Episode 67 – Tracy Chevalier writes quilt stuff! Who knew?

The Pioneer Quilter show

Summary: Tracy Chevalier released a new book called The Last Runaway. Have you heard of it? [note: the above image is an Amazon affiliate link] According to this review on NPR: For a novel exploring such explosive themes, The Last Runaway is a quiet, contemplative read, mirroring the demeanor of its Quaker heroine. It might be too quiet for some readers. Much of the narrative is devoted to lengthy descriptions of Honor quilting and performing other homely domestic tasks. These scenes can become rather ponderous. Woot!  A novel with quilting in it. I am still wondering how much they are asking for that quilt shop. Wouldn't it be like an Elm Creek Quilt novel to own your own shop?  Ah.  To have all that fabric and sewing machines whirring and...wake up! You can click here to listen to (or download, if you right-click and choose ‘save as’) the show. Don’t forget to leave me a comment and say hi. Thank you for listening and have a great day!