What The World Needs More Of... Podcast show

What The World Needs More Of... Podcast

Summary: Focused on inspiring stories that bring to life the little (& big) ways people bring more love, joy, laughter & humanness to every day life... Our focus is to hunt for those little reminders that refuel the human soul & reminds us what life is really all about

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  • Artist: Jairek Robbins
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 All rights reserved.


 Ep 42 - Scarlett Lewis - What The World Needs More Of... Choosing LOVE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:49

Guest: Scarlett Lewis Age: 50 Location: Sandy Hook, CT Wow Factor: We can choose love in every situation and circumstance. I learned this myself after my young son was murdered in his first-grade classroom. Responding with love and compassion not only helped me but it made the world a better place. What the world needs more of: us to be empowered with the understanding that you can CHOOSE LOVE and the skills and tools to be able to do this. Bio: Scarlett is the founder and executive director of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement following the murder of her 6-year-old son at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. The goal of the movement is to make sure everyone has access to social and emotional learning and the understanding that we can choose love in every situation. Scarlett's background includes municipal bond trading, investment banking, and real estate. Favorite Color: Turquoise

 Ep 41 - Randy Zales - What The World Needs More Of...Critical Skills Training | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:08

Guest: Randy Zales Age: I am not young enough to know everything Location: Tampa, Florida Wow Factor: Making Coffee Disappear! Designing training & development solutions that drive performance, productivity, and profits. What the world needs more of: Coffee! And, critical skills training to succeed now and into the future Bio: Randy Zales leads sales and business growth program across four continents, with clients encompassing Fortune 500 Companies, government, franchises, small businesses and start-ups with extraordinary results. Randy recently helped a Gulf Coast Recovery firm to bring millions to Florida business owners impacted by the BP Oil Spill and is currently helping several companies to hire, train and deploy expanding sales forces, and develop emerging leader programs. Before being the President & Chief Learning Officer of The Training & Development Company, Zales built the highest revenue producing and longest running Anthony Robbins & Associates® franchises in history. Randy served as an Officer and Paratrooper in the US. Army. He is a graduate of Michigan State University and earned his Master’s Degree from Central Michigan University. He continues his executive development from prestigious business schools including Wharton, Kellogg, and the University of Michigan. Favorite Color: Black

 Ep 40 - Kirk Schneider - What The World Needs More Of...AWE Inspiring Moments | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:30

Guest: Kirk Schneider Age: 62 Location: San Francisco, CA Wow Factor: the sense of awe toward life, which I evolved through some difficult childhood experiences as well as profound adult experiences, all of which derived from the hard-won development of the capacity to be more fully present to myself and others. What the world needs more of Cultivation of the sense of awe--the humility and wonder, thrill and anxiety, or sense of adventure toward living. Bio: Kirk Schneider, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and leading spokesperson for contemporary existential-humanistic psychology. Dr. Schneider is past president (2015-2016) of the Society for Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association, recent past editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2005-2012), president of the Existential-Humanistic Institute (EHI), and adjunct faculty at Saybrook University and Teachers College, Columbia University. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Dr. Schneider has published over 100 articles and chapters and has authored or edited 12 books (several of which have been translated into Chinese, German, Greek, Russian, Turkish, and Portuguese). These books include The Paradoxical Self, Horror and the Holy, The Psychology of Existence (with Rollo May), The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology (2nd Ed.) (with Fraser Pierson and James Bugental), Rediscovery of Awe, Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy, Existential-Humanistic Therapy (with Orah Krug—accompanying APA video also available), Humanity’s Dark Side: Evil, Destructive Experience, and Psychotherapy (with Art Bohart, Barbara Held, and Ed Mendelowitz), Awakening to Awe, The Polarized Mind, The Essentials of Existential-Humanistic Therapy Supervision (with Orah Krug), The Spirituality of Awe: Challenges to the Robotic Revolution and The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy (with Emmy van Deurzen et al.) is in preparation. Dr. Schneider is the recipient of the Rollo May Award from Division 32 of the APA for “Outstanding and independent pursuit of new frontiers in humanistic psychology,” the “Cultural Innovator” award from the Living Institute, Toronto, Canada, a psychotherapy training center which bases its diploma on Dr. Schneider’s Existential-Integrative model of therapy, and an Honorary diploma/membership from the Society for Existential Analysis of the U.K. and East European Association of Existential Therapy. Dr. Schneider is also a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Institute in San Francisco, which in August 2012 launched one of the first certificate programs in Existential-Humanistic practice to be offered in the U.S.A. In April 2010, Dr. Schneider delivered the opening keynote address at the First International (East-West) Existential Psychology Conference in Nanjing, China, and has repeatedly been invited to speak at various similar venues in China—as well as Japan--over the last several years. He delivered a keynote address at the First World Congress of Existential Psychotherapy in London in May 2015. Favorite Color: Aquamarine

