Various problems involving gut bacteria and probiotics plus answers to a variety of questions

KUSP's Ask Doctor Dawn show

Summary: Obesity rates later in life are higher with Cesarian section births; Compounds in ginger act as anti-asthma drugs; Printing a 3D glass matrix is a good substrate to reconstruct damaged bone; Molecular mimicry explains the autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis; The types of bacteria in your intestine depend on what you eat; Chest pain when moving might be esophageal spasm; Caller shares experiences with esophageal spasm; Head cardiologist from Cleveland Clinic supports use of statins; Simple carbohydrate diet during radiation therapy for uterine cancer upsets the intestinal flora; Selenium is a good supplement but too much is not good; So called "heart healthy" claims just because they contain oat bran is shady advertising; Do my supplements help or exacerbate my joint pain?