Claudia Chan Podcast show

Claudia Chan Podcast

Summary: Claudia Chan is a NY Times celebrated author, speaker and coach helping individuals and businesses build success on authenticity and ease through a method called “Whole-Self Leadership.” In her 24 year entrepreneurial career, her platforms like the S.H.E. Summit conference have impacted over 1 million by igniting entrepreneurial and corporate changemakers to solve social issues in their communities. Her current focus is CC INNER CIRCLE—a community and movement devoted to creating a future where work-life experience is built on wholeness—not burn out.

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 (4 Mins) The Power of Slow | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:03:40

Are you always rushing and focused on what has to get done in the future - that you miss out on the present? Your future is actually created based on the quality of decisions you make in the present moment, and you can’t make quality decisions when you’re always rushing through life. Watch this 3-minute video and consider slowing down

 (6 Mins) How Workplaces Can Address the Female Recession | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:06:02

There is a massive female recession taking place that could set us back by decades. From this article: "According to the Women in the Workplace report, one in four women are thinking of either leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers... a recent study by Qualtrics and theBoardlist found that only 9 percent of women have received a promotion while working remotely with children at home, compared to 34 percent of men. The same study found that 26 percent of men with children at home received a pay raise; only 13 percent of women with children at home reported getting a raise. In other words, the pandemic is not merely bad for women's progress — it's setting back gender equality." Here's a message for both employers and employees - we have an unprecedented opportunity to co-create a new system of working that actually makes gender equality in the workplace work. 

 (4 Mins) Depression or Undisciplined | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:04:32

Because the term “mental health” has a stigma, many people feel it doesn’t apply to them. But just as you as have heart health, lung health or any kind of physical health, you have mental health. Everyone has health of the mind and there should be NO stigma attached to that. As many continue to adjust to new work-from-home routines since Covid-19, research has shown increased anxiety, stress and depression among workers. If you are feeling any of these emotions, I want to share this question I ask myself as a tool that I use to stay mentally healthy.

 (3 Mins) How to Handle Comparison | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:03:13

Going to a neighbor’s home, learning the good news of a colleague or friend, seeing another parent’s distance learning/homeschool photo on Instagram, being in awe of someone else’s progress — comparison is like a mosquito bite you didn’t see coming that a takes a bite of your self esteem. Over time it unconsciously keeps you playing small and feeling never good enough. What’s scary is if you are active on social media - imagine how many times in a day or week you may be comparing yourself to others and what that is holding you back from over time? In the How We Rise “whole life leadership” program, I teach that mental health is your #1 leadership department and “comparison” is one of the big limiting barriers to name and own. Let me share a tool that I have used to combat comparison for years.

 (6 Mins) Leadership Starts in the Family | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:59

Most people don’t realize that leadership starts in the family. We can show up all together or as our “best selves“ with colleagues or at that business meeting, but how are we showing up to the people we love the most behind closed family doors? What’s ironic is that our societal world is an OUTPUT of our family world - and look at the state of our society today.

 (4 Mins) We Need Space to Create | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:03:40

I know every single one of you has a project, product or opportunity that can really make a difference for others - that needs creation. For those of you already in the process of creation - my question is - are you really giving it your heart and best work, or do you feel rushed or stuck in the process? For others who haven’t started yet, what is holding you back? Whether it’s an initiative at your company, a passion project or a new work-from-home system that can help your family thrive this fall - this message is a reminder that your workplace, community and family need the GENIUS that is inside of you to create, and the quality of what you put into your creation is how we create a better future. 

 (3 Mins) How to Handle Self Criticism | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:02:54

It’s ironic but sometimes I think our inner critic can be loudest on the weekends because we have more time and space to notice things. I know first hand that seeing a disorganized area of my home, scrolling through social media, assessing a never-ending to-do list and the most common, everyday activities can trigger my inadequacy and inner critic. And guess what happens when we’re home a lot, not surrounded by community, colleagues and the hustle bustle of moving from one place to the next? Our thoughts get louder! Self critical thoughts are also the most detrimental because they impact what we believe about ourselves, slowing us down from realizing our true greatness.

