Awaken with Oliver Podcast show

Awaken with Oliver Podcast

Summary: I was diagnosed with Tourette's at age 12 and put onto medication. At 21, someone told me about 'the secret - law of attraction' and I decided to come off my medication over night, meditate for 3 weeks straight and my Tourette's disappeared. I was so aware about everything for the first time. I had spent my life in my head. After awakening, I learnt about energy, vibration, power of thought, afterlife, sun, moon, sleep, consciousness, water, quantum physics etc. Now, I have conversations with people around the world about things most people only think about, but no one speaks openly about.

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  • Artist: Oliver George Cartledge
  • Copyright: Oliver George Cartledge


 #82 - Jane Fang | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3288

We talk about many things such as: How your energy comes from a combination of two things, diet and happiness. Happiness puts your body into a state of positive vibration which is crucial for activating dominant cells and removing diseased calls. Second is replacing your cells with new ones from food after you have burned energy in your muscles. How if you want to lose weight, first you have to want to lose weight. You cannot be told by someone you need to lose weight. You need to want to take action and listen to what needs to be done and not ask why should i do this as a reason to find a counter answer not to but instead learning to trust the process. How fasting is a very beneficial way to lose weight by allowing your body some time to heal itself and burn fat and you already have without needing to get fat from foods. Often we eat the wrong foods so our body doesn’t burn it correctly and instead, puts it to one side and deals with it later. Fasting mixed with eating the correct foods equals high energy levels through correct nutrition along side giving your body time to burn the energy it has before unnecessarily giving it more. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: The contact info of all my guests can be found at: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #81 - Ellie Noir | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3763

We talk about many things such as: How having negative people in your life speaking about negative things and talking negatively about you and other people in your company is turning your body into a cancerous state of vibration creating the perfect breeding ground for disease and cancer to live in. You must stop spending time with negative people and raise your vibration high enough that you attract people more on your energy level. How being the black sheep when you were younger may have seemed like a bad thing especially if you had no friends and just did what you wanted to do. It’s important to look back and be the shepherd to lead others forward rather than be the black sheep and hate on all the white sheep who didn’t allow you into their pack. Knowledge is power and when you understand that the black sheep has the power in the real world, you won’t feel bad about being the black sheep in social situations. Standing out is not about being better than anyone its about saying to the world and yourself that you have more to offer than others. It allows other people to notice that you are not the same and approach you rather than you having to approach them all the time. It’s like a secret code to other people that if you’re looking for something different, here I am. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: The contact info of all my guests can be found at: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #80 - Scuba Steve | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4753

We talk about many things such as: When people become enlightened and understand that money doesn't make you happy they tend to begin a minimalistic life and stay away from the materialistic world. However because everyone trades with the money note, you are going to need money. Finding a way to make money that you would happily do for free will provide everlasting happiness but it's important to understand that with money, you can do so much good for other people, even if you don't want the money yourself. Making money for you makes money for others. How the modern day life puts so much stress on our body such as being in an office all day sitting slouching on a chair that we get home and don't have energy to do anything and going for a walk is the last thing we want to do. Sitting down tightens all your muscles and restricts the movement of your joints which is why you feel tired but going for a walk loosens them and jump starts the body. Going for a walk when your tired from sitting down is what the body is crying out for. How when you become unhappy you have two choices. One being keep doing the same thing over again which makes you unhappy or two, try something else which may make you happier and if it doesn't work out, you can always go back to one. Taking that leap into the unknown and trusting it will all work out only happens if you have no doubt in your mind that it won't. Doubt leads to death. Remember. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: The contact info of all my guests can be found at: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #79 - Khaled Bagabas | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1610

We talk about many things: How if you are trying to do things with friends but they keep letting you down which ends up affecting your emotions then it's time to let these friends go and find new friends who have your best intertest who you love spending time with. There comes a point where you outgrow people, often the people you grew up with who were just there from school days but really you are two different people. The different between addiction and dependence is that you choose to depend on something to give you a feeling but you have control over the decision whether to depend, where as addiction is wrongly confused with the thing as having control over you such as alcohol or drugs, when really it comes down to whether your mind is strong enough to control your compulsions and urges towards something that made you feel good. How trusting your gut is a very powerful leap forward into the future as it is where everything lies. Often people go back into their head and go over memories and as a result do not create new ones. This is why its important to keep moving forward, keep creating feel good moments in the real world so you don't have to replay past experiences to give you that high. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #78 - Alex Paynter | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3762

