The Importance of Working on Yourself {Podcast Episode #38}

Intentional Life with Tammy Helfrich show

Summary: I'm continuing my series about dreaming, and sharing more of my story. On this episode, we talk about: Working on yourself It looks different for everyone Learning who you are is so important The value of the Strengths Finder My Strengths Finder results were: Developer, Belief, Ideation, Individualization, Empathy, Connectedness Take the test and find out what your strengths are DISC Profile Sitting down with a trusted friend can be so helpful Donald Miller's Storyline How pivotal moments impact us You can't separate your spiritual health from your emotional health Forgiveness is so important Mike Foster's Freeway study How we limit our own beliefs Document the process you are going through Highlight your habits (I apologize to whoever posted this originally. I can't find your post, but had your link.) ENJOY the process Choose your own path Trust the process Take the next best step Thank you for joining me today. I'd be so honored if you'd take a few minutes to leave a review on iTunes. I'd love to hear how you are working on improving yourself. Share in the comments below!