Shar’Tor the Executioner – Ep 133

The Bad Dice Podcast - A Warhammer Age of Sigmar Podcast show

Summary: <br> Warhammer Fest, Flesh Eater Courts and Shar’Tor the Executioner are the topics for this weeks episode.<br> Shar’Tor the Executioner<br> I picked up Shar’Tor the Exectuioner last week and have built and painted him.  On this episode I talk about my thoughts on the model and also the chat I had with the rules writer at Warhammer Fest.  At the time of recording the model was only avalianble from Warhammer fest but should be on the Forge World website soon.<br> Warhammer Fest<br> Talking about Warhammer fest, I spent last Saturday at the event.  It was an awesome day that far surpassed all my expectations I was about to speak with members of the games workshop design team, including Jervis Johnson, the Warhammer TV crew, Authors, hobby team and lots more.  I even managed to find time for a demo game of Warhammer Quest.<br> Flesh-Eater Courts<br> The Flesh-Eater courts battle tome was released this week and despite having no new models it is packed with new rules and a fantastic new background for the Ghouls.  I’ve played a game against part of the new faction and love how it plays.<br> I have a new website to talk about <a href="http://TGA.Community">TGA.Community</a>.  The Grand Aliiance community is a hub for worldwide Age of Sigmar activity.  Chat about the game, share photos, find local players and promote the hobby.<br> This months gaming club night at Derby Wargames Society had 26 players playing Age of Sigmar! With nearly 40 people across all game systems.  The club scene in Derbies thriving with AoS. Let me know what your local club is doing.<br> If you want to get I touch with me say hi on <a href="">Twitter</a><br> <br>