We talk how consistency is the secret ingredient for success as its the same as planting a seed, watering it, making sure it has enough sunlight but then just as its about to flower, you plant another seed and do the same thing all over again without any flowers spouting. Keep at something long enough and you will see results but you have to be patient as nothing in the universe happens over night. How freedom years ago was being able to do what you want, trade what you want, and go where you want without anyone telling you that you couldn't but due to everything being regulated, controlled or owned these days by government or someone else, freedom comes from being able to travel the world whenever you wish but being able to fund your travelling by making money along the way which means you have to master a form of income which can be done travelling the world with just wifi. How distractions are distracting everyone from creating a finalised product which will stand it's time and instead people are jumping from one thing to another without really creating anything that has true value which is why everyone doesn't have discipline. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #77 - Emily Simmons | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 6793

We talk about: How energy is stored in moisture in the air in your home which is why it's important to air your house and let new oxygen in, every object in your house has energy attached to it based on how you felt when you first brought it into your home and why you should purify your water as water stores memory and the vibration of the water will affect the vibration of you as we are made from 80% water. How it's very important for self healing to forgive all the people in the past that have hurt us so we can set ourselves free of all that bad energy that was connected to that person, memory or event and that we have to understand why it happened in order to move forward and recognise when patterns start to repeat. How when going through the healing and awakening process it's important to keep learning and understanding why you are on your journey to enlightenment and why you went through the things you did and how speaking to people about your past pain whilst you are healing and moving forward really helps you to heal quicker as you are releasing pain whilst bringing love, positivity and joy into your life & much more! To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #76 - Hayley Ondonovan | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 7145

We talk about many things such as: How if you were growing up and never fitted into any social situations may have seemed like a curse and how the whole world was against you but in fact when you look at it from a bigger perspective, you're on this earth for 80 years and those childhood days were only for 10 years or so and being an individual and different when everything and everyone is the same is a gift. You only realise this when you get older though and the reason why you didn't fit in is because your mind is so much more powerful than others and you know there is more to life than what most people think there is. How you need to be selective with who you exert your energy into and how most people around you will not be made up of the same energy as you and therefore will not understand you and so you have to beware of your energy and who drains you and who gives you great feeling being around. Spend more time with them and less time with others. How looking at yourself and listening to yourself back on video could be the best thing to help you heal and love yourself as you are forced to see sides of you that only other people see. If you don't like yourself, don't run from yourself! Face you, change the things you don't like and enhance the things you do! To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks for listening everyone, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #75 - Alex Ugarte | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 5298

We talk about many things such as: What we think is our own thought is really just the thought and vibration of someone else's and that nothing in life has any meaning apart from the meaning we give it because otherwise it's hard to accept the fact that we are here and then we die. We seek purpose, create beliefs and hold onto those beliefs until they don't serve us any purpose. How people are literally being lead to a food comma. 95% of the food humans eat should not be going into our body and this is the reason why so many people have health conditions and things wrong with their bodies. This comes from the food they are eating and what they are drinking. Your cells can't grow unless you give them what they need. If you haven't got a passion for something, then you will start it for 5 minutes and then move on to something else. You cannot do something because it is going to make you money. Drive comes from within and feeling and if you wouldn't do it for free, then it's only a matter of time until you stop doing it. Money comes from momentum and over time with consistently, money will come. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #74 - Sierra Armstrong | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4542

We talk about many things such as: How there is an art of listening to what someone has to say and often you will find that any questions that come into your head whilst listening to them will be answered and you just have to master patience. How learning to respond to a situation rather than reacting and how it is a sign of maturity and awareness that only comes from those whom have been on a spiritual journey will have been through and come out the other end through experience. How we should all step back from a situation before we voice how we feel especially if it isn't something that is going to serve us value or the other person. Allowing time to pass before we respond allows others to come into your mind that wasn't a key factor at the time of making the decision. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #73 - Valentino | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 5111

We talk about many things such as: How in most cases, it's best to do nothing than to do something if by doing something you aren't really going anywhere. Just because you are doing something doesn't mean in the bigger picture this added any value or progression in getting you to where you want to be. How we are made up of energy which is determined to what planets were orbiting the earth when you were born and no matter what you do, whether you trust your gut or don't do anything, you will always end up attracting yourself towards people on the same vibration as you and where your equal energy is on the earth. How in life you have to be prepared for what you want to happen be it finding a relationship or creating a business and having it grow and once you have that prepared, the next step is patience. Everything in life works at a certain speed like the rate a flower grows. You can't make it grow faster. Don't push against time, it will happen when it does, just be ready. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #72 - Miriam Elyse | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3873

