The Redundancy podcast show

The Redundancy podcast

Summary: The podcast about the challenges of finding employment as an older worker.

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 The 4 types of resume/CV and how to handle age and qualifications; in conversation with Matt Warzel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:05

There are four basic types of CVs or resumes. In this podcast we consider how you identify which one to use when applying for a job. What do you do about your age, experience and qualifications as an older worker? How do you deal with these in a resume? Do you hide that level of detail, flaunt it, or something else? In conversation with Matt Warzel.

 Essential digital marketing advice for small businesses; in conversation with David Somerfleck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:27

If you are thinking of, or have just started your own business, then finding and retaining customers is fundamental to your success. Your digital marketing strategy will be at the core of how you brand yourself. In conversation with David Somerfleck who discusses the elements you must consider to be successful on-line.

 You have the skills & knowledge...others want to connect; in conversation with Esther Hershcovich | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:12

You've built up a lifetime of skills, knowledge and experience and now you find yourself out of work for whatever reason. Others still want those skills and knowledge but how do you connect to them? There may now be a way. In conversation with Esther Hershcovich.

 Increase your odds of finding work at fifty by drinking coffee; in conversation with Katherine Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:51

'If there is no wind then row.' Finding a new job as an older worker is hard at the best of times. The 50:50 project sets out to talk to 50 inspiring people who have found a job, retrained and/or started a new career. Find out what worked and what the pitfalls were. And, when we find some sort of normality again, great places to drink coffee.

 The Redundancy Podcast - show trailer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:28

The only English language podcast dedicated to job hunters in their 50s and 60s. I talk to experts from around the world, from eminent academics to career experts to those made unemployed and have found new roles. All pro-bono, no adverts no affiliation with any organisations. No drama, no waffle. Facts, ideas, research, analysis and insights helping older workers find fulfilling employment wherever you live.

 Older worker? Why your career could be Toast; in conversation with Lucia Knight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:26

Older worker? Work for a corporate? In the best of times your career is almost certainly not as assured as you think it is let alone the circumstances the world finds itself in now. It is likely Toast. So what should you be thinking about and what could you be doing to prevent yourself getting burnt?

 Do self help books work; 3 reviewed and 8 strikingly common themes revealed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:36

Do self help books help? Is there any empirical evidence to support authors' claims? What sort of books are there and do they draw any similar conclusions? Can your pet frog help you convince anyone of anything? Three self help books reviewed - a 'whole of life plan', empirically proven methods of improving your life and stories from real people who changed their career.

 Additional employment challenges faced by older women; in conversation with Dr Sarah Vickerstaff | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:22:38

Older workers face discrimination in the work place, and older women face additional challenges. Whether you are in work, trying to re-enter after bringing up children, being a carer or following a divorce woman face additional obstacles. Dr Sarah Vickerstaff, Kent University (UK), discusses the issues and challenges woman face. And the difficult choices they are sometimes forced to make.

 The Best of the Guests 2019; 1 year, 7 guests, 5 countries, superb expert advice all in one podcast | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:19:52

During 2019 I spoke to 7 experts and asked for their advice in finding a new job as an older worker. In this podcast I pull together those conversations; they talked about Plan B and working on a transition of career, using a resume writing service, effective engagement with recruitment agencies, a personal strategy to get back to work, the worth and value of volunteering, the first 90 days of a new job and, finally, self employment for the older worker.

 Working for companies that value sustainability; why they need older workers with Katie Secrist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:05

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.* Jaded by the corporate sector you work in? Want to change the direction of your career? Want to do something more meaningful? Wondering how to go about it? Working for companies that value sustainability. Why these companies need older workers (and how to join them). In conversation with Katie Secrist. *Sir Winston Churchill

 Older worker? Want to free your entrepreneurial spirit? In conversation with Viv Poole. | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:15:48

50+ and unemployed? Dreading enforced retirement? Retired and bored? Still have skills, knowledge, experience? Want to realise your entrepreneurial spirit? ‘It’s never too late.’ In conversation with Viv Poole, MBA, with advice, guidance and support for self employment (and free consultancy subject to Viv's availability)

 Volunteering, geography, transport; factors that affect your job prospects. With Dr Martin Hyde | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:42

Volunteering enhances your employment prospects. Does it? The geography of where you live makes no difference to your chances of employment? Is that a fact? Transport networks are not relevant to finding a job? Is that true? Finding new employment - the challenges faced by older workers. Academic research challenges these assumptions. In conversation with Dr Martin Hyde, University College of Wales, Swansea

 Using a recruitment agency efficiently and effectively in your job search with Ben Pearson | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:04

There are many ways and many channels you can use to find a new job. Word of mouth, newspapers and trade magazines, organisational web sites, conventional applications, aggregator sites, LinkedIn and so on. There are also recruitment agencies, though it may not seem an obvious choice for many older workers whose job searching experience maybe less well developed. In conversation with Ben Pearson Beyond Recruitment, Wellington, New Zealand.

 4 TED talks and a comedy; reviews of talks on age stereotyping and what happens when life goes wrong | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:10:28

4 TED talks that touch on success, performance, the stereotyping of older workers, the value of maturity and eliminating recruitment bias plus a Netflix comedy series that looks at at what happens when it all goes wrong in your career and life. Links to the TED talks can be be found on

 Leaving a job you recently started; should you and is there ever a good time to do so? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:11:17

You may have waited a long time to find a new role following a layoff or redundancy. The job may not be ideal but it's an income. But what if the job isn't what you were expecting, the role has been misrepresented, your co-workers are a nightmare? Should you leave? What are the implications?


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