Chris Brogan Is a Proud Freak

Duct Tape Marketing show

Summary: Marketing Podcast with Chris Brogan My guest for this week's episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Chris Brogan, founder of Owner magazine and author of The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators Chris Brogan has embarked on a bit of a mission. He's proudly telling his story and the story of many others who might not always end up on tidily scripted news shows. Brogan is calling them "freaks" but he's doing so as a badge of honor, not as a put down. One of the primary objectives of this mission is to provide some hope and encouragement for those who feel somehow they are different and are struggling to stay on that path as the world tries to push them back to its idea of normal. He is building a community or place where people can start to believe that maybe there is a place for them. Check out his #proudfreak hashtag to meet some of those people. (Ironically, people who don't feel like they fit in maybe aren't the best people to try to corral into a group of some sort, so community might not be the exact term.) But Freaks is also very much about turning your idea into something that has business value in your very unique way. In Freaks he also shows you how people have begun to find and serve a community and then how they have developed a marketplace around that. One of the most interesting points in the interview is when I ask Brogan if his treatise is autobiographical. He claims in fact that he wrote this book for his children who he affectionately calls weirdos. In that he means that he never sees them finding their passion in a cubicle and this book just might help them understand why. In Freaks you'll meet dozens of other "weirdos" in what amounts to a fun filled romp through what it can mean to own a business these days. If you feel like you're a little different, your idea is a little off beat, then dive into Brogan's new book and you just may find solid evidence that you're not only right, you're not alone.