Not Alone Today Podcast show

Not Alone Today Podcast

Summary: Not Alone Today Podcast is a podcast for young adults and teenagers — a platform where their everyday questions are responded to biblically and practically. The hosts, Joseph and Anu Ola are the hosts of Alive Mentorship Group — an online mentoring platform where young adults learn practical life lessons across geographical barriers as Joseph and Anu share unreservedly from their life experiences.

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 S2E01 - What About Tattoos and Body Piercings? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 974

Welcome to Season 2 of Not Alone Today Podcast. We want to thank those who have tracked with us and always sending in their feedback, questions and suggestions. We are very grateful. We kick off this new season with a question from Angela who asks, "Is it wrong to have a tattoo or get a second piercing as a lady?" We discussed this and shared some principles that may guide us in coming to our personal conclusions and decisions about such amoral issues. BIBLE VERSES REFERENCED 1. Leviticus 19:28 - “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD” 2. Proverbs 16:2 TPT - "We are all in love with our own opinions, convinced they’re correct. But the Lord is in the midst of us, testing and probing our every motive." 3. Proverbs 16:2 ERV - "People think that whatever they do is right, but the Lord judges their reason for doing it." 4. 1 Corinthians 10:23 TPT - "You say, “Under grace there are no rules and we’re free to do anything we please.” Not exactly. Because not everything promotes growth in others. Your slogan, “We’re allowed to do anything we choose,” may be true—but not everything causes the spiritual advancement of others." FOR MORE RESOURCES FROM JOSEPH & ANU OLA

 031 - Listeners' Feedback Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 877

In this episode of NATP, we feature some of the feedbacks some listeners have sent in either as voice messages or texts. We hope that the episode will inspire you to keep engaging with this resource and also spread the word within your sphere of influence so that even more people can be blessed by this resource.

 30 - Honouring Our Parents (Even When We Don't Agree With Them) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1611

The question we considered in this episode comes from Tina. She asks,  "A while ago, my mum suddenly began to object to the church I attend and she never had issues with this in the past. I kept praying that she would change her mind while I kept attending church. She would give in for a while but begin to complain again later. Her point was that my church was a bit far hence I come home late whenever I go for weekly service. She threatened to kick me out of the house if I persisted and actually locked me out one night. But thank God she listened after I begged and my pastor intervened. I still attend the same church and to be honest with you sir, I don't think I wanna leave anytime soon because I believe God wants me there. Here's my question: Does refusing to listen to my mum where church and God's work is concerned dishonourable to her? Where does this honour thing start and where does it end really?"  We discussed this and shared some personal experiences to put it in perspective. RESOURCE MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE Not Alone Today Podcast Episode 018 - Let's Talk About Adornments FOR MORE RESOURCES FROM JOSEPH & ANU OLA

 029 - Rapture, COVID-19 Vaccine & 666 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1975

Bola asks, "Sir and ma, I will like a clarification on when rapture will happen. I have always believed that believers will not witness the period of the Antichrist but I was recently in a discussion that brought in the idea that they will. What are your thoughts about this?" This episode is our response to her question. We discussed the different perspectives to understanding the 'timing' of the rapture vis-a-vis the events of the 'period of tribulation' described in an apocalyptic language in the Book of Revelation. Anu also raised a sub-question about those who think that COVID-19 vaccine may be '666' or 'the mark of the beast.' This was also discussed. PERSONS/RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE David Jeremiah (The Book of Signs, Agent of the Apocalypse, Rapture, etc) Warren Wiersbe (The Wiersbe Bible Commentary / The BE Series Commentary) John Piper (Ask Pastor John Podcast, R.C. Sproul ('Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul' Podcast) N.T. Wright (Ask N.T. Wright Anything Podcast) FOR MORE RESOURCES FROM JOSEPH & ANU OLA

 028 - The Audacity of Marrying on a 'God Said' Basis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1055

Why would a lady marry a guy who is, to say the least, clueless about his future?  That's the summary of the question we consider this week. It comes in from Pemi and was directed to Joseph. Pemi asks:  "I read your book 'Bumpy but Sweet' again today. I noticed that you didn't particularly know so much about God's plans for you before you asked your wife to marry you. I have heard relationship coaches say that you shouldn't hitch your ride to someone you aren't sure is going your way (i.e. don't go into a relationship when you don't yet know your purpose). What was different in your case sir?"  We revisited the context that birthed the question and proceeded to discuss the central principle behind such a seemingly foolish audacity that made Eleos agree to marry a guy who, from all indication as of then, did not quite look like the kind of person who God has been preparing her for. We pray that the episode blesses you. REFERENCED IN THE EPISODE ✥ Not Alone Today Podcast - Episode 019 | "Journey Into Pastoral Ministry" available here: FOR MORE RESOURCES FROM JOSEPH & ANU OLA ✥ ✥

 027 - Becoming the Right Person While Waiting for the Right Person | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1645

