Hour 1: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 1.17.15

RadioMD (All Shows) show

Summary: Join Dr. Roizen and his expert guests for the latest health news, wellness advice and most up-to-date research from around the world. World-renowned physician, Dr. Michael Roizen, MD, continues to update your understanding of the meaning of health by providing an in-depth review of the most impactful health headlines. Joined by his co-host, Joe Galuski, they discuss the health news that matters most to you. The duo is later joined by Mick Ebeling, author of Not Impossible: The Art and the Joy of Doing What Couldn't Be Done. Ebeling's mission over the last few years has been to use simple, "crowd-solved" DIY technologies to create life-changing medical devices that help people facing seemingly insurmountable odds. Anyone can accomplish the "impossible," says Ebeling. It all starts with saying "yes" first, he says, and asking questions later. Bonus! Real Age Tip Life-Changing New Medical Inventions