Unsupervised Learning show

Unsupervised Learning

Summary: Unsupervised Learning is a Security, AI, and Meaning-focused podcast that looks at how best to thrive as humans in a post-AI world. It combines original ideas, analysis, and mental models to bring not just the news, but why it matters and how to respond.

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 Unsupervised Learning: No. 209 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 907

Ring Sued, Mean Time to Hardening, APT20 2FA, China Base Pictures, China Satellites, Angled Toilets, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 208 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 919

Mobile Tracking, Chinese Drone-Flu Terrorism, Message Spying, Bing Misinformation, 23andMe GlaxoSmithKline, Spam Laws, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 207 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1717

Pentagon vendor requirements, Ring camera freakout, Bluetooth Thieves, Palantir Pentagon, Amazon Rekognition, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1305

Vietnamese BMW APT, Defense Contractor Prep, China replacing a culture, HackerOne Cookie Snafu, Chinese Also Worried About Privacy, China Mobile Face, CDC Flu Warning, AWS Sagemaker, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2040

Spam trends, CWE's latest 25, Uber audio recordings, Uber unauthorized drivers, Chinese research theft, Google state-actor notifications, bluetooth burglars, Nixon deepface, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1084

Google health care, Google checking, Github open source, China policy hack, Hactivist bounties, healthcare attacks, facial protests, OSINT CTF, surveillance robots, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 863

Capital fired, DHS biodata, Twitter insiders, Baltimore Cyber Insurance, Airbnb Assessment, Google Play Malware, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1190

Unify drama, Fancy cheating, NSO lawsuits, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 200 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1072

200th episode!, White House cyber vacancies, AT&T SIM bribery, South Africa ultimatum, climate change power crash, Bahgdadi dead, RuNET, NYT insanity, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 199 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1109

Stolen Cards Stolen, Autoclerk Hacked, TeamViewer Hacked, Russia Pretending to be Iranian, JackSpotting, Pixel4 Faces, FrenchFacRec, Samsung Fingerprints, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 198 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1085

Eye reflection EXIF, WiFi gait, Russian Cyber Clusters, Russia African Americans, China Pressure, VPN drama, Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends & Analysis, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Weekly Aphorism…

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 197 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1464

Yahoo creep, DarkNet, E2E encryption, Cyber talent, RandomDeath, Private Data Property, Eyeballer, plus Technology News, Human News, Ideas Trends and Analysis, Updates, Discovery, Recommendations, and the Aphorism for the week!

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 196 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1480

New York is suing Dunkin (Donuts) for not revealing breaches in a timely manner (going all the way back to 2015), which is says jeopardized their customers. Good for New York. It's one thing to be breached: it's much worse to try to pretend it didn't happen. More NPR wrote an extraordinary piece on how the US penetrated ISIS' communications infrastructure and basically tore it down from the inside. It includes significant details on the operation, which made me cringe as I read them because they were so descriptive. But what we lost in operational surprise we likely gained in deterrence. More Uyghurs are playing cat and mouse with the Chinese government on the TikTok platform, with the former using videos to show solidarity while the latter searches for and deletes the content. More

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 195 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1569

Here's the new MITRE 2019 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors. Memory corruption bugs are huge right now. More There's a ton of recent DDoS activity that's leveraging IoT devices for UDP amplification attacks. Specifically, the WS-Discovery service (WSD) is being used because the response to request ratio is so large (from 43% to 15,000%). More There's a lot of chatter out there about Snowden due to his new book coming out, the NSA suing to keep him from making money off of it, him saying he'd like to come home, and him reiterating that he was just trying to do the right thing. Oh, and him saying he's never cooperated with the Russians. This whole situation makes me cautious of anyone with a singular and strong opinion about this, including myself. In 2016 I wrote a short piece about my opinion, and I am pretty much still in the same place with it. In short, if you think he's a hero you're probably wrong, and if you think he's a traitor you're probably wrong. He seems to be some combination of these two things, and from day to day, article to article, and book to book, I simply can't tell how much of which. Book

 Unsupervised Learning: No. 194 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1467

Not sure how this isn't bigger news, but Saudi Arabia shut down half its oil production after a number of drones attacked the largest oil processing plant in the world. Yemeni rebels claimed credit, but the US blames Iran. More DNS over HTTPS is coming to Chrome as well, so it's not just Firefox. So this is basically where browsers have a preferred DNS server, which works over HTTPS, and ISPs therefore won't be able to see every DNS request that users make. This will be a good thing for reducing the risk of ISPs (and actors with access to their logs) seeing what people are requesting, but it raises questions around filtering, caching networks, and other major components of the status quo. More A couple of Coalfire Pentester's got arrested and are still in custody for trying to break into a courthouse that they were actually paid to break into. Evidently, it's not clear whether the physical part was in scope or not. So, no, the get out of jail free card wouldn't have helped. Everyone already knows they were doing it thinking it was ok; the question is next steps. And meanwhile they sit in jail, probably spending all their time mentally working on DEFCON slides. More


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