Truth Wanted show

Truth Wanted

Summary: WHAT IS TRUTH WANTED?Truth Wanted is a show about getting to the bottom of beliefs, whether it’s karma or Christ, Bigfoot or crystals. Truth Wanted would like to know how you know it’s true. Hosted by ObjectivelyDan, Truth Wanted takes calls from the community (that means YOU!) and features new guests every week, emphasizing thorough conversations over name-calling and scoffing (most of the time). Truth Wanted focuses on how and why people believe what they believe, and how you can talk about beliefs in more effective ways. Join us for truth investigations and lively conversations every Friday 7-8:30pm CT 1-512-686-0279

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  • Artist: Atheist Community of Austin
  • Copyright: Copyright Atheist Community of Austin


 Truth Wanted 04.15 04-16-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Megan Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5343

Hello all and welcome to this week’s episode of Truth Wanted. Tonight, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Megan Lewis from Digital Hammurabi.The first call for tonight is Lucas from Texas who is curious about what Megan’s concept of Hell and the afterlife in general are. Lucas also wants to talk about a recent conversation with their brother who claims that they survived cancer because of God.Next up is Robert from New York who is convinced that there are “supernatural” type phenomena that exist that science will eventually one day be able to explain. While this is true, science is constantly advancing and developing new tools and techniques to investigate the unknown, that doesn’t mean that science can or will be able to explain everything.Our next caller is David from Florida has a question regarding absurdism and the existence of God. The question boils down to how we find meaning and truth in this world if we do not accept the existence of a God, or we reject a God who fails to help us understand the truths in our universe.Fourth up on the roster is Daryl from Virginia who wants to ask Dan’s opinion on the possibility of living forever and its consequences. Daryl’s “lore” so to speak offers the obvious advantages of living forever at a person’s preferred age range, but there are many factors to take into account and could lead to numerous disadvantages especially over the very long term.Last up is Colson from Texas. The caller is wondering if Megan can provide clarification on her position that a God who chooses to save one person from something is condemning another if they choose not to. They are also curious about how active the God Megan believes in is in our world.Thank you all so much for watching. We hope you enjoyed today’s show. As vaccines are continuing to roll out, please continue to remain courteous to those who are still waiting to get theirs and continue to wear your mask and social distance. To quote Megan, “Be Nice! Don’t Be A Dick!”

 Truth Wanted 04.14 04-09-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Jo Luehmann | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5387

Hello everyone! Welcome to another spectacular, astonishing, dramatic, magnificent, breathtaking episode of Truth Wanted: Theist Month Edition! Today, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Jo Luehmann.Our first caller of the night is Lee from Canada who is wondering what Jo’s take is on Liberation Theology. While Jo disagrees with some of the theological parts of it, she agrees with the ideology’s fundamental concern for the most socio-economically oppressed groups, and its advocacy to actually work to help uplift them in this physical world.Next up is Andrew from OH. The caller wants to talk about the consequences of Jehovah’s Witnesses banning blood transfusions. The issue is literally life threatening, and while as a person you cannot force a person to undergo a blood transfusion, the indoctrination of such harmful and abhorrent beliefs should be called out and protested.Gabriel from the USA is next and is wondering what Jo’s take on salvation is? Jo doesn’t believe in Heaven or Hell, but instead defines salvation not in regards to an afterlife but in accordance to escaping systems of oppression.Capt. Dad Pool is flying in to see what our hosts think about progressive christianity and whether it is just a stepping stone to Atheism. Everyone has different experiences with Christianity. There are many many cases where Christianity is a toxic, oppressive force while there are other examples where people’s experiences with it, both as believers or non-believers, are more positive.The last caller of the night is Keith from FL. They are wondering if Jo believes in any form of God since she doesn’t believe in an entity God. Jo defines divinity as mystery and defines prayer coming to terms with one's subconscious and dealing with personal trauma. While she doesn’t believe in a supernatural version of Christianity, she continues to use the label as a method protesting the oppression and other harm that has been done in its name.What an amazing show! Thank you for watching Truth Seekers! Stay safe out there and we hope to see you back here next week for another episode Truth Wanted!

