The Dana Show with Dana Loesch show

The Dana Show with Dana Loesch

Summary: The Dana Show with Dana Loesch is an award-winning, #1 rated, daily program featured on stations around the country and online.Dana Loesch's original brand of young, punk-rock, conservative irreverence has found a fast-growing multi-media audience. She’s feisty and fearless without being abrasive and shrill. A former award-winning newspaper columnist, Dana has been named to Talkers Magazine's top 100 "heavy hitters" the last 6 years running and was ranked as one of the top 16 most powerful mothers online by Neilsen. The 2012 winner of Accuracy In Media's Grassroots Journalism award and the inaugural Breitbart Spirit Award, Dana was also one of the original Breitbart editors selected by her late friend and mentor, Andrew Breitbart, to head what was, where she helped break the Anthony Weiner scandal before departing in 2012.Dana appears regularly on Fox News, ABC, CNN, and HBO's "Real Time" with Bill Maher.

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 Monday March 18 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6543

2020 candidates are proposing banning semi-automatic firearms. Dana discusses New Zealand’s firearm policy. Should Judge Jeanine have not gotten suspended from Fox News? Many are pointing to gun control in wake of the New Zealand massacre. J.K. Rowling is trying to explain how Harry Potter was more inclusive than written.

 Friday March 15 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6527

A terrorist kills 49 in a New Zealand synagogue. The media rushes to blame Trump and the NRA for the terrorist attack. AOC jumps to conclusions. We go to the phones for Open Line Friday. Bernie Sanders used to be more Socialist than he is now. Dana opens her Mailbag of Hate.

 Thursday March 14 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6505

Beto O’Rourke announces his candidacy for President. Vanity Fair features O’Rourke on the cover. Dana sets the stage for a successful Biden/Beto ticket. Paul Manafort gets 7.5 years in prison. Connecticut rules Remington firearms can be sued over Sandy Hook. The Senate passes a resolution blocking Trump’s national emergency.

 Wednesday March 13 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6491

Pundits call for Tucker Carlson’s resignation. Is Socialism good on paper? Actress Lori Loughlin turns herself in to police. Dana breaks down the 2020 fight as of today. California ICE could not interact with a family letting a homicide occur. Lisa Page’s testimony puts former AG Loretta Lynch in the cross hairs.

 Tuesday March 12 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6486

Sergio Sanchez fills in for Dana. The FBI prosecutes over 50 individuals in the largest college acceptance scandal in US history. 15 people die in Venezuela over the weekend. Joe Biden teases his 2020 run. Houston Police officer Joe Gamaldi joins us to discuss public safety reforms. We take callers opinions on college acceptance.

 Monday March 11 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6503

Sergio Sanchez fills in for Dana. Democrats attempt to disassociate with being labeled Socialists. We take callers’ opinions. The White House publishes the 2020 budget proposal. We go live to the White House Press Briefing. Pete Buttigieg calls for universal basic income.

 Friday March 8 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6469

The House votes on a watered-down proposal to condemn Antisemitism. 2020 candidate John Hickenlooper refuses to call himself a Capitalist. It’s International Women's Day. There are studies on the “hipster effect”. Dana opens her Mailbag of Hate.

 Thursday March 7 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6467

Nancy Pelosi defends Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic behavior. The DNC bans Fox News from any Democratic primary debate. We take callers’ opinions on the DNC. British Muslim parents prevail over an elementary school’s LGBT-friendly curriculum. Alex Trebek announces he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

 Wednesday March 6 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6511

The House has no plans to punish Ilhan Omar for her anti-Semitic behavior. California is putting cow farting as a top priority to their climate change legislation. Could Texas flip blue in 2020? AOC doesn’t understand plastic bags. States are giving driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.

 Tuesday March 5 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6524

Juan Williams says Trump won’t leave office even if he’s voted out. AOC’s campaign is in hot water after hiding PAC money. Carter Page threatens to sue Democrat operatives. Dana discusses her favorite battle scenes of all time. Will Smith is apparently too light skinned to play Serena Williams’ dad in a biopic. Tennis legend Martina Navratilova comments on transgender participation.

 Monday March 4 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6502

Democrats request documents from 81 different people associated with President Trump. Trump’s comments on human trafficking at CPAC stirs controversy. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper enters the 2020 race. Democrats have yet to condemn the anti-Semitic words of Ilhan Omar. A New Jersey high school bans limos at prom due to social inequality. Former Republicans are changing their values for more publicity.

 Friday March 1 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6494

Otto Warmbier’s parents release a statement condemning the President’s comments on North Korea. A poll says Democrats view Trump as more of a threat than Kim Jong Un. Dana remembers the legacy of Andrew Breitbart. More Democrats announce they’re running in 2020. An Alabama dispute over crab legs ends in a brawl. Dana opens the phone lines for Open Line Friday. The Democrat Party continues to split on ideology. Dana shares the craziest 911 call of 2019. Dana opens her Mailbag of Hate.

 Thursday February 28 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6470

President Trump leaves Vietnam with no agreement with North Korea. Justin Trudeau is in turmoil after his ex-AG gives a bombshell testimony. Criticism reigns after Trump’s comments on Otto Warmbier. We go to the President speaking live in Alaska. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib erupts the Cohen testimony. Rick Santorum wants Conservatives to support paid family life. Dana clarifies the details of the proposed universal background check bill. Investigative reporter Luke Rosiak joins us to discuss his new book regarding the deep state and the DNC.

 Wednesday February 27 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6479

Michael Cohen testifies on Capitol Hill. President Trump meets Kim Jong Un in Vietnam. India and Pakistan are threatening each other. Joe Biden hints at running for President. Rotten Tomatoes ends pre-release movie comments because of trolling of Captain Marvel. AOC clashes with Ivanka Trump over the Green New Deal. Congress votes on a universal background check bill. An Internet phenomenon is scaring kids.

 Tuesday February 26 - Full Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6341

Senate Democrats block a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. A universal background check bill is working its way through the House. Dana explains the skewed statistics of hate crimes. Women arrested in Florida sex trafficking ring were unaware of their conditions among arrival. Courts rule that barring females from the Selective Service in unconstitutional. Apparently, knitting can be racist.


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