Ethan Bryan on Baseball and Life {Podcast Episode #42}

Intentional Life with Tammy Helfrich show

Summary: Ethan Bryan joins me on the podcast today. He is a lover of baseball and the Kansas City Royals. He is the author of Run Home and Take a Bow. You can read my recap of it here. He is known as a baseball contemplative, and helps us understand the connection between something he loves so much, baseball, and life. On this episode, we talk about: Life is about learning to love your neighbor and do something you love Making connections between what we love and life Themes that have been with us throughout our life Overcoming obstacles in life while chasing a dream Good things will happen as you continue to find your voice How playing catch has become his passion and helps raise awareness for human trafficking Listen to your passions and what makes you feel alive Watch and listen, and you will have more opportunities to make a difference than you could ever imagine Ethan's upcoming book You can connect with Ethan on Twitter, or on his blog. You can find his books at Hearts and Minds Books. Do you love baseball? What did you like about this episode?