 Truth Wanted 04.13 04-02-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Keith Giles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5262

Hello and welcome back to Truth Wanted’s first episode of Theist Month! This week ObjectivelyDan is joined by Keith Giles!First up is Robert from Texas who is wondering how well known Christian apologists determine what is considered mythology in the Bible, and what is considered History. Many of the stories and their modern interpretations are vastly different from the interpretations made in the past.Lucas from Texas is our next call who wants to carry on his conversation from last week about confronting his religious family members. This past week he asked his brother why God can do whatever he wants without consequence, and his brother’s response was Isaiah 55:8-9 (Be quiet and just do what god says).Next is Zeph from Illinois who is wondering how the soul correlates to salvation. In his example, he mentions that his dad was a different person after experiencing a stroke, and he is confused on which version of him is going to be judged. If the soul is what is being judged, and it can be affected by physical damage from the natural world, then what even is the soul and why would it be valuable to judge it.Next is Milo from AZ proposes the fun idea that all gods exist, but instead of dying off as they become irrelevant, they instead move onto the next stage of their life cycle.Last up for tonight is Erik from Texas who is concerned about how much Christianity and religion is embedded in the United State’s culture. He is also wondering how our hosts deal with it. Our hosts point out that there are cultural norms that even secular people are unaware derive from Christianity. It is also safe to assume that Christianity is probably never going to fully disappear in this country even if the current trends continue.That’s it for this week’s episode of Truth Wanted! We hope you enjoyed the show. Until we see you next week, we hope you continue to stay safe out there!

 Truth Wanted 04.12 03-26-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and P*ck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4959

Hello all and welcome to this week's episode to Truth Wanted. Tonight, our hosts ObjectivelyDan and our favorite piece of vulcanized rubber P*uck are going to be fulfilling all your truth seeking needs.First up on the docket is Lucas from Texas! The caller comes from a very religious family, they’re all preachers, and they are the only Atheist. Your safety and well being are the top priority, and we’re glad you have found other outlets to at least mentally escape from your situation. Thank you so much for calling Lucas!Next up is Roberto from Texas who wants to get into activism, but is overwhelmed by the number of subjects they are passionate about and the ever expanding amount of misinformation out there. Don’t worry about whether people will listen to you, they will. Over time, you will find an audience who appreciates your goals as an activist. As for choosing a subject, focus on one that you are comfortable with and naturally branch out from there.Third up is Michael from Germany who is wondering what theists are objecting to when they say something can’t come from nothing. We don’t need to assert that something can come from nothing to reject the claim that everything came from God. Many of the “gotcha” attempts made by apologists are one sided, over-simplified statements that can be confusing to outsiders and do not necessarily address the actual positions held by non-believers.Next is Keith from Florida who wants to continue the conversation from earlier on religion and racism. The caller provides an example of a Pagan organization's explicit racism outlined on its website’s “values page.”What a show! I mean what a show! If you agree, please give the episode a big like! As always, we at the ACA hope you continue to stay safe! See you next week!

 Truth Wanted 04.11 03-19-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and SMiles Lewis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5242

Hello and welcome to another fantastic episode of Truth Wanted! This week, our in-house truth seeker ObjectivelyDan is joined by SMiles Lewis! The first call of the evening is Phil from Texas who wants to talk about the possibility of other intelligent beings beyond this planet. While it is true that we only have our own species as a data point, we cannot draw conclusions about the limitations of other intelligent life if it does indeed exist. Great call Phil!Next up is Phil from Ohio who asks, assuming we have been or are being contacted by aliens, how we can account for the massive technology gap between us and them. Like in the last call, since we have a sample size of one, us, when it comes to a civilization, and we don’t have evidence that we have encountered alien species, any assessments we make on the situation would be answering one unknown with another. Next is Sven from Washington who is wondering if our attribution of the building of ancient structures to aliens is rooted in racism tropes, or mere semantics (gods being replaced by aliens in modern times). There are definitely racist themes in some if not many of the ancient alien analyses as they imply the inferiority of ancient cultures– specifically that these cultures or races wouldn’t have otherwise been able to accomplish what they did without the help of other, superior beings.Our final call for the night is from Keith in Maine, I mean Florida! They want to know what the most compelling evidence SMiles has for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. Sorry to disappoint you Keith, but we don’t have much! Thanks for calling!That was an amazing show wasn’t it, we sure thought so. If you haven’t already, please consider giving the episode a like. Finally, while we are beginning to approach the end of this pandemic’s title, we’re not there yet. From everyone here at the ACA, please stay safe out there.

