidden option. An option without big sacrifice, an option can give attention to dream, family and health. The 4th option of breaking the rule.