 Ep 39 - Daniel Levin - What The World Needs More Of... Listen to each other | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:21

Guest: Daniel Levin Age: 63 Location: Encinitas, CA Wow Factor: while most people strive to be extraordinary, the gift I have been given is to see the beauty in the ordinary. I often ask people on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being everything you want to be and 1 being something you never want to be, where do they place the word ordinary. most people reply a 1 or 2. asked the same question now using the word extraordinary, most people answer 10. and so I ask them this simple question, why do you want extra of something you don't want to be. when we see the beauty of the ordinary, we understand the rules of nature and we see in it the beauty of the sunrise, the change of seasons, etc. What the world needs more of listening to each other more Bio: Daniel Bruce Levin walked away from an opportunity to run H&R Block, a business that was a household name in order to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace. The people he met along his journey remind him a lot of the characters of The Mosaic. For most of his life, Levin felt different. He saw things others did not see and thought in ways that were unlike the ways of his peers. It made him feel alone and isolated, and though he knew how to play the game and interact with others well, he never felt he was the same as them. This all changed when he started to work with government and corporations seeking innovation. Suddenly, it was his ability to see differently that made him a sought out commodity. His work, as the Director of Business Development for Hay House, catapulted the once boutique publisher into international recognition. while he was in charge of Business Development, the company grew from $3million a year in sales to $100million dollars a year in revenue. Levin is the author of The Mosaic, a fable about finding connection and the founder and creator of The BeKind2U 21 Day Challenge. He is a rare blend of mystic and businessman who is married to the woman of his dreams, and still calls himself a modern-day monk. He is a connectivity activist who works with government organizations, corporations, and businesses to improve the flow of the working group and the interactions people have with themselves and others. Sharing a message of unification, he is a sought-after speaker for groups whose focus is on how to bring the pieces of a team together to function as one voice, i.e. The Mosaic. Favorite Color: Black

 Ep 38 - Jessica Powers - What The World Needs More of... LOVE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:26