 Truth Wanted 04.10 03-12-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Dr. Josh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5348

Hello all you truth seekers and welcome back to Truth Wanted! This week, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Dr. Josh.First call for the night is Ally from GA who recently stopped believing in the supernatural and spiritual phenomena (such as crystal healing and tarot card reading), and wants to come out to their friends about it. They don’t want to make their friends who aren’t as skeptical think that they are being betrayed.Next up is Jay from MO who is calling to share a personal experience with God through a dream he had. The issue with dreams is just how much they are affected by what is happening in our lives, so attributing naturalistic experiences to them can be potentially unjustified. The conversation also brings up the interesting perspective of how the pull to faith, and hope that our religious beliefs are true increases when we encounter tragedy.Next up is Ed from DC who wants to talk about his research into the wife of God, Asherah and the connections between the story he pieced together from the Bible and current day.Fourth up is a return caller from last week, Adam from IL. Adam wants to double down on his use of the “No True Scotsman Fallacy” from last week. The caller still doesn’t understand that people leave their faith for a wide variety of reasons, but that just because they stopped believing, that doesn’t mean that they never did believe or that their denomination is any less legitimate that another.Our last caller for the evening is Michael from OH. The caller wants to know how we as a society can combat the rapid spread of conspiracies. One of the biggest factors in this fight is how we as a society handle free-speech on social media. Since these platforms are run by private companies, the best way to combat these beliefs that don’t conform to reality is to have conversations and guide people to ask why they believe what they believe and what made them hold that belief so confidently.What a show! Thank you all so much for watching. Until we see you next week, stay safe out there!

 Truth Wanted 04.09 03-05-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Ross Blocher | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5468

It’s Friday which means another episode of Truth Wanted is hitting your screens right on schedule. This week, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Ross Blocher!First up for the night is Will from TX. As a former Catholic, the caller is struggling to have a conversation with their still believing sister who is having personal experiences in the form of visions and dreams. One of the ways to continue the conversation is to not outright deny their experiences, but to insert a bit of gentle nuance into the discussion to possibly get them to ask some questions about their beliefs.Next up is Joe from VA who wants to run some street epistemology on Dan. In the interview shown in the previous episode of Truth Wanted (Episode 04.01), Anthony Magnabosco is shown interviewing Dan back when he was still a believer. The caller wants to know what part of that conversation was most convincing to Dan.Entering onto the field now is number 3, Adam from IL. The caller wants to know more about Street Epistemology and if it is just a tool to create more Atheists. SE is less about convincing theists that a God isn’t real than it is guiding people to questions why they believe the things that they do (not limited to a God belief). Also sidenote, the caller should familiarize themselves with the “No True Scotsman Fallacy.” It isn’t cool to dismiss other people’s experiences as Christians just because they don’t believe anymore, or when they did, they weren’t a part of your specific denomination. Instead, please potentially consider why there are so many different denominations with so many conflicting views.That was a great show wasn’t it! We sure hope you thought so! If you want to see more why not check out some of the ACA’s other great shows? It’s still a crazy world out there right now so until next week, stay safe out there!