Today's question covers various themes: manipulative relationships, breakups, waiting for the 'right person', pressure to get married, etc. It comes in from Phoebe who asks: "Hello sir/ma. I have been in a 5-year relationship for which I later called it quit because it was subtly manipulative on me. I have gotten over him long before I broke up with him through the help of God. I am happy I ended it. So, I told God that I want to have feelings or emotions only for the man I will end up marrying; never again do I want to waste my emotion on the wrong man of whom God does not approve. I don't know whether I should be worried because, for some months, I have not been in a meaningful relationship with any man. What's your take on this, ma/sir?"  We responded to these questions by zooming into various aspects of her question and pointing Phoebe's attention to what God may be using this season to accomplish in her heart.  MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: 1. The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley 2. Psalm 32 from The Passion Translation. OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT You will find the links to other resources from Joseph and Anu here:

 026 - Which Bible Translation Can I Trust? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2502

Can we actually trust any version of the Bible since we no longer have any of the original manuscripts?  That's the summary of the question we consider this week. It comes in from Abigail and was directed to Joseph. Abigail asks:  "So, tonight I was slightly disturbed about something, and then my heart raced back to a post I saw earlier and I just had to go look for it. The post (on Twitter) says "There is no single original copy of any book of the Bible. If God value (sic) his words, why has he failed to preserve his words?" Apart from this troubling tweet, someone said the other week that 'Good News Bible' wasn't authored by a Christian. He said all sorts of things about the GNB and concluded that it is not a Bible. I also remember that The Passion Translation Bible in my YouVersion Bible app would say some verses are missing. A lot of times, I've noticed that what we have in one version we may not have in another. I'm a little bit bothered about which of the versions to even read. Please help."  Joseph responded to these questions by giving an overview of how English Bible translations are done and also explained the various types of translation approaches and specific examples of the different categories.  MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE: 1. Word for Word translation approach. 2. Thought for Thought translation approach. 3. Robert Bratcher (Good News Translation) 4. Eugene Peterson (The Message) 5. Brian Simmons (The Passion Translation) 6. E-Sword Bible Software ALSO MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE ✥ For the controversy on The Good News Bible, see this review: ✥ Download E-Sword here: ✥ BibleGateway: ✥ Bible Hub: ✥ YouVersion: OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT You will find the links to other resources from Joseph and Anu here: and

 025 - Managing Long-Distance Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1361

How can long-distance relationships be well-managed? That's the question we consider this week.  As part of my #WhatMy20sTaughtMe series leading to my 30th birthday, Eleos and I did address how we managed the long-distance season of our relationship. We adapted that discussion for this episode of Not Alone Today Podcast. At the latter part of the discussion, Eleos asked some very practical questions which some of us will surely find helpful. KEY POINTS ✥ If you are purposefully busy, you will hardly 'have time' to miss someone in an unhealthy manner. It makes it possible for you to miss your partner without dwelling too much on the "missing." ✥ To avoid disappointment, don't expect too much from your partner... ✥ Maximise the different available means of communication. Be creative with this. ✥ Don't put so much expectation on your partner (Yes, we say it again!) ✥ Communicate with each other CLEARLY. ✥ Explore creative ways to bridge the distance. ✥ Having healthy friendships also helps. ✥ Be confident in your partner. Don't be a "monitoring spirit" to your partner; that would be a sign of distrust. Q & A "Why do guys get so busy, they can't even text?" How were we able to stay undistracted by other folks of the opposite sex? SCRIPTURE REFERENCED  Ecclesiastes 9:10 NIV - "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom." OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT ✥ You can watch the recording of this episode of #WhatMy20sTaughtMe here: or the complete Playlist here: ✥ You will find the links to other resources from Joseph and Anu here:

 024 - Are Gifts Allowed in Courtship? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1617

Should you be concerned if your fianc(é)e is waiting for both of you to be married before (s)he starts giving you anything? That's the summary of the question we consider this week. It comes in from Bimbo and was directed to Anu. Bimbo asks:  "Ma, my fiance and I have been in a relationship for a few years. The nearer we get to our wedding, the more I'm having to feel more concerned about an issue but I am not sure if I'm overthinking it. My primary love language is GIFTS and he is aware of this. While he used to do this at the beginning of our relationship, he has stopped doing it for a long while now. Initially, I overlooked it since I'm aware he didn't have much at that time, but now he has the means but still wouldn't give. I confronted him about it recently and he said he can never give his fiancée money because that is not in the bible. He said that he can only take care of me when we marry, taking full responsibility as my husband. I was shocked when I heard this, but if I may ask, what are your thoughts about this?"  We discussed this from different angles in this episode and concluded with a prayer for Bimbo and her fiance. Whether you are in a relationship or yet to be in one, this will be insightful. We pray that the episode blesses you. REFERENCED IN THE EPISODE ✥ Not Alone Today Podcast - Episode 003 | "Pre-Courtship, Courtship, and Pre-Wedding FEARS" available here: ✥ Gary Chapman's 5 Love Languages OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT You will find the links to other resources from Joseph and Anu here:

