MyUSACorporation show


Summary: Welcome to MyUSACorporation! When we founded the company early in 2009 our goal was simple - to make it easier for our fellow entrepreneurs at home and around the world to start their own businesses in the United States. Rapidly growing, our company by the time of this writing in summer 2013 has helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs with their various business filing needs - services as diverse as forming and dissolving their companies, obtaining licenses and tax ID, getting their company documents certified for both domestic and foreign use, and much more. As founders of, we harnessed our knowledge of small business, American administrative system, as well as our technical expertise in order to create this service - intended to be the best of its kind. Easy, Friendly, Affordable

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 Who Should Incorporate? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:31

Doing Business The Right Way In today's complex and competitive world there is no greater way to protect yourself and your personal assets from the threat of lawsuits than by incorporating, whether you're a small business owner with no employees, or run a serious business establishment with hundreds. Incorporating is also a simple and legal way to cut your taxes, protect your privacy, lower your audit risk, raise capital, and much more. What is a "corporation"? Simply put, a corporation is a legal "person" created by state statute that can be used as your "shadow" for the purpose of running a business, or several businesses. This is a "person" whom you control completely, yet cannot be held accountable for its actions. Indeed, it is a powerful concept! For that reason roughly a million of corporations are formed each year, and that number is growing from year to year. In other words, establishing a corporation can provide a simple and inexpensive foundation if you operate a business, contemplate starting a business, wish to protect your personal assets or are thinking about estate planning. It is true even if you have or plan to have a home based or part-time business! How Can Incorporation Help Protect Assets? We all know that in the United States the risk of a law suit is quite high, or, in other words, people love suing other people. Statistics show that an average person in the United States today goes through five lawsuits in his or her lifetime, with at least one being devastating. Sheltering your assets from lawsuits is possible, and you must do so before a lawsuit strikes. In today's world of political and financial interests, every person is vulnerable, including yourself, and you must recognize and come to grips with that reality. Only then will you have the sense of urgency necessary to take action to protect yourself and your assets from the virtually inevitable. REMEMBER: The law deals quite harshly with those who seek last minute transfers of assets in an attempt to defraud creditors. That means its important to realize NOW that you might run into financial problems in the future, and take appropriate action to protect your assets, while at the same time enjoying the benefits of lowered tax liability. MyUSACorporation is your reliable partner since 2009.

 Registering Business in Wyoming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:03

Wyoming is known as one of the three incorporation-friendly states, the other two being Nevada and Delaware. The popularity of Wyoming as a "corporate heaven" in enhanced by the very liberal Corporation Law which enables companies to be established quickly and with the broadest possible powers permitted under the law. There are little or no restrictions on any consequent business activities. To learn more about specific advantages of incorporation in Wyoming please consult our article Advantages of Incorporating in Wyoming. Who Should Register a Company in Wyoming It is safe to assume that vast majority of companies registered in Wyoming have no physical connection to the state whatsoever. As far as our statistics go, Wyoming holds the record of new entities being formed, and it is popular both amongs domestic and foreign clients. In fact, Wyoming is perfect for foreign clients, looking to establish remote business in the U.S. (one with no physical connection), and is one most our foreign client indeed choose. Wyoming entities can be useful tools for internet (e-commerce) businesses, remote technical support and outsourcing, export/import, etc., especially if such businesses have only virtual presence in the U.S., and they can be used for the purpose of asset holding (especially intellectual property), and generally as holding companies for other business entities. Migration From Nevada To Wyoming For years Nevada was extremely popular state to form companies with wide range of purposes, rivaling Delaware as the incorporation heaven of America. However, recent political and fiscal developments in Nevada, which brough introduction of expensive Business License and Initial List filing requirements, as well as outrageous renewal fees and rough treatement of delinquient businesses, have significantly reduced the attractiveness of the state. As a result for the last several years there was a steady outflow of companies from Nevada through the process of domestication, with Wyoming being the primary beneficiary of this process. No positive change is expected any time soon, and this is one of the reasons we often recommend our clients, looking to incorporate in Nevada, to consider Wyoming instead. Who Should Not Register a Company in Wyoming Not everyone would benefit from registering their company in Wyoming. First, most technology companies would benefit from registering in Delaware, since professional investors such as VCs always prefer the familiar laws of Delaware over any other state. Then there is a question of nexus - if your business is physically located in another state, and you think that by registering it in Wyoming you can escape registration in your state (for example, notoriously expensive California), we have to disappoint you. Even though your business will be organized under the Wyoming law, you will still have to foreign qualify it in your state, which in other words means you will have to maintain two entities instead of one.

