174期:月读·即时引爆-社交红利2.0 – Exploding in social network

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Summary: 这一两年,我们见到有很多网络产品一进入社交网络就即时引爆,微信打飞机、魔漫相机、脸萌、足记、围住神经猫……这些应用和服务越来越轻越来越小,但引爆的速度和增长却越来越吓人。怎么样能让自己的产品在社交网络即时引爆呢?在社交网络上产品的引爆是随机发生的还是提前策划的?看似随机引爆的事件背后,隐藏着什么样的规律?引爆之后马上衰落的规律能够破解吗?这些问题在今天要分享的这本书里面都有提到。本期狗熊月读:徐志斌的《即时引爆:社交红利2.0》 需要收到完整的读书资料,请至狗熊月读官网 readwithbear.com 购买会员。 We all see a lot of products got on the fast lane as soon as they published in social network. They are tiner and lighter than the older products, but they also got greater growth. How to light the fuse for your product in social network? Are thare any tricks behind the publishing events? What can we do about that? I’d like to introduce this book to you: Exlording in Social Network. This is a lite version of the ReadWithBear Plan, if you need unlimited documentary, purchase the membership at readwithbear.com, thank you!