Raising a Powerful Girl show

Raising a Powerful Girl

Summary: Join Founder Maria Fuller on how to become a cycle breaker and foster Independence, Leadership and Strong Personal Identity in girls today while facing todays mental health crisis, body image issues, relationships, mean girls and so much more. This podcast is for spiritually aware and conscious parents who are ready to shake things up and do the work to be the change!

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 Being UnNormal - Supporting Parents of Children Struggling with Mental Health Issues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2371

Today on the podcast we are joined by Kimberley BerryKimberly is the founder of Being UnNormal, a consulting and advocacy group that assists people navigate the world of mental health through a coaching model. She is also the founder of the podcast Being UnNormal, a podcast series which explores issues about various mental health issues with an emphasis on children’s mental health issues. Kimberly is a sought after public speaker, and coaches individuals on subjects such as personal & professional development, and specializes on working with parents of children with behavioral health special needs. She is the producer of the Adolescent Mental Health Summit which takes place in Camas, Washington tackling tough subjects like youth suicide, anxiety, and depression. For more information on Kimberley you can find her at beingunnormal.comTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 Strong Spirit Girl - The Importance of Cultivating Daily Gratitude practices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1727

Today on the podcast we are joined by Terrie Nathan. As a young girl Terrie Struggled with self-confidence and bullying. If it had not been for her grandmother who was able to be aware of this and take the positive actions she did, she may have been on a different life path. Terri’s grandmother is the one that called her "strong girl" when she was growing up and this helped shaped who she is today. Not all girls have this kind of positive influence, and so Terrie wanted to provide girls everywhere with a journal of sorts to help build that muscle of positivity within theirselves And to also encourage them to pay the seeds of strength forward with their daily actions.Strong Girl Spirit is a motivational, positive movement for women and girls everywhere. Their mission is to help girls see the real, the fun, the flawed, the quirky, the amazingly beautiful Strong Girl that They ARE!!.For more information on Terri you can find her at stronggirlspirit.comTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 The Rise of the Snowplow Parent and decrease in Personal Leadership of Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2439

Growing up means making mistakesThe problem with this, according to Julie Lythcott-Haims, the former dean of freshmen at Stanford University and author of "How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success," is that parents never let their children grow up. Growing up means making your own decisions, and sometimes, mistakes, she told The Times.“The point is to prepare the kid for the road, instead of preparing the road for the kid,” Lythcott-Haims said. Lythcott-Haims said it's difficult for snowplow parents to break the habit of being a child's fixer, always plowing away all the difficulties."If you’re doing it in high school, you can’t stop at college,” she said. "If you’re doing it in college, you can’t stop when it comes to the workplace. You have manufactured a role for yourself of always being there to handle things for your child, so it gets worse because your young adult is ill-equipped to manage the basic tasks of life."Lythcott-Haims said parents eventually have to take a back seat and let their kids drive their own lives. "You can’t just arrive them at the future you want for them. They have to do the work to build the skills," she said. Today on the podcast we are joined by Steve SimmonsEducational psychologist 30 years as business and leadership coach, former school psychologist and director of special ed, co-founder and head success coach - Launch-Your-Life.com, Steve has spent a lot of time working with and understanding teens. Steve is a frequent contributor regarding teenage issues on local NBC affiliate [WNYT], as well as - on-line parents' groups and has dedicated his life to helping to develop personal leadership in young people For more information on Steve you can find him at www.launch-your-life.comTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 What children can teach us | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2002

So often we talk about the power of modeling behavior to our children and we focus on what we need to be teaching them. What about shifting that perspective? What happens when we stand back, watch our children and allow them to teach us what they know? What could we learn? What do they have to teach us even at a young age?Today on the podcast we are joined by Jules GrievesJules is a wife and mother of two small children. She is expanding as an international speaker and trainer for her company, Raising Roots LLC promoting childlike growth in the adult world to unfold more fulfilling, freeing ways to live. She would say her life was dead inside until a new life came from it. Before the birth of her son, Zayden, she only knew to operate out of five things: hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism. Living that way made her numb, emotionless. Once she held a raw human life in her hands, a feeling rushed over her like a heart-stopping memory: love. She became aware that her way of ‘living’ wasn’t living at all and stood still long enough to realize that her son and, soon after him, her daughter would hold all the answers towards rediscovering the best version of herself- her childlike self.For more information on Jules you can find her at raising roots.bizTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 Food Allergy Un-Boxed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1882

Today on the podcast we are joined by Asha LeRayHaving allergies can be isolating but when we remember there are thousands of ways to view ourselves as different...we can also remember we're all human we all have our own stories! It's important to teach this to young kids early on in their lives. The person next to them has a story just as they do. Asha LeRay is the founder of Food Allergy Unboxed and help families learn to thrive with food allergies. As a parent of a 10 year old daughter who lives with multiple severe food allergies, She has lived through and learned from plenty of life's obstacles. This journey has not only taught her to live with food allergies but also helped them both transform from insecure and anxious to becoming fierce advocates for themselves in all aspects of their lives. Now she wants to help others do the same! Asha believes if families can learn to plan well - eat safely - and communicate clearly, they'll be living their best lives in no time! Beyond being a food allergy parent, Asha is an occupational therapist working in an urban inclusion school where kids of all learning abilities learn together. She is also an avid outdoors-woman and Pixar animation fan! For more information on Asha you can find her at www.foodallergyunboxed.comTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 Mean Girls and Relational Aggression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2236

Today on the podcast we are joined by Dr. Kimberley PalmiottoDr. Kim has worked in the field of psychology and education for over 20 years. She is an educational psychologist and art therapist that focuses on education and awareness around emotional intelligence. She has made it a point to introduce and support families understand brain-based learning and how it influences a child's development and learning. Dr. Palmiotto has worked in both public and private school settings as well as in private practice with children, teens, and families helping them to learn techniques to create a more peaceful, fulfilled life at school and home. Her most recent book is focused on relational aggression with girls; helping tween and teen girls understand how the social language of others can impact friendships to ultimately increase more self-awareness and confidence in themselves. She is a mom of 4 girls herself and currently works as a coach and counselor to help families through parent training and coaching programs for the whole family.For more information on Dr. Kim you can find her at Marigoldgirls.com

 Empowering Girls with Holistic Menstrual Health Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3703

De’Nicea saves uteruses and makes babies as a Holistic Period & Fertility Strategist and Doctor of Oriental Medicine certified in Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM.) She is known for her multi-faceted perspective of the menstrual cycle that shatters the belief of what has been accepted as “normal” for what is healthy.You can catch De’Nicea working with women virtually or at her Holistic Reproductive Health clinic or on her podcast, Sisters of Flow. As founder of The Fertility Effect™ and The Fertile Collective™, De’Nicea inspires women seeking holistic methods to support their quest not only for period relief or positive pregnancy test, but for a more aligned and empowered whole Self.While women have been searching all