Guest: Jessica Powers Age: 40 years old Location: Brooklyn, NY Bio: Jessica Powers launched her coaching and consulting company in 2011, and has worked as an organizational development consultant, coach, and learning strategist since 2007. She has worked with many industries, including media, technology, entertainment, energy, international development, and financial services. Before entering the organizational development field, she worked in film and music production, and as a fundraiser and event producer for the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Jessica believes that big thinking, joy, meaning, and intimate connection fuels business growth, and that careers can be wildly successful, fun, and healthy. She works with leaders to identify the people practices that will have the most impact on the organization’s culture, team effectiveness, and business growth. Jessica has a Masters Degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Oberlin College.  Some of her favorite things: meandering Brooklyn neighborhoods, talking to strangers, grocery shopping, dance breaks, and floating. What The World Needs More of:  1. Love 2. Letting Go 3. Unconstructed time WOW factor: I have a warm, dynamic, and open conversations with just about anyone. I love talking to strangers and hearing stories about peoples’ lives, longing, love, struggles, and what matters to them. I am comfortable talking with anyone - from old friends to new friends to total strangers if it feels right. I think that people sense my curiosity and lack of judgement. Favorite Color: Blue  Interesting facts that few people know: I grew up in a family that was curious about people - especially my grandma. She alway asks questions and waits for answers. Spending time with her always meant eating grapes, rubbing her feet, and looking through her papers, journals, photographs. She also had letters, which she found between her father (my great grandfather, Morris) and her grandfather (my great-great grandfather, David) between America and Lithuania. I saw the inner lives of people who I never met, but were so real. I want to always know and care about what matters to people - not the mundane routine minutiae of life - but what we yearn for, what we struggle against, what we overcome, what we cannot overcome, what gives us a sense of awe. My grandfather, who died over 20 years ago, was a ham radio operator, and he collected postcards from people all over the world who he connected with - including a kings or two. I always had the exciting feeling that we could connect to people anywhere in the world, and that people want to be known. One example of how that translated for me - I'd write papers in college and dial 411 to talk to people I was writing about, and had conversations with them. Everyone felt accessible and important. Reading Anne Frank’s diary when I was young had a big impression on me. As a third grader, I knew this person sharing her intimate thoughts was alive and dynamic, but also dead. I went to a high school on a farm in Vermont for one semester - The Mountain School. Every Friday in English class was awesome. We’d turn off the lights, and our English teacher would read snippets of everyone’s journals to the class, anonymously. It was fascinating and so intimate to know the inner lives of my classmates, and to not know their particular musings, but to know that they all had these interior lives and vulnerabilities that they don’t always display. Living in an apartment building on the upper east side with some very strange neighbors (cantaloupe thrown at my door, police coming into my apartment to get inside my neighbor’s apartment through my fire escape, neighbor with pet pigeon) where I didn’t want to be friendly with anyone, to living in a building now where I love my neighbors, have them over, they have me over, they’ve helped me get stitches, talked through relationship ups and downs. I love my neighbors, and this is how I want neighbors to be in this modern world. Getting laid of from a job, and suddenly walking around Manhattan at 11AM, 3PM, and wondering what all these people sitting in cafes and walking the streets were doing. Who were they? How did they get here? Did they not have jobs? How could they afford their mid morning lattes? What interesting things are they doing with their lives? So I set out to talk to strangers on purpose once a week for a while, and I talked to a ping pong champion, street cleaner, traveling the world couple, a sober dog walker, and a nightclub manager who lived in my great grandpa Morris’s old building on Henry Street in what is now Chinatown. We are all so fascinating, connected, different, and also - the same - in our desire for love, meaning, mastery, and pleasure. I also hosted a dinner party series with friends that was so fun and intimate and stimulating - getting to what impacted my guest’s lives. Every person played a character that was a source of inspiration for one dinner guest, so we all got to know each other in a creative way.

 Ep 37 - Chelsea Dinsmore - What The World Needs More of... Mindfulness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:07

Guest: Chelsea Dinsmore Age: 35 Location: London, United Kingdom Wow Factor: I have been told that my ability to be open and vulnerable is admirable, but I also know my ability to see beyond what is happening directly in front of me (some say optimism but I think it is just perspective) is inspirational to many in the LYL community and to friends and family. I have always somewhat naturally been able to see the bright side of things but dealing with some tough life circumstances has allowed me to see that life doesn't always go the way you thought or planned, but when you stop fighting or resisting 'what is' there is beauty difference. What the world needs more of: I believe the world needs more of many things: compassion, connectedness, perspective, etc. But I think it is important to start with where you are and what you can contribute daily... because the way you show up in the world affects (whether you know it or not) every person around you. That's why at Live Your Legend we focus on finding a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and mindfulness (being less reactive and more intentional) in your own life. Because you cannot control what happens around you, but you can decide how you are going to respond to the things that do. I also believe the world needs to play more. We tend to take things so seriously and it strips the joy out of them, but with the right mindset, we can learn to find opportunities in our obstacles and appreciation even in the midst of pain. Emotions may occur naturally (pain, fear, etc.) but our behavior in response to those emotions is a choice. Bio: Chelsea Dinsmore runs a personal development website called Live Your Legend that helps people discover how to live their lives with a deeper sense of purpose, meaning and mindfulness. Live Your Legend offers inspiration and education to a community of 127,000+ people through their online tools and courses and they have in-person communities that get together all around the world to provide a sense of like-minded support and accountability. When Chelsea is not helping others live their legend, you will find her teaching barre-based fitness classes, cooking up healthy meals or surfing waves around the world. Favorite Color: My gut reaction was red but my more mindful reaction would probably be blue.