 023 - Why Can't God Be like Superheroes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1477

In this episode, Joseph responds to a question that he was asked in the wake of the tragic death of Hindy Umoren, a young Nigerian graduate who went missing after she left her home for a job interview. She was reportedly raped, killed and buried in a shallow grave.  Referring to this event and few other tragic occurrences where supposedly innocent people (Christians especially) were treated cruelly, a young man was prompted to reach out to Joseph with the age-long question: "If God is all-powerful, why doesn't He show up like superheroes and defend the course of the defenceless and put evildoers to an open shame?"  Joseph responds with a voice message which was featured in the episode and Anu weighs in on the question with some concluding thoughts.  We pray that you all find this episode reassuring and refreshing. SOME KEY POINTS ✥ God is not just sovereign or in charge; He is purposefully in charge of ALL the affairs of men. ✥ "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." (Quote attributed to C.S. Lewis.) ✥ "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." (Quote attributed to John Piper.) MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE ✥ Hindy Umoren ✥ C.S. Lewis ✥ Providence by John Piper

 021 - Handling Lustful Desire From a Married Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1458

In this episode, Joseph and Anu respond to Liz's question. She asks:  "Sir, how does a lady overcome lustful desire coming from a married man, especially from someone she trusts so much and can't ignore? And how can she help such a married man to quench the fire apart from praying for him? Lastly, have you had any lustful desire towards another lady apart from your wife? If yes, how did you handle it?" Joseph and Anu shared some thoughts in response to this. OTHER RESOURCES TO CHECK OUT  You will find the links to other resources from us here:

 020 - Past Sexual Abuse: To Tell Your Partner or Not? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1334

In this episode, Joseph and Anu respond to Becky's sensitive question which she asked after listening to Episode 005: "Should I Tell Her My Past?" | Having Difficult Conversations in Courtship. Her question goes thus:   "How do you handle it when the secret you are keeping from your partner is to protect someone else. For example, how do you tell the man you are marrying that your own brother or father abused you as a child. This kinda secret can affect the way he feels and relates with that family member or even the whole family. Isn't it easier to say it happened a long time ago, therefore there's no need to dig up the past?" Joseph and Anu shared some thoughts in response to this. OTHER RESOURCES MENTIONED Not Alone Today Podcast Episode 005 - "Should I Tell Her My Past?" | Having Difficult Conversations in Courtship Omoluabi Podcast, Episode 005 - "Akéde ò jẹ iyán gbígbóná" - A Proverb on Being CAUTIOUS

 019 - Journey Into Pastoral Ministry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2789

In this episode, Joseph and Anu respond to Kunle's question about sensing a call into pastoral ministry. Kunle asks:   "I am at a point in my life where I strongly feel that I have a calling into pastoral ministry. I have also gotten confirmations from friends and pastors about this. So, if I may ask, what is pastoral ministry all about? I feel so unqualified in this regard. Besides, when you (Joseph) were at this junction that I'm in, what was it like? What were the things you had to do? How did you prepare and continue to stay prepared? And being in pastoral ministry, does that mean that you do not have to do anything else? Lastly, what are the challenges that come with pioneering a ministry?" In an interview style (with Anu being the interviewer and Joseph the interviewee), Joseph recounted his journey into pastoral ministry while drawing out some points for those who may be sensing a similar call into pastoral ministry and, by extension, to all those who are interested in pursuing the fulfilment of God's will in their career and sphere of influence.  Some of the areas covered include: ✥ Guiding Questions to ask regarding one's calling ✥ The Principle of Progressive Revelation ✥ Understanding Personal Retreat ✥ How God speaks to us ✥ The intersection of marriage and (pastoral) ministry ✥ The importance of the sound education in the field of our calling/career ✥ Challenges that come with pioneering a ministry ✥ General tips for purpose-driven young adults.

 018 - Let's Talk About Adornments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1781

In this episode, Joseph and Anu respond to Kemi's question about using jewelleries as a Christian lady. She asks: "I've been raised in a conservative home since birth such that I don't have earring holes not to talk of using earrings. But right from my childhood, I've always desired to use jewellery but everyone around me believes that it's a pathway to eternity in hell. Now I know better. But while I don't want to restrict myself due to people's opinion, I also do not want to be a hypocrite. I want to do what I want to do, but I don't want to also overlook my mum's view even though I know I'm not going to hell because of jewellery or make-up. What would be your counsel to me?" They discussed 1 Peter 3:3-4 extensively and Eleos shared some personal experiences with regards to using (or not using) adornments.

 017 - Helpful Factors to Consider as a Growing Christian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1477

In this episode, Joseph and Anu respond to the questions of Tunde. He asks: "What are the tool kits you engaged with and the persons you followed critically for your growth and development?" Some of the factors discussed in the episode include Salvation, Service, Relationships, Giving, Prayer, Training and Resources, Failures, Exposure, Curiosity and the superintending role of the Holy Spirit.


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