 (5 Mins) Find Pauses To Shift Into Who You Want To Become | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:05:05

As many people continue to work-from-home through the fall and 2021, setting boundaries for all the roles we play in the day can be very challenging. We don’t have those business trips and commutes to/from work to reset. As a result we can carry the energy of work into family time, and the personal into work time. This prevents us from being fully present in everyday life moments that we will never get back. Often, as a result, the people we love the most or the most important projects get the “left-over“ version of you. I’ve come to learn that who we become is shaped in the everyday moments of life. It is today that matters the most, and how we show up and hold our leadership roles to a higher bar matters. For example these are some of the roles I aspire to and though I always fall short, I set the intention for who I want to become: a team leader invested in building an inclusive culture, a great partner and parent invested in raising a healthy family, a professional who wants to build impactful partnerships and give my talent to my work to someone who can support my community.

 #13: On Racial Equity with Tony Porter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2731

Today's global pandemic and ongoing racial unrest have shined a blinding light on the systemic inequities that prevent all people in our society from thriving. Claudia speaks with A Call to Men's Tony Porter to reflect on what it feels like to be black in America today and how we can all rise for racial equity and justice.

 #13: C-Suite Convo: Corporate Responsibility with Aflac’s Catherine Hernandez-Blades | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:01

In a time of heightened uncertainty and tragedy, companies across the world are confronted with the task of supporting the employees and the customers they serve in a primarily virtual environment. In the episode, Claudia Chan and Catherine Hernandez-Blades is Chief ESG and Communications Officer at Aflac will discuss: Hernandez-Blades’ experience shattering glass ceilings in traditionally male dominated industries  The importance of social responsibility and crisis management in corporate America Strategies for becoming engaged, inclusive, and productive corporate citizens

 #12: Ask for More with Author & Law Professor Alex Carter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:45

93% of all negotiators are failing to ask the questions that they need to get the most out of their negotiations (Professor Leigh Thompson at the Kellogg School of Management). In this episode, Claudia talks to Alexandra Carter, the author of Ask for More: 10 Questions to Negotiate Anything and a professor at Columbia Law School, to find out why this problem happens to most of us and to explore a whole new approach to negotiation. Through this episode, you will: Discover the fundamentals of negotiation: E.g., 5 mirror questions & 5 window questions; Understand the power of problem definition to focus on your mission to enlist support rather than to keep the sell focused on yourself; and Learn how to turn a no into a yes

 #11 C-Suite Convo: Building Inclusive “Virtual” Culture with KPMG’s Michele Meyer-Shipp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:18

With majority of global workforces working-from-home in COVID-19, we talk to Michele Meyer-Shipp, Principal, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer at KPMG, on how to Create Inclusive Virtual Culture. From communication tactics to unconscious bias, Michele unpacks some key skills and ideas for leaders to consider as they work on building inclusive culture: How to ensure everyone's voice is heard Minding meeting times and supporting your team's schedules and at-home demands Being consciously inclusive and seeking ideas from people with different backgrounds and experiences

 #10: Rising Through the Creative Process with Alysia Reiner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:29

As the founder of S.H.E. Summit, an award-winning conference advancing SHE, HE and EQUITY FOR ALL, Claudia Chan is hosting a series of community calls to provide a transparent space for rising leaders to connect and gain some How We Rise coaching from her and past speakers.In this episode she speaks with award-winning actress and producer Alysia Reiner. Best known for playing Natalie "Fig" Figueroa in the Netflix comedy drama series Orange Is the New Black, for which she won a Screen Actors Guild Award.Rising Through Creation, Alysia emphasized we prioritize self-care. Not as a buzzword, but as an investment in the body we meet every single every day. Alysia explains:We must take specific actions continually to find structure in each day: Feed your heart & soul Feed yourself as a creator Feed your mind Feeding the business

 #09: Leading Energy Through Challenges | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:58

Energy is an incredibly powerful tool to manage our mental health, yet we often don’t think about how profoundly powerful it is. In this episode, Claudia Chan will cover: the two kinds of energy that we give to and receive from others — that are positive and negative energy; the types of positive and negative energy we give and receive and how to identify them; why focusing on energy management over time management is critical now more than ever; and how to manage energy so your whole-life can be uplifting. “It’s much easier to teach than it is to role-model. We need to model what we teach to lead.”

 #08: Understanding Our Mental Health with Dr. Valerie Rein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:33

Energy changes things and physically impacts those around us. Even while socially distanced, our energy is as contagious as our current global pandemic. Using our new and developing tools we can create a wildfire that goes beyond simply surviving. We thrive by creating the peace and harmony we want to see in the world. #HowWeRise


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