 Ep 36 - Ajit Nawalkha - What the World Needs More Of... More Love and Productivity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:28

Guest: Ajit Nawalkha Age: 34 Location: Los Angeles, CA Wow Factor: Serve Love. Always My story really starts in a small town in India where I grew up with 23 other people in the house. I love my family but to say that my early years were challenging is an understatement. What the world needs more of: People who found their way to live joyful, fulfilling, abundant life Bio: Ajit Nawalkha is an entrepreneur, business coach, founder of Evercoach author of The Book of Coaching and a co-founder of Mindvalley - one of the biggest publishers in personal development space. Ajit Nawalkha, a serial entrepreneur, global educator & consultant, he is the co-founder of Mindvalley Teach, Evercoach and Global GRIT Institute, author of The Book of Coaching and Live Big. Born in Jaipur, Rajasthan living in a home with 23 other people, has always pursued the dream of Living Big. Over the past decade, he has helped build training and coaching companies to inspire the coming generation, transform entrepreneurs to live on purpose, while enjoying their lives while increasing profits. He enjoys exploring the world, learning different cuisines, writing, and spending time with his wife Neeta. He currently lives in Los Angeles, California. Favorite Color: Blue

 Ep 35 - Julie Hamada - What The World Needs More Of...Love! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:59

Guest: Julie Hamada Age: 32 Location: Toronto Canada Wow Factor: I don't believe in giving up! Nothing will stop me from becoming the best version of me! What the world needs more of: Love. Bio: Julie is an extremely passionate, committed and a creative professional. For over 8 years, she has offered expertise and strategy in creating systems for growing businesses and implementing a marketing strategy to increase profitability and brand awareness. Julie brings vision, project management, and expertise to all her business endeavors. She has assisted businesses in re-branding campaigns, marketing, product developments, and national/international advertising campaign that have increased overall sales for the business. Julie is 32 years young and a mother to a beautiful girl! She believes in using business strategy to also give back and make the world a better place through innovating not just as companies but as human beings. Julie currently has a marketing consulting company and holds a marketing executive position at a growing food chain! When she’s not working she loves to spend time with her daughter, hiking, giving back, and working on her book. Favorite Color: Black

 Ep 34 - Nastasha McKeon - What The World Needs More Of...Faith, Passion, Love and Kindness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:32

Guest: Nastasha McKeon Age: 34 Location: San Diego, CA Wow Factor: Perseverance. My early life set the stage really well for this characteristic! It’s really served me well in all areas of my life. A business coach of mine once explained it like this. “Nastasha you amaze me. Most are walking on their path & they run into a wall. It looks impossible to get over and so they pack it in and go home. You see a wall and you attempt to climb it, when that doesn’t work, you try to go around it, when that fails, you blow right through it.” I’ve had a lot of opportunities to call it quits in business especially and instead of calling it when the odds seem stacked against me, I just keep going. I keep pushing through and I get the beauty of seeing what’s on the other side of that wall. What the world needs more of: Faith (in our own ability to create what we want through the power of the laws of attraction). Passion (for all that we do). Love & kindness. (Towards each other, the planet and ourselves). Bio: Nastasha is a certified nutritionist and plant-based diet educator holding a certification in plant-based nutrition and holistic nutrition. She is the founder and CEO of Choice Superfood Bar & Juicery. Nastasha’s lifelong passion has been studying the connection of food and how it relates to health. She is a firm believer that—as Hippocrates said—food is medicine and it is her mission in life to teach people how that applies in their lives by educating them and giving them the tools needed to make healthier choices. In her clinical and personal experience, she has seen first hand the impact of diet on disease. She has witnessed the healing powers of food to lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, reverse type II diabetes and obesity, as well as relief from depression and many other diseases. Nastasha is a believer in the mind-body connection and encourages a balanced and healthy lifestyle to promote overall health and wellness. “Be mindful of what you put in your body, in your mind and with whom you surround yourself.” “Eat food with purpose on purpose, limit stress, meditate, exercise and most importantly always keep a positive mental attitude.” These are a few of her core values and principles for achieving ultimate wellbeing Favorite Color: Ocean Blue

 Ep 33 - Randy Wallz - What The World Needs More Of... people who love what they do. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:18

