Is it realistic to think that a "Independent" black woman would NOT display selfish traits in their

Grown Soul and Real Talk show

Summary: GSRT Live Forum Is it realistic to think that a "Independent" black woman would NOT display selfishness traits in their relationship?   Member Question I am a single woman without children, educated, successful within my career, with my own home, and cars. I am dating, and have been told by a few men that they know I'm independent, but I am also "selfish". Selfish because I'm 32 and I've never been married(engaged but he cheated and a child was produced from that) and I don't have any children. I never said that I didn't want to have children. I am just goal oriented and growing up I was focused on school and being productive in my career field. Now that I'm back on the dating scene, which I have been for a few years I've come across men with too many children for my standards, married men, and men that expect me to take care of them. There has also been a few decent guys, but there wasn't any chemistry, mental stimulation, or physical attraction. So when did setting goals and accomplishing them versus bringing a child into this world not financially, mentally, or emotionally ready become negative? What makes me "selfish"? Mature Talk for Mature Times, this is an open dialogue for Men and Women of all ages, open communication and straight forward talk. Kimberly Marie, Mikial and GSRT forum members discuss topics post on the forum the past week.