Religion, AA and Spiritual Made Up Pop Psychology


Summary: WHat's REAL? Which is it? Religion. Faith Healing. Addiction Program forced on you by the COURTS of the United States of America. Is this the 1600's?  What is meant by a spiritual program? Why do they get to tell you "HOW TO PRAY" and who you can pray for"  Who is really in charge of AA. If no one is why are AA sponsors bossing you around? If no one is responsible or in charge why are they paying themsleves 400k a year to run the big fancy office in NYC on Riverside Drive?  How do priests really feel about AA?  The 9th Circut Court of Appeal has deemed AA too religious in many states including California. So why does someone get sent  50 AA meetings by a Judge in 2012? Is he breaking the law? Is he responsable and liable if she gets raped by an AA guy? How bout shot in the head? FYI This Has already happened this year... Join me Next Tuesday for another episode of Safe Recovery.