 Truth Wanted 04.08 02-26-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Reid Nicewonder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5409

Hey there truth seekers! We here at Truth Wanted hope you are all having a very happy Friday, or Saturday if you live in the future. Today, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Reid Nicewonder!Our first caller of the evening is Adam from IL who was thrown off by Matt’s definition of Atheism. Atheism is a very broad term that encompasses many different confidence levels when it comes to disbelief in a god. Because definitions are descriptive, the very fact that a person can find one definition of Atheism that says its a positive claim that God does not exist and another that is merely an absence of belief shows the glaring flaw in building an entire argument over specific definitions.Next up is Keith from FL who is curious about the ethics of street epistemology and if it can be considered manipulative. SE is all about asking questions and having thought provoking conversations while keeping your own beliefs separate from the discussion.Tom from Ohio wants to know how we and other life can come to exist without God. As we do not have evidence for the supernatural, the null hypothesis for any questions that science asks is natural. The burden of proof is on those claiming the answer was caused by the supernatural or God to demonstrate that they both exist and are capable of accomplishing what is being claimed.Fourth up is our first ever caller from France! Please give a warm welcome to Gus! The caller is wondering if Reid has advice on how to stay motivated to keep practicing SE especially when having seemingly unproductive conversations or conversations with people who are convinced for less than desirable reasons.Thank you all so much for watching this week's episode of Truth Wanted! We hope you enjoyed it. Until we see you next time, keep on wanting the truth and questioning every TikTok you come across.

 Truth Wanted 04-07 02-19-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Outcast X | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4903

In today’s episode of Truth Wanted, our very own ObjectivelyDan is joined by Outcast X!First up is a caller from last week, Al from Wisconsin! Welcome back! For clarification, Al identifies as an atheist, but still believes in some of the aspects of Scientology. Today, Al talks about his experiences using the famous e-meter. How can we determine whether what you are experiencing is actually a memory of a past life or a creation of your mind?Next up is RJ from Texas who is another former Scientologist. The caller recounts his experience growing up under Scientology and the effects that it had on him and his parents. He also goes into detail about the highly manipulative tactics the Church of Scientology employs to keep its members in line and disconnected from the outside world.Our final caller is Scott from Texas who wants to share a ghost encounter they believed they had, how this experience led to them becoming more skeptical. If you want to get involved in the skeptic community, don’t hesitate to put yourself out there or offer your services as a volunteer. There is always work to do!What a show that was! Thank you all so much for watching tonight’s episode! As always, especially with what has been happening this week, please stay safe out there!

 Truth Wanted 04.06 02-12-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Almost a Doctor Matthew Rahm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5433

Happy Friday and welcome back to Truth Wanted! Today, Almost A Doctor: Matthew Rahme is joining ObjectivelyDan to carry out their weekly mission to take your calls and seek out the truth!First up tonight is Al from Wisconsin who tells us his story as a former member of Scientology. Despite leaving the church, he still holds onto some of the teachings such as people having past lives. How can we demonstrate that we have actually lived past lives rather than it just being a trick of the mind?Next is Scott from California who is calling to see if our hosts can help clarify the concept of event ontology. While we can demonstrate that time is experienced differently depending on its location within space, GPS and Atomic Clocks play a big role in testing this, our hosts are unfortunately not equipped to fully help our caller. Thank you again for your call Scott!Mike from Washington wants to know how we can hold individuals accountable for perpetuating unfounded claims and if we should. One way is to have conversations with these individuals and work through the claims. Unfortunately, because it is unlikely that people will change their minds after a single conversation, it can be difficult to maintain a continuous dialogue. Therefore it is much more effective to present peer reviewed evidence as refutation and get them to reach conclusions on their own, rather than levying consequences for their past claims.Journey from North Carolina is calling to present evidence of chemtrails. He proposes that an experiment has been conducted that has detected harmful chemicals and materials in the trails left behind the jet. One of the biggest questions is how accurate these measurements were considering the already difficult task of testing single elements in a much slower and controlled environment than flying behind a jet.Our final caller is Matt Dillahunty from Austin Texas! Catch Matt & Dan on The Atheist Experience on February 21st!!!That was a great show wasn’t it! We sure hope you thought so! If you want to see more why not check out some of the ACA’s other great shows? It’s still a crazy world out there right now so until next week, stay safe out there!