Miriam Elyse & I talk about many things such as: How sexual energy is not the same as having sex and how these days everyone just focuses on having sex and the act of penetration and people do not build up the senses before hand which charges the body full of arousal, desire and lush towards your sexual partner. How being a sexual person is seen as shameful yet everything in this universe exists because of attraction and how we all have our sexual desires and rather than being open about them to people, we surpress and avoid being in touch with ourselves and what makes us feel good which can often leave us with built up anger. How sex should never just be about the orgasm and how it should be about the whole journey from the minute you hold your partners hand to back tickles to your legs rubbing against each other before hand whilst you are watching a film. A great sexual experience starts from the second you are in a room with someone you have a sexual attraction towards and doesn’t have to end just because one of you have reached orgasm. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #71 - Jennifer Heather-ions | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 5088

We talk about many things such as: How if you want to turn your life around and create a better life for yourself, you cannot just jump into the future and start living your life how you want it as the actions and choices you made in the past will repeat and show up again and again and will continue to show up until you address them. You have to go back into your past and undo every single knot in the rope no matter how many knots there are and how old you are. To set yourself free, you must undo every knot all the way back until you were 5 years old. How you shouldn't have to buy into all these 'how to make it self help packages' if you are really gonna make it. You either have that seed in you to independently charge through the barriers and create the life you want or you are forever dependent on the knowledge of others and do not have the knowledge to work things out yourself. Independent brain or dependent brain and you cannot change. If you do, you will have to restart your life all over again. How if you want to be successful in life you have to make a decision. Do you want to have money or do you want a name for yourself. You either want a business and a brand or you want to have lots of money and you can't have both. One is a easy route and one is a long tiring lonely route.  To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #70 - Mel Jang | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3764

Some of the things we talk about are: How if you are not able to be yourself around people and are restricting what you want to say to suit the needs of your environment then you are spending time with the wrong people. You should never have to hold back the things you want to say. If you are around people who have your best interests and are the same vibration as you, you will be able to say what your thinking and have a great conversation and not get put down. How if you want to build your confidence and attract new people into your life you have to learn to love yourself and one way to do this is to record yourself with your phone and watch yourself back until you stop finding yourself cringe and instead learn to love how you are. How people are unable to create the life they want unless they change their surroundings such as dealing with the things that keep occurring in their life and stopping them from coming back if you don't want them to and doing more of the things that you want to occur. For example, every email you get needs to be kept or binned. If you don't want it, unsubscribe. Don't just ignore it. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #69 - Claudia Stammegna | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3666

Some of the many things we talk about are: How we have so much clutter and stuff that is coming into our life such as people's rubbish coming up on social media who we don't see anymore or who we met once at a bar 3 years ago and how that is not serving our life any real purpose seeing all their posts and how we need to go through our social media profiles and remove the people who don't serve us value and stay in contact and reach out to the people who do serve us purpose and add value to our life. How medication is the reason why everyone has problems and how meditation is the answer and cure to all mental health issues such as Tourettes, OCD, Schizophrenia and physical issues such as diet and diabetes. Control the mind, control the vibration your body is in and control the genes as a result. If you want to control your brain activity then you need to slow the brain down by not feeding it more of what it is asking for. If you keep thinking and processing each thought, then you are just making your brain muscle bigger and you think more. You have to stop thinking and your brain will get more tired as the days go by from the lack of thinking. Just like if you don't go to the gym for a few weeks, your body feels weaker and you can't lift as much. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.

 #68 - Chris Owl | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 5415

We talk about many things such as: How living in the city with lots of people, traffic, electricity and stress without having nature to balance up your energy is the reason why people are getting disease so early in their life and dying young. How there is not just one type of human but 4 different types and this is based on the vibration our parents were, for example a positive father and a negative mother means the childs vibration will be made up of two energies and therefore the biology of the body will be different because genes can be changed by vibration. How if you take medication with the belief that it won't work then your mind will counteract the effects of the medicine and if you believe something will happen without the physical thing to make it happen, the results will be the same. The mind and your belief makes the final say regardless of what you put into your body. To watch all my episodes, have exclusive 1-2-1 mentorship or to book me for a speaking event, visit: Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel where I have hundreds of videos filled with amazing content and my wisdom! I'd also be very very grateful if you all could follow me on instagram! I post motivational wisdom quotes every 2 days! Watch this episode here: Thanks everyone for listening, I really do appreciate it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.


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