Guest: Randy Wallz Age: 27 Location: Miami, FL Wow Factor: 2012, car accident reshaped my life. Made me rethink everything I was doing. And now I just focus on living to the fullest, working and creating what makes me happy. What the world needs more of: We need more people who love what they do. In turn, we will see more happiness. Bio: Randy Paredes, also known as Randy Wallz was born in Venezuela. At 7 years old he moved to South Florida. Randy has professionally served as a Music Producer, DJ, Composer, Sound Engineer, Radio Announcer, Voice-Over, Characterizing, Dubbing, Presenter, Reporter, Television Producer, Graphic Designer, Visual Audio Editor, Broadcasting Teacher and Entrepreneur. At 14, Randy started his first company which has managed to bring to life more than 600 events, festivals, and clubs in South Florida. At 17 years old he was the host of his high school morning news and events, graduating with a major in TV production and winning the Award for Best Voice of 2009. He then went on to be a contest winner of Univision’s “Generation 23”. Which led him to work at MIAMI local station Univision 23 and years later in the show “Al Rojo Vivo” in Telemundo. Randy studied Radio / TV Broadcasting in Miami Dade College, Spanish Journalism at the University of Miami, and Sound Engineering at SAE Institute of technology. In 2013 he joined his father Edgar in teaching his broadcasting course his dad, a 40-year professional broadcaster. Today, Randy is a founding member of PangeaFM, PANGEA Academy, PANGEA Plus, PangeaDigitalTV Arrowstein DJ Management, And Vice Marketing Group. Soon to launch PANGEA Clothing brand PangeaON. In April of 2018 during the Latin Billboards Randy also launched his latest radio show and podcast “The Randy Wallz Show” where he interviews singers, songwriters, producers and members of the Latin music industry in order to learn and teach others through their experiences. Favorite Color: Black and Blue

 Ep 32 - Katelyn G: What The World Needs More Of...Vulnerability! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:30

Guest: Katelyn G. Age: 26 Location: Lakehead, CA Wow Factor: when I realized (in my meditation classes), that only we can make ourselves feel a certain way. It is not what another does, or doesn’t do, our thoughts create our emotions. We can change them in an instant! I practice this wherever I go, at the grocery store, driving, at school, or at work. Every day there are moments where someone won’t be so kind, overly pushy, or shy. I look at those situations and talk to myself okay what is the underlying emotion that is making you feel a certain way back towards these people. Then I change my thought which will bring me to stability again. I also absorb the love when someone shoots me a smile or a kind gesture, it makes me flourish with added on happiness! What The World Needs More Of: Vulnerability! Bio: Long story short, I grew up living two completely different lifestyles with separated parents. Never feeling settled, or safe. I searched in all of the wrong avenues that one could take to find safety and love. One day I decided to change every aspect in my life; my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, & let go to of certain people. I began my journey of self-reflection/growth a couple years ago. I habitually meditate in every form, everywhere in my day to day life. I started this journey because I knew the only way to find happiness and love was to find it inwardly first. I wanted to free myself of past traumas and emotions I held onto which would play out in every situation. I could only evolve if I dug deep inside. I always had wonderful observations & advice I would give to others. I finally realized it should not just be offered I needed to utilize the tools I was sharing. Why follow someone’s guidance if they are not living it once I did that my world became whole. I love life and my mission is to bring any form of comfort to anyone who wishes to receive it. Color: Purple

 Ep 31 - Douglas Winslow Cooper: What The World Needs More Of...Love + Commitment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:09

Guest: Douglas Winslow Cooper Age: 75 Location: Walden, NY Bio: Douglas Winslow Cooper, writer, and retired environmental physicist, now helps manage the at-home nursing care of his wife. Cooper earned his A.B., with honors, in physics at Cornell, then served at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories at Ft. Detrick, MD. He obtained his M.S. degree in physics at Penn State and his Ph.D. in engineering from Harvard. His professional life centered on environmental issues, and he was the author or co-author of more than 100 technical articles published in peer-reviewed journals. [Citations: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VjhPPtIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao] In 1995, he was elected Fellow of the Institute of Environmental Sciences. In 2011, he wrote and published Ting and I: A Memoir of Love, Courage, and Devotion, available at amazon.com. He co-authored two other memoirs and edited three more. He recently wrote and published Write Your Book with Me and co-authored and published SOLVED! Curing Your Medical Insurance Problems. His coaching, writing, and editing site is http://WriteYourBookWithMe.com. His most recent book, Cooper and Beggin, How to Manage Nursing Care at Home, was published by Outskirts Press in March 2017. What the world needs more of:  1. Love 2. Commitment 3. Our story is about the power of love, the importance of marriage, and the value of human life, even severely disabled life as my wife now endures. These three. Wow Factor: We fell in love in Chinese class at Cornell in 1963, married 20 years later, still deeply in love, ready to face the challenges of an interracial marriage and multiple sclerosis, which eventually made Tina quadriplegic and on a ventilator, with 24/7 nursing at home for the past 14 years, after nearly dying in 2004. Favorite Color: Blue