 Truth Wanted 04.05 02-05-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Kenneth Leonard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5362

Welcome back truth seekers to the first episode of Truth Wanted for the month of February! It's sunny outside and 70 degrees and don’t you dare question that! This week ObjectivelyDan is joined by Kenneth Leonard!First in our lineup tonight is Paul from MN who wanted to share his experiences and frustrations as a questioning Christian. Our hosts share their own experiences to show how widespread these experiences are for so many. If you are questioning your faith and feel like you are on this journey alone, know that there are others who have walked that same path who are ready to help guide you.Next is Allison from Canada who claims that her mother dreamed of drowning at the pool when after a near death encounter. She believes that this may have been a telepathic connection with her mother due to their closeness. We don’t have the technology to assess telepathic experiences, especially dreams, but we do have evidence that our brains react and form ideas based on a collection of information and biases.Third on the list is Phillip from Australia. If you call the show with the intent of making a formal argument for God, please make sure that the questions are organized and coherent rather than spending 20 minutes defining obtuse terminology.Next up is Carpe Diem from CO who is wondering about the correlation between belief and sacrifice. Sacrifice isn’t necessarily tied specifically to the religious as an Atheists can choose to make sacrifices for all sorts of causes, from pushing against societal prejudices of Atheism to any other personal causes that an individual finds important.Our final call of the night is Will from OK who is wondering why anything matters if people don’t have a common sense of morality. Moral systems that are from an authoritative source such as a god do not recognize nor account for the foundational goals that a community may share. Secular moral systems on the other hand are much more flexible in their ability to be shaped to fit the will of the community, and acknowledge that humans are going to be the ones who have to find ways of living together.That's it for this week; we hope you enjoyed today’s show! See you all again next Friday right here for another great episode of Truth Wanted!

 Truth Wanted 04.04 01-29-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Joey Krieger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5201

It’s that time of the week again truth seekers for another episode of Truth Wanted! This week, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Joey Krieger!Our first caller of the evening is Laurie from OH who is calling to talk about the secular perspective of karma. While there isn’t evidence to support the claim that the supernatural is responsible for any acts of “karma,” there is evidence supporting that our actions have consequences. For example, if you generally treat people poorly, those same people may be less inclined to treat you well in the future.Next is Carpe Diem from CO calls in to finally give ObjectivelyDan what he has been wanting, a conversation about QAnon. The caller draws a parallels between the way people within the cult of Q and devout theists draw conclusions about reality, and is wondering how we can effectively push back against those beliefs to minimize the dangers they pose on society.Isaiah from HI calls in to talk about the events that possibly led to the creation of the prominent myths found in various religious texts around the world. How can we accurately determine which event influenced which story, or if a myth formed separately?Our last caller of the show is Mark from NC. He states that while we have the right to free speech, you do not necessarily have the right to be heard. One of the main issues with that statement is that those who have the power to enforce that right shifts over time. For example, when segregation was legal, a sign could be placed that discriminated against an entire group of people and those with power wouldn’t step in. Today a sign like that would be removed almost immediately in most places and those who made it would face legal ramifications.Unfortunately that’s all we’ve got for this episode, but rest assured, we’ll be right back here again next week! Until next time, stay safe out there everyone!

 Truth Wanted 04.03 1-22-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Bridget Bradshaw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5016

