Steve Forbes: What's Ahead show

Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

Summary: In an uncertain and rapidly changing world, Steve Forbes sits down with today’s leading business and economic minds to give listeners a better grasp of what’s ahead, and shares his own perspectives on the day’s most pressing issues.

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 Spotlight: Will Congress Tax Your Retirement Savings And IRAs? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:05

Democrats in the Senate and House are looking for money to finance their spending extravaganzas, and they’re targeting your retirement savings and IRAs. Steve Forbes on congressional Democrats plans to tax your retirement savings and IRAs and on how their attempts would only hinder economic growth. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Are Currency Boards The Gold Standard For Fighting Inflation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:21

News of countries experiencing severe inflationary crises make headlines daily, but there’s a possible solution to consider. Steve Forbes on a possible solution called a currency board that could be the gold standard for fighting inflation and getting countries back on their feet. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Investors Should Watch Out: The Fed’s Reverse Repos Are Exploding! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:13

The ​​Federal Reserve's attempt to prevent a future outburst of inflation is nothing short of a gimmicky device called a reverse repurchase agreement, and investors should watch out! Steve Forbes on how the Fed’s reverse repos are exploding and why investors should care, and on what the Fed should consider to avoid further inflationary disaster. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: U.S.-China Economic Competition Is Heating Up: What You Need To Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:20

The economic competition between the U.S. and China is heating up, and the U.S. is trying to control this competition on its own terms. Steve Forbes on the $250 billion bill entitled the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act and what it aims to create, and on what the U.S. should consider instead if it’s serious about the growth of the economy. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Will Larry Elder Replace Governor Newsom In California’s Recall Election? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:29

Until recently, it looked like Governor Gavin Newsom of California would beat back the recall. But his constant incompetencies are catching up to him. Steve Forbes on the election recall Newsom is facing and on how recent polls show Larry Elder leading others and how he could be in line to replace Newsom after September 14th. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: The Biden Administration Wants To Regulate Your Water Pressure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:24

When it comes to government regulations, there’s no shortage of rules coming from the Biden Administration. Including one that aims to limit the amount of water exiting a showerhead. Steve Forbes on some of the unnecessary and intrusive regulations on the table and on how time, money and aggravation could be spared without such uncalled-for rules. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: How Billionaires Musk, Bezos And Branson Are Doing More Than Racing To Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:15

Billionaires Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson and Elon Musk are under a storm of criticism over their so-called space race. In reality their innovations go far beyond what they are being given credit for. Steve Forbes on the pioneering actions of these three billionaires and on what barriers they are breaking down that deserve cheers and not criticism. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Biden’s Executive Order Targets Railroads, And The Outcome Won’t Be Good | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:11

President Biden issued a sweeping executive order, allegedly to promote competition in various sectors of the economy. Unfortunately, one of its targets is railroads. Steve Forbes on why the White House’s focus is woefully misdirected and on how it could derail the most efficient freight railroading system in the world. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: South African Violence And Deadly Unrest: Why We Should Be Worried | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:27

South Africa has recently experienced its worst violence since the end of apartheid. The deadly unrest has taken more than 200 lives and is threatening the legitimacy of the country’s political system. Steve Forbes on what is fueling the turmoil in South Africa and on the drastic steps that should be considered to curb the violence and revitalize the nation’s weak economy. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Will Stablecoins Replace The U.S. Dollar? Why The Fed Is Worried | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:17

While Bitcoin and similar cryptos get the headlines, a new class of digital currency called stablecoins is what governments and central banks fear. Steve Forbes on this new category of cryptocurrency, what regulators are waking up to and why it has the Fed worried. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Biden’s Transition From Oil And Gas Is Unrealistic: How It Will Impact You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:26

You don’t have to love oil and natural gas to recognize how indispensable they are to how we live today. Unfortunately, with so much talk of replacing petroleum, many seem to ignore how crucial this natural resource is to our standard of living. Steve Forbes on the Biden Administration’s aggressive plan to transition from oil and gas and on how this unrealistic move will impact you! Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Protests Erupt In Cuba: What Can The U.S. Do To Help? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:17

Cuba’s corrupt communist rulers were stunned in recent days by spontaneous, mass antigovernment protests. But as protests continue to erupt, what can the U.S. do to help Cuba? Steve Forbes on what triggered the recent demonstrations and on what steps the U.S. should consider taking to denounce Cuba’s horrific violations of human rights. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Biden’s Pulling Out Of Afghanistan Is A Catastrophic Mistake | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:22

Conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to escalate amidst President Biden's recent move to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan. Pulling out is not the answer, as the security situation rapidly deteriorates. Steve Forbes on why President Biden is making a catastrophic mistake in pulling out our remaining troops and on where our focus should be instead. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Auto Sales Are Booming: Are Car Prices In A Huge Bubble? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:00

The pandemic has given people a new appreciation for the mobility the auto provides. Despite shortages incurred from greater demand and the insufficient supply of semiconductor chips, auto sales are booming! But are car prices in a huge bubble? Steve Forbes on how buyers are now paying above-sticker price instead of being able to get a once customary bargain and the factors influencing a possible car-price bubble. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

 Spotlight: Tax-Friendly States vs. Economy-Killing Taxes: What You Need To Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:59

The White House and congressional Democrats are feverishly trying to enact massive tax hikes, while numerous states are going in the opposite direction and cutting them. Steve Forbes on the economy-killing taxes coming out of Washington and on what tax-friendly states are getting right. Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.


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