 Series LLC: Advanced Form of Business Organization | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:48

What is a Series LLC? Series Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a business entity that was introduced by the State of Delaware nearly nine years ago. The concept is innovative and based on the fact that several series or "cells" may be created within a single LLC. Basically, a Series LLC possesses the ability to divide its assets and liabilities into various sub-LLCs or series while still controlling them from one umbrella company. The closest analogy in the business world would be a corporation with several subsidiaries. What are the advantages of a Series LLC? A Series LLC eliminates the expense and administrative duties related to forming multiple LLCs. A Series LLC is preferred to a corporation with subsidiaries because it does not have the taxation, expense or formalities associated with a parent-and-subsidiary corporate structure. Each cell in a Series LLC has its own profits, losses and liabilities and is legally separate from the other series. These sub-LLCs also have their own economic structures, members, managers and assets. The assets in a sub-LLC are protected from legal enforcement against the assets of another LLC. Another, lesser-known advantage is that a Series LLC may not be required to pay sales tax on rent paid by the operating series. The business must own the real estate and the rent must be paid to the sub-LLC owning the real estate series. In this respect, the Series LLC may also be compared to an S-Corporation with Q-subsidiaries. What States Currently Offer the Series LLC Option? Though Delaware was the first to form the Series LLC, other states are also adopting the practice. Currently, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Puerto Rico also allow the formation of Series LLC. How to Form a Series LLC Forming a Series LLC is similar to forming an LLC or corporation in any state. Today, only Illinois requires a different application and charges higher registration fees for forming a Series LLC rather than a simple LLC. Once the company is formed with the state, a Series LLC will require some extra documentation compared to an LLC. A 50 or more page Operating Agreement must be prepared to establish a Series LLC. This document must be signed and created according to the rules and regulations governing the Series LLC. In most instances, an attorney is needed to draft the Operating Agreement and an accountant will be needed to explain related tax laws governing the Series LLC. Each sub-LLC will have to create a separate Series Agreement. Each sub-LLC will have its own asset name, bank account and a separate EIN (Federal Tax ID) number. While the Operating Agreement will be amended as series are added or deleted, the Certificate of Formation (also called Articled of Organization) filed with the state does not require amendment. How to Add and Delete a Series

 Naming Your Company | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:43

Choosing The Right Name Choose the name of your legal entity carefully. It is important for the chosen name to portray the image you want for your new company. Legally, the name you select must not be "deceptively similar" to any existing company, or must be "distinguishable on the record" of your state. For example, if a company named "Glow LLC" exists in your state, you probably would not be allowed to name your business "Glove LLC". Sometimes the name you select will not be available. This is the reason we ask our clients to submit a second and a third choice of company name when forming a new entity. Additionally, most states require you to add the words "Limited Liability Company," or the abbreviation "LLC" to the end of the name (for LLCs), or "Inc." , "Corp." or "Incorporate", "Corporation", etc. for corporations. Sticking To Your Name Once you choose the name (including the appendix, also called entity identifier) you should stick with it. For example, if your company name is "MyCompany Inc." then all your official letterheads, correspondence, domain names, business cards, and any other company related documents and sales collateral would have to include the use of "MyCompany Inc." as opposed to "MyCompany Corp" and such. Reserving Your Business Name If you are not ready to form your company, but want to protect the name you want to do business under, you can reserve that name with the Secretary of State in which you plan to form your business entity. The process of company name reservation is simple and very much similar to the process of forming the actual entity. Keep in mind that name reservations are often limited to a specific period of time, so you might need to renew the reservation or risk loosing the name you have reserved. What if My Business Needs to Operate Under Several Names? Your business entity can only have one name, however you can file as many assumed names (also called trade name, fictitious name, "Doing Business As", DBA, or d.b.a.) as you like, as long as they are available in the state or county where you plan to use them. Creating DBA is the easiest and most cost effective way to do business under a new business name without having to create an entirely new business entity. With DBA you can accept payments, advertise, and otherwise present yourself under that name. MyUSACorporation is your reliable partner since 2009.

