
Everyday Russian show

Summary: In the series «Word of the Week» we choose an interesting Russian word and provide you with examples of its use, synonyms, derivative words, related phrases and etymology (when possible). Additionally to this you have an audio track read by a native Russian speaker which is recorded at three different speeds: slow, adapted (slower than normal) and normal. Remember, the way to truly acquire the use of a language is based on practice and repetition. We recommend to listen to the audio of this lesson several times until the words sound natural. Description (описание): [сущ. ж.р.] мура́шка [сущ. мн.ч.] мура́шки Meaning (значение): gooseflesh, goose pimples Synonyms (синонимы): гуси́ная ко́жа (goose bumps/pimples) http://everydayrussianlanguage.com/audio/word/murashki.mp3 Download the audio file of this lesson Examples (примеры): У меня́ от э́того зву́ка мура́шки по всему телу. I have gooseflesh all over my body from this sound. Почему́ от удово́льствия по ко́же бе́гают мура́шки? Why the gooseflesh does run over the skin from the pleasure? Иногда́, когда́ я слу́шаю му́зыку, кото́рая мне о́чень нра́вится, по мне бе́гают мура́шки. Sometimes when I listen to the music I like I have gooseflesh.