 Ep 30 - Akhil Patel MD - What The World Needs More Of... Execution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:30

Guest: Akhil Patel MD Age: 32 Location: Sarasota, FL What the world needs more of: People to execute on their dreams. Wow Factor: Is my resourcefulness and perspective. Bio: Akhil Patel was born in New Jersey and raised in Tampa, Florida. He earned his medical degree at the University of Florida at Shands Hospital. He then completed his Internal Medicine residency at the University of South Florida. While there, he worked at Moffitt Cancer Center, James A. Haley VA Hospital, and Tampa General Hospital.   Dr. Patel has earned many awards and held numerous leadership positions in local and national medical committees. He has practiced throughout Florida - West Palm Beach, The Villages, Leesburg, Ocala, and Tavares. He is currently in Sarasota, Florida where he manages medical clinics that focus on senior care. His aim is to disrupt low-income health care for seniors. In his free time, Dr. Patel enjoys sailing, golfing and playing tennis. Favorite Color: Blue

 Ep 29 - Micah & Diana LaCerte - What The World Needs More Of... people who BELIEVE in their ability to succeed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:40

Guest: Micah & Diana LaCerte Age: 39 and 41 Location: Kansas City, Missouri What The World Needs More Of People who BELIEVE in their ability to succeed so that they will tackle and conquer their dreams and goals. This would have a major impact and ripple effect on the world. Wow Factor: We have a deep passion to see other people transform their lives. It's why we founded our business Hitch Fit, and it's why we persist in every challenge that comes up. We are addicted to seeing people transform. The moments that have shaped this drive over the years are seeing person after person and hearing story after story of clients who have succeeded and then tackled so many other things in life that they didn't know were possible. Every time we hear one of those stories, it makes us want to just keep going and going and make the biggest impact that we can during our time on this earth. Bios: Fitness power couple Micah and Diana LaCerte are co-owners of Hitch Fit Gym & Hitch Fit Online Personal Training. These entrepreneurs published authors, and World Champion fitness athletes have graced the covers of both fitness magazines and business magazines, and have pursued their mission passionately since 2009. Micah and Diana launched Hitch Fit in the heart of a recession, with a shoestring budget, and a BIG dream to have a positive impact on as many lives as possible. The online personal training business, which they built organically through social media, has spread to 74 countries. Hitch Fit Gym now has 3 locations in the Kansas City area. They along with their Transformation Training team in Kansas City, Missouri, have aided clients locally and globally shed over 350,000 pounds of fat. Hitch Fit will celebrate 10 years of transforming lives in February 2019 and have just launched a new division of the company, Hitch Fit Master Coaching, which will provide workshops and retreats. Micah is a class of 2012 graduate of the HEMP program (Helzberg Entrepreneurial Mentoring Program). Diana is a Kansas City Business Journal - Women Who Mean Business class of 2015, and Hitch Fit is one of Thinking Bigger Business Media’s Top 25 under 25 Small Businesses in Kansas City. As leaders in the fitness and transformation industry, these two are committed to their mission of “Making the world a more fit and healthy place, one person at a time”. Micah and Diana have been married since 2011 and reside in Kansas City, Missouri. As born again believes in Jesus Christ they feel beyond blessed to fulfill God’s call on their lives by helping others transform. Favorite Color: Micah-Silver Diana-Green

 Ep 28 - Brandon James Duncan: What the World Needs More Of...Self-love, unconditional love, connection, community and compassion. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:22

Guest: Brandon James Duncan Age: 38 Location: Portland Oregon Bio: Serial entrepreneur, father, author, athlete...focused on becoming a better man each day while making a positive impact along the way.   What The World Needs More Of: Self-love unconditional love connection community compassion   Wow Factor: My ability to connect and relate to others in a deep and intimate way, thus creating a leadership path to mutual growth and expansion. Experiencing the death of my brother on my birthday shaped me in a way and inspired me to pursue meaningful relationships and connection with others.   Favorite Color: Blue


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