 Открыть компанию в США просто | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:17

Данная статья адресована предпринимателям, которые думали или думают о расширении существующего бизнеса или собираются открыть бизнес на самом большом в мире рынке - рынке США, но еще не приняли решения и не предприняли никаких шагов по причине того что это кажется очень сложным. Видимая сложность вызвана недостатком достоверной информации, и, если она находится, то она исходит от людей, которые прошли этот процесс самостоятельно, методом "научного тыка", проб и ошибок, и не всегда удачно. Итак: кому стоит открывать компанию в США? Прежде всего людям, обладающим конкурентноспособными товарами или услугами, желающими продать их на живом и активном, а не депрессивном рынке, и по справедливой цене, которую зачастую не готовы платить за качественный продукт в своей стране. В первую очередь это касается сферы IT и смежных областей, таких как цифровой маркетинг, SEO, SMM, веб-дизайн и прочие направления. Также очень часто компании открывают предприниматели, торгующие на Amazon и желающие это делать официально и в американском правовом поле. Для стартапов, кто желает выйти на краудфаундинг или получить финансирование "Ангела" или венчурного капитала, - обязательное условие - наличие корпорации. Будучи фрилансером или имея местную компанию ваши шансы получить хорошие заказы и вообще заказы, стремятся к нулю по той простой причине что американский бизнес не очень доверяет чужим. Для большинства американских компаний и бизнесменов американский проверенный бизнес аккаунт PayPal является основным платежным средством и они с очень большой опаской проводят расчеты с иностранцами, даже если их компании зарегистрированы в ЕС, я молчу о странах СНГ. Но это было отступление, сейчас я буду развеивать стереотипы о сложности регистрации американских компаний. На самом деле открыть LLC или Корпорацию в США достаточно легко и быстро - это займет порядка 3-4 недель включая получение EIN и обойдется в районе $ 700 -1000 с предоставлением американского юридического адреса. Под ключ, онлайн, не вставая с дивана, воспользовавшись услугами американских профессионалов, которые 9 лет занимаются регистрацией и сопровождением компаний в США. Предварительно вам дадут исчерпывающую и совершенно бесплатную консультацию о том, какую форму организации вам лучше выбрать, в каком штате и почему зарегистрировать компанию и ответят на все ваши вопросы. Итак, компанию в США стоит открывать людям, которые хотят: честно и легально работать и хорошо зарабатывать; людям, которые планируют иммиграцию, бизнес в США - плюс к карме; людям, которые хотят стабильности и предсказуемости; людям, которые приветствуют снижение налогов на бизнес, что недавно сделал Конгресс. Наша задача - сделать процесс регистрации вашего бизнеса максимально грамотным и простым для вас как 1-2-3. Положитесь на профессионалов. MyUSACorporation Europe - ваш надежный партнер с 2009 года.

 Сравнение LLC и Корпорации (LLC vs Corporation) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:07

