Tradition 10, 11 and 12...most used to defend Predators


Summary: I will finish up from last week my discussion on how viable AA's 12 Traditions are today compared to when they were written in 1945. Has the world changed since then? Has AA changed since then? "No opinion on Outside issues" have you heard this phrase and thought.."that sounds like an excuse". That it is being taken out of context.  I know  women who were grabbed inside a meeting? Its okay for Bill Wilson to be in the press, have movies made about himself to promote AA after he is dead, and he even went to Washington to testify in front of the senate to promote AA.  But in the traditions it's ask it's member's to make the group more important then the individual. Sounds like Communism to me. What do you think? Join Massive and call in our chat to ask questions and make comments.