Jack Trimpey on Rational Recovery


Summary:   Special Guest, Jack Trimpey, LCSW, Founder, Rational Recovery.  In 1983, Lois Trimpey forced her husband to choose between his long-standing alcohol addiction and remaining in the Trimpey family, his first reaction was rage. He wisely buttoned his lip, and grudgingly accepted her terms of engagement. Soon, they both decided to create an alternative to 12-step recovery, and what followed is the amazing history of Rational Recovery in the United States of America.  Join us on Tuesday, May 30, to hear Mr. Trimpey describe the evolution of Addictive Voice Recognition Technique® (AVRT®) from its early beginnings in the Rational Recovery Self-Help Network. Bring your addiction if you have one, and see if your Beast can survive the clout of AVRT®.  at http://rational.org.