Быстрое сравнение: LLC против C-Corporation Субъекты облагаются налогом по-разному. По умолчанию LLC является налоговым объектом со «сквозным» налогообложением, что означает, что доход не облагается налогом на уровне компании (однако для получения отдельной налоговой декларации по-прежнему требуется Multi-Member LLC). Доходы или убытки, указанные в этом возврате (Tax Return), «передаются» отдельным участникам и сообщаются в их индивидуальных налоговых декларациях. C-Corporation является отдельно облагаемым объектом и платит налог на доход до распределения дивидендов акционерам. Если и когда корпоративные доходы распределяются среди акционеров в форме дивидендов, корпорация не получает разумного вычета расходов по бизнесу, а дивидендный доход облагается как обычный доход для акционеров. Эти типы компаний различаются по своей структуре: LLC менее жесткие по своей структуре, чем корпорации, поэтому у вас больше гибкости при адаптации LLC к вашему уникальному бизнесу. Операционное соглашение (Operating Agreement) LLC может быть структурировано неограниченным числом способов. Корпорация является типом компании с должностными лицами и директорами - офицерами (по крайней мере, один). С другой стороны, LLC может быть «управляемой участниками» и работать менее формально. Для небольших начинающих компаний меньше формальностей означает, что вы можете сосредоточиться на зарабатывании денег, а не на административной работе. Быстрое сравнение: LLC против S-Corporation Разница в распределении доходов: В то время как специальный налоговый статус S-Corporation устраняет двойное налогообложение, ему не хватает гибкости LLC при распределении доходов для владельцев. LLC может предлагать несколько классов интересов своих участников, а S-Corporation может иметь только один класс акций. Ограничения на владение: Любое число физических или юридических лиц может владеть долей участия в LLC. Кроме того, LLC могут иметь дочерние компании без ограничений. Доля собственности в S-Corporation ограничена не более чем 100 акционерами. Кроме того, S-Corporations не могут принадлежать C-корпорациям, другим S-корпорациям, многим трестам, LLC, партнерам или иностранцам-нерезидентам. Налоги на самозанятость: Одним из преимуществ S-Corporation является то, как рассчитываются налоги на самозанятость. Офицеры S-Corporation, нанятые компанией, должны получать зарплату, а налог на их собственный налог исчисляется на основе этой зарплаты (это верно, за исключением S-Corporations, базирующейся в Нью-Йорке). Владельцы LLC, с другой стороны, оплачивают налоги на самостоятельную занятость, основываясь на всех получаемых ими распределениях. Быстрое сравнение: C-Corporation против S-Corporation Все корпорации начинаются как C-Корпорации и обязаны уплачивать подоходный налог с налогооблагаемого дохода. C-Corporation становится S-Corporation, заполняя и подавая федеральную форму 2553 в IRS. Налогообложение: Чистая прибыль или убыток S-Corporation «передается» акционерам и включается в их личные налоговые декларации. Поскольку доход не облагается налогом на корпоративном уровне, нет двойного налогообложения, как с корпорациями типа "C-Corporation". Разница в распределении доходов: S-Corporations ограничены наличием не более 100 акционеров и не могут принадлежать C-корпорациям, другим S-корпорациям, многим трестам, LLC, партнерам или иностранцам-нерезидентам. MyUSACorporation : Открыть компанию в США просто

 Registro de su empresa en los Estados Unidos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:51

Empresas americanas para extranjeros Registro de su empresa en los Estados Unidos Muchos empresarios internacionales están buscando crear o expandir sus negocios en el mercado de los Estados Unidos. MyUSACorporation Europe se especializa en ayudar a esos empresarios, y nos gustaría presentarles varias ideas para considerar primero. ¿Qué documentos se necesitan? En primer lugar, para registrar una empresa en los EE. UU. No necesita presentar ningún documento, solo información. Los documentos serían necesarios en caso de que desee una dirección en los EE. UU. O necesite abrir una cuenta bancaria, pero no para el registro de la empresa. ¿Necesito estar en los Estados Unidos para abrir mi compañía? De ningún modo. Todas las presentaciones se pueden hacer de forma remota, con nosotros como su proxy en los EE. UU. En casi todos los casos, cuando necesitamos una firma de nuestros clientes, esto se puede hacer de manera electrónica. Elección de estado Si planea comprar una propiedad inmobiliaria, o abrir una tienda "física" en los EE. UU., Se recomienda formar su empresa en el estado donde se encuentra físicamente esta propiedad o tienda. La mayoría de nuestros clientes eligen Delaware o Wyoming, debido a las tarifas más caras en Nevada. Puedes ver la comparación entre esos 3 estados aquí: Delaware vs. Nevada vs. Wyoming. Elección de la entidad Los extranjeros pueden elegir principalmente entre dos tipos de entidades: LLC y C-Corporation. La LLC es el tipo más común de entidad elegida por nuestros clientes extranjeros debido a su simplicidad, flexibilidad y tributación única. C-Corporation, en su mayoría elegidos por jóvenes emprendedores que buscan obtener financiamiento de Angel o VC. Puede ver una comparación entre LLC y C-Corporation aquí: LLC vs. Corporation también. ¿Qué entidad comercial es adecuada para mí? Restricciones y cosas a considerar En primer lugar, como extranjero, no es necesario que tenga un Número de Seguro Social para abrir su empresa y obtener el EIN (número de identificación fiscal de la empresa). Tampoco necesita tener una dirección o número de teléfono de los EE. UU. Sin embargo, si desea tener una dirección y / o un teléfono de los EE. UU., Puede obtenerlos de proveedores especializados (consulte a los vendedores de teléfonos aquí y nuestras soluciones de direcciones de los EE. UU. Aquí). La banca en los Estados Unidos es un tema más complicado. Hay algunas compañías en Internet que prometen ayuda a los clientes internacionales para abrir una cuenta bancaria de forma remota, pero les advertimos a nuestros clientes que tengan cuidado con las personas que afirman que pueden ayudar de esa manera. Para obtener más información sobre la banca en los EE. UU., Los problemas asociados y las posibles soluciones, lea nuestro artículo "Abrir una cuenta bancaria en los Estados Unidos".

 Enregistrement de votre entreprise aux États-Unis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:12

Entreprises américaines pour étrangers Enregistrement de votre entreprise aux États-Unis De nombreux entrepreneurs internationaux cherchent à créer ou à développer leurs activités sur le marché américain. MyUSACorporation Europe est spécialisé dans l'aide à ces entrepreneurs, et nous aimerions vous présenter plusieurs idées à considérer en premier. Quels sont les documents nécessaires? Tout d’abord, pour enregistrer une entreprise aux États-Unis, vous n’avez pas besoin de présenter de documents, mais uniquement des informations. Les documents sont nécessaires si vous souhaitez une adresse aux États-Unis ou devez ouvrir un compte bancaire, mais pas pour l'enregistrement d'une entreprise. Dois-je être aux États-Unis pour ouvrir ma société? Pas du tout. Tous les dépôts peuvent être effectués à distance, avec nous servant de mandataire aux États-Unis. Dans presque tous les cas, lorsque nous avons besoin d’une signature de nos clients, cela peut se faire par voie électronique. Choix de l'Etat Si vous envisagez d’acheter un bien immobilier ou d’ouvrir un magasin «de brique et de mortier» aux États-Unis, il est recommandé de créer votre société dans l’état où se trouve cet établissement ou ce magasin. La majorité de nos clients choisissent le Delaware ou le Wyoming, en raison de tarifs plus élevés au Nevada. Vous pouvez voir la comparaison entre ces 3 états ici: Delaware vs. Nevada vs. Wyoming. Choix de l'entité Les étrangers peuvent choisir principalement entre deux types d’entités: LLC et C-Corporation. La société à responsabilité limitée est le type d'entité le plus couramment choisi par nos clients étrangers en raison de sa simplicité, de sa flexibilité et de sa fiscalité unique. C-Corporation principalement choisie par de jeunes entrepreneurs cherchant à obtenir un financement Angel ou VC. Vous pouvez voir une comparaison entre LLC et C-Corporation ici: LLC vs. Corporation et quelle entité commerciale me convient le mieux?.

 Registrazione della tua azienda negli Stati Uniti | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:36

Registrazione della tua azienda negli Stati Uniti Molti imprenditori internazionali stanno cercando di creare o espandere la propria attività nel mercato degli Stati Uniti. MyUSACorporation Europe è specializzata nell'aiutare quegli imprenditori e vorremmo presentarvi diverse idee da considerare prima. Quali documenti sono necessari? Innanzitutto, per registrare una società negli Stati Uniti non è necessario presentare alcun documento, ma solo informazioni. I documenti sarebbero necessari nel caso in cui si desideri un indirizzo negli Stati Uniti o sia necessario aprire un conto bancario, ma non per la registrazione della società. Devo essere negli Stati Uniti per aprire la mia azienda? Affatto. Tutti i documenti possono essere fatti in remoto, con noi che fungono da proxy negli Stati Uniti. In quasi tutti i casi in cui abbiamo bisogno di una firma dei nostri clienti, questo può essere fatto elettronicamente. Scelta dello stato Se si prevede di acquistare proprietà immobiliari o aprire un negozio di "mattoni e malta" negli Stati Uniti, si consiglia di formare la propria azienda nello stato in cui si trova fisicamente la proprietà o il negozio. La maggior parte dei nostri clienti sceglie il Delaware o il Wyoming, a causa delle tasse più costose in Nevada. Puoi vedere il confronto tra questi 3 stati qui: Delaware vs Nevada vs Wyoming. Scelta dell'entità

 Registrierung Ihres Unternehmens in den USA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:04

Registrierung Ihres Unternehmens in den USA Viele internationale Unternehmer möchten ihr Geschäft auf dem US-amerikanischen Markt aufbauen oder ausbauen. MyUSACorporation Europe ist darauf spezialisiert, diesen Unternehmern zu helfen, und wir möchten Ihnen einige Ideen vorstellen, die Sie zuerst berücksichtigen sollten. Welche Dokumente werden benötigt? Um ein Unternehmen in den USA zu registrieren, müssen Sie keine Dokumente vorlegen, sondern lediglich Informationen. Dokumente sind erforderlich, wenn Sie eine US-Adresse wünschen oder ein Bankkonto eröffnen möchten, nicht jedoch für die Unternehmensregistrierung. Muss ich in den USA sein, um mein Unternehmen zu eröffnen? Überhaupt nicht. Alle Einreichungen können aus der Ferne vorgenommen werden, wobei wir in den USA als Ihr Stellvertreter fungieren. In fast allen Fällen, wenn wir eine Unterschrift von unseren Kunden benötigen, kann dies elektronisch erfolgen. Wahl des Staates Wenn Sie vorhaben, Immobilien zu kaufen oder in den USA ein Geschäft für Ziegelsteine ​​und Mörtel zu eröffnen, wird empfohlen, Ihr Unternehmen in dem Bundesstaat zu gründen, in dem sich diese Immobilie oder das Geschäft befindet. Die Mehrheit unserer Kunden wählt entweder Delaware oder Wyoming, da in Nevada höhere Gebühren anfallen. Sie können den Vergleich zwischen diesen drei Staaten hier sehen: Delaware vs. Nevada vs. Wyoming. Wahl der Entität Ausländer können hauptsächlich zwischen zwei Arten von Unternehmen wählen: LLC und C-Corporation. LLC ist aufgrund seiner Einfachheit, Flexibilität und Einzelbesteuerung die am häufigsten von unseren ausländischen Kunden gewählte Art von Unternehmen. Die C-Corporation wurde hauptsächlich von Jungunternehmern ausgewählt, die eine Angel- oder VC-Finanzierung suchen. Einen Vergleich zwischen LLC und der C-Corporation finden Sie hier: LLC vs. Corporation Welche Unternehmenseinheit ist für mich das Richtige? Einschränkungen und zu beachtende Dinge Zunächst müssen Sie als Ausländer keine Sozialversicherungsnummer besitzen, um Ihr Unternehmen zu eröffnen und eine EIN (Unternehmenssteuer-ID) zu erhalten. Sie benötigen auch keine US-Adresse oder Telefonnummer. Wenn Sie jedoch eine US-Adresse und / oder ein Telefon haben möchten, können Sie sie von spezialisierten Anbietern erhalten (siehe Telefonanbieter hier und unsere US-Adressenlösungen hier). Banken in den USA sind ein komplizierteres Thema. Es gibt einige Unternehmen im Internet, die internationalen Kunden helfen, ein Konto von einem entfernten Standort aus zu eröffnen. Wir warnen unsere Kunden jedoch, vorsichtig zu sein mit denen, die behaupten, sie könnten auf diese Weise helfen. Um mehr über das Bankgeschäft in den USA, die damit verbundenen Probleme und mögliche Lösungen zu erfahren, lesen Sie unseren Artikel "Eröffnung eines Bankkontos in den USA". zusätzliche Information

 How to form an LLC - step by step manual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:46

Welcome to My USA Corporation! You are in the right place to start your business in the United States. You are going to start an LLC in Wyoming as a less expensive and most business friendly State. Here's some simple steps: Please go to My USA Corporation Europe website press Start an LLC button (blue) select from the drop down menus Wyoming, Owners are non US persons/companies, Recommended Package and press Next Step button Now you are on the pricing page all included items is strongly recommended if you want to drive your US business with no headache Please feel free to select or deselect any additional items like Certificate of incumbency also Banking Resolution if you are going to visit the US to open a bank account. Please select the documents delivery options - it may be electronic delivery only - you will receive all the documents as a P D Fs or if you need hard copies of the documents you may select USPS - US mail international delivery or you may select FedEx or UPS delivery options. US address is mandatory to start a company in the United states so please make sure SHOW ME - US business and mailing address option is selected - on the next page just select My USA Office address and desired location from a drop down menu. It's recommended but not a must to have a business in the same state your company is forming. If we are incorporating in Wyoming the best choice will be Cheyenne. But Wyoming allows to use any US address nationwide, for example, it seems address in New York is more prestigious - please feel free to select it. The rest is as simple as one, two, three - just fill the contact information and company information blocks, then go to the checkout and the payment. Thank you for your order! Now we will work on it and your company will be formed within the estimated time - for Wyoming LLC complete company registration time is 3 business weeks. Your LLC will be formed in one - three business days, the rest is obtaining your new company's E I N and the rest of documents preparation - Certified copy of articles of organization, operating agreement, certificate of incumbency and banking resolution if selected. Done! Now you are US business owner. We wish you a good luck with your new business! Thank you for choosing My USA Corporation for your business needs! My USA Corporation is your reliable partner since 2009.

 How To Incorporate In USA From Europe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:32

What kind of money are we talking about? We touch this question first, because many of the prospects looking for US company registration are vaguely aware of the costs involved in launching a US business. Initial Investment It is crucial to understand that formal company registration is only a small part of the budget needed for launching your US business. Depending on the state of registration, entity type, and specific business needs, registration costs can run from as little as $300 to as high as $1000 and over. On average our Europeann clients spend between $600 and $700 on registration formalities. Then there is a question of banking, and for many entrepreneurs also the question of merchant account (what many confusingly refer to as "payment gateway"). We discuss both further in this article, but if we consider the option of traveling to the US in order to open the bank account, or using a managed service, you should prepare an additional budget of $2000 minimum, with about half or it to be spent on the fees, and the rest to be kept as balance in the account. To summarize, for proper company registration only, without opening a US bank account, prepare a budget of $600-$700. With banking your budget needs to be between $2,600 and $3,000. Keep in mind - this is just the initial investment needed to properly set up the company. Your business would need more money for the actual business activity, so make sure to take that into consideration when preparing your startup budget. Running Costs Beside initial investment, you would have monthly and annual costs, related specifically to maintaining your company. If you plan to lease a US address expect to pay between $20 and $99 each month (we offer our own professional solution called MyUSAOffice that offers addresses for as low as $299/year). Another recurring cost is the cost of Registered Agent service (we provide it for a competitive $99 a year). Banking would cost you another $20-$100 a month in bank fees and management fees if you opt for managed bank account services. Most states have recurring maintenance fees, taxes and reports. For example, Wyoming has Annual Report of $52, while Delaware has franchise tax for LLCs ($300 a year) and both annual report and franchise tax for corporations, calculated based on some formula. Some states have no annual fees, but its rare. And finally, depending on your company structure and activity, you might be required to file annual tax return (and in some cases - pay taxes), which means you need to hire the services of CPA (certified public accountant) and maybe even a bookkeeper. Filing simple tax returns should not cost more than $300-$500, however more complex cases would result in higher costs. Keep in mind, in some cases you as the owner would need to obtain Individual Tax ID Number (ITIN), adding another $300-$400 per partner, but it's a one time cost. Conclusion Before launching your business you should plan your budget carefully. Many clients make the mistake of hoping that some of the initial and running costs will be offset by the first clients they are counting on acquiring, but you should never build your business on hope - cold blooded calculations prove to be a more reliable tool in business. We recommend preparing a setting aside a specific sum that would keep your business running for a year without any income whatsoever. In case of US business setting aside $4,000-$8,000 would go a long way to ensure your business is properly set up and funded for a year, giving you the necessary peace of mind to develop your product and customer base. What does it take to form a US company?

 U.S. Taxation for Real Estate Investors | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:21

When investing in the U.S. you need to be aware of the basics of U.S. taxation. Certain taxes such as sales and use taxes typically would not concern a real estate investor, while other taxes such as income tax and property taxes are crucial to understand. We will cover these two types of taxes in this article. Let’s start from a little disclaimer: U.S. taxation of nonresidents can be a fairly complex issue and involves many specific fact points that determine if the non-residents are subject to US taxation or not. This article attempts to capture the most typical scenarios and analyze them in the context of current (2014-2016) U.S. taxation rules. Beware that U.S. taxation of non-residents can be a complex topic and simply changing one fact can change your tax reporting obligation. It is impossible to know your specific tax obligations without a lot more information about your U.S. related business, so please use the information presented here for reference only. If you need more specific tax advice refer to the information at the end of this article. Ok, now that we have cleared this very important point, let’s move on and analyze a few of the most common cases. If you don’t find your case among those listed here no worries - just ask your questions here and we will try to help. Explaining Types of Taxes U.S. Income Tax How does U.S. income tax works? This is a simple question, however it’s U.S. income tax we are talking about. Technically, each taxpayer must pay tax on the income created in the U.S., and in some cases (such as the case of U.S. citizens or permanent residents) on income created abroad. The income tax is paid to the federal government (IRS), and in many cases to the state of residence, and in some cases even to the local jurisdiction (e.g. New York City). However, we created this article precisely for the reason we cannot just simply answer this otherwise great question - the real answer is “it depends, because it’s complicated”. Keep reading the next items to see if U.S. income tax applies to you, and how. Property Taxes - Learn more:

 How To Certify Company Documents For Use Abroad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:09

If you need to use a document issued in the U.S. (such as Articles of Incorporation) abroad, that document needs to be certified for foreign use, either by having an apostille affixed to it, or by certifying it at the embassy of the country where it will be used. Examples of such use are opening a bank account in the foreign country in the name of your U.S. company, registering your U.S. company with foreign government authorities, or even when proof of existence of a U.S. company is required to enter in to a contract abroad. In all of the cases above an American document, even a copy certified for use in the U.S., will not be acceptable. An apostille must be attached to the U.S. document to authenticate that document for use in countries that are Hague Convention signatories, and embassy certification for countries that aren't. Apostille What Is an Apostille? An apostille (french for certification) is a special seal applied by a government authority to certify that a document is a true copy of an original. Apostilles are available in countries, which signed the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization of Foreign Public Documents, popularly known as The Hague Convention. This convention replaces the previously used time-consuming chain certification process, where you had to go to four different authorities to get a document certified. The Hague Convention provides for the simplified certification of public (including notarized) documents to be used in countries and territories that have joined the convention. Documents destined for use in participating countries and their territories should be certified by one of the officials in the jurisdiction in which the document has been executed. With this certification by the Hague Convention Apostille, the document is entitled to recognition in the country of intended use, and no certification by the U.S. Department of State, Authentications Office or legalization by the embassy or consulate is required. Note, while the apostille is an official certification that the document is a true copy of the original, it does not certify that the original document's content is correct. Who Can Get an Apostille? Since October 15, 1981, the United States has been part of the 1961 Hague Convention abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. Anyone who needs to use a U.S. public document (such as Articles of Organization or Incorporation issued by a Secretary of State) in one of the Hague Convention countries may request and obtain an apostille for that specific country. How to Get an Apostille? Obtaining an apostille can be a complex process. In most American states, the process entails obtaining an original, certified copy of the document you seek to confirm with an apostille from the issuing agency and then forwarding it to a Secretary of State (or equivalent) of the state in question with a request for apostille. Embassy Certification In countries which are not signatories to the 1961 convention and do not recognize the apostille, a foreign public document must be legalized by a consular officer in the country which issued the document. In lieu of an apostille, documents in the U.S. usually will receive a Certificate of Authentication. Legalization is usually accomplished by sending a certified copy of the document to U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., for authentication, and then legalizing the authenticated copy with the consular authority for the country where the document is intended to be used. Ready to Order? Whether the country you need certification for is a Hague Convention signatory or not, we will prepare and file your Apostille or Embassy Certification application in professional manner, all you need to do is complete our simple order form.

 How To Obtain Certificate of Good Standing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:19

Certificate of Good Standing is a certificate issued by the Secretary of State's (or equivalent agency) evidencing that a business (corporation, LLC, partnership, etc.) has complied with the applicable provisions of the laws of the state, is in good standing, and authorized to transact business or to conduct affairs within the state. To obtain Good Standing Certificate your company must be: registered as a legal entity in your state, cannot be in default of corporate rules or suspended by the state, must be current on all tax filings and obligations (certificate will be issued only if the taxpayer is in full compliance). Other Names Other names for Certificate of good standing are: "Certificate of Facts", "Certificate of Existence", "Certificate of Status", "Letter of good standing". What Is It Used For Business entities use Certificate of Good Standing to prove they are incorporated (organized) and authorized to do business in the state. During the financing process, banks will often require such certificate from a business. Typically Certificate of Good Standing might be required for the following: opening bank account, completing an official business transaction or a contract, forming Foreign Entity in a different state, selling the business, to prove that a company has come back into compliance with the state of formation. If your company fell out of compliance and has not fixed the issues that caused it then obtaining this document will show that your company does exist but is considered "in bad standing" with the state. Who Issues The Certificate Certificates of Good Standing are issued by the Secretary of State (or equivalent agency responsible for filing entities and maintaining state records) in which the entity is formed, or in which it has qualified as a "Foreign Entity". Ready to Order? We will prepare and file all the necessary forms in order to obtain the certificate of good standing you require, all you need to do is complete our simple order form. Ready to Obtain Your Certificate of Good Standing?


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