Happy Friday truth seekers and welcome to another episode of Truth Wanted! Today, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Bridget Bradshaw!Our first caller is Carpe Diem from CO who asks why someone would investigate something they don’t believe in? He also asked whether Bridget actually believed in Ghosts or wanted to believe in Ghosts? While Bridget did believe that Ghosts were possible during her time, she wouldn’t assert certainty in either direction and was open to the possibility that they either did or did not exist.Our next caller is Will from AL who is wondering what Bridget thinks of claims of physical assaults from Ghosts at haunted properties. Our hosts bring up the point that many of these places profit from these anecdotes and reports and that they are a vital part of their business plan.Omniskeptic from Canada asks how Bridget’s team of paranormal investigators came to an explanation of events after an investigation? Was it organized? According to Bridget, there was a set procedure where the different members or smaller break-out groups would all individually come up with their own conclusions before sending them to a designated team leader who would then create the official report.Next is Marcia from AZ who calls to tell our hosts about her time in Sunday School. She explains how her teachers would threaten her and other students with the possibility of being haunted by demons if they stray from their faith. While she is an Atheist now and has moved on, she still notices habits stemming from that class.Keith from FL calls in to ask how a paranormal investigator can determine the real paranormal activity from the false positives as was seen in the video footage shown earlier in the show. You can’t, at the end of the day it’s always a personal anecdote that’s unfalsifiable.Well that’s it for this week, we hope you enjoyed the show! If you did, why not check out some of the other great shows that the ACA produces! Also if you thought Bridget was fantastic, you can find her at Facebook & Twitter at the links below!Bridget Bradshaw:Facebook - APOPHENIA666Twitter - @APOPHENIA666

 Truth Wanted 04.02 1-15-2021 with ObjectivelyDan and Jamie Woodhouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5965

Happy Friday Truth Seekers and welcome to another episode of Truth Wanted! This week, ObjectivelyDan is joined by Jaime Woodhouse!Our first caller is Mark from Pennsylvania asks if there is any way that life can persist without causing suffering to other entities. While there is evidence that plants release pheromones when they are damaged, there isn’t evidence indicating that they are sentient or that they suffer the same way that a farm animal would. Next up is Tymm from Washington who is wondering about the sentientist position of euthanizing a suffering person or animal. This question is a tough one because while humans are in the unique position of giving consent, pets are not which puts the responsibility on their owner to do what they feel is best to minimize their companion’s suffering. Fantastic question Tymm!Up next is Louie from Florida. The caller asks if sentientism can help in answering the question if life, complex or otherwise, exists elsewhere in the universe. Our hosts bring up the similar genetic patterns that all known life within our own planet shares, and argue that if there is life elsewhere, that there is a strong possibility that it has followed a similar sequence of change that we have seen over time here on Earth.Joey from California calls in to discuss the ways that veganism is intersectional with other forms of injustice. The caller brings up the example of how the US government generally subsidizes meat and dairy rather than fruits and vegetables. Our hosts go on to discuss how we can oppose multiple forms of oppression at once, and how acknowledging and fighting injustice and suffering in one area doesn’t negate the injustice and suffering in another.Louis from New York calls in to tell us his UFO sighting story from back when he was in LA. Thanks for sharing the fun story with all of Louis!Our last caller is Malcolm from California who wants to talk about the reason for the commonality of various symbology across a multitude of various religions. The eels have ALL the answers you seek!That’s all for this week folks! Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of Truth Wanted. If you want to see more of Jaime, check out the links below!Jaime Woodhouse:Twitter - @jaimewoodhouse

 Truth Wanted 04.01 1-8-2021 with ObjectivelyDan, Anthony Magnabosco and Ben G | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5412

Hello Truth Seekers and welcome to our very first episode of Truth Wanted in 2021! Tonight our host ObjectivelyDan is joined by Anthony Magnabosco and Ben G!First up is Keith from FL who is wondering how street epistemology can be applied to conversations beyond the religious. Our hosts act out an example conversation while also providing advice to the caller on how to gauge the usefulness of the conversation. Knowing when to apply SE is a give and take exchange that is subjective to the specific conversation.Carpe Diem from CO takes the position that while SE isn’t necessarily persuasion towards the interviewer’s position, but is persuasion away from the belief that was previously held. Our hosts push back and define the goal of SE is to help people come to a more reliable method of obtaining the truth. SE does not attack specifically held beliefs, but the reasons and methods that have been used to arrive at those beliefs.That’s a wrap for this week Truth Seekers! Hope to see you all back here next week for another episode of Truth Wanted. Did you like our guests this week? You can find them via the info below!Ben G:Youtube: TikTok: Twitter: Anthony Magnabosco:Youtube: Twitter: Support Black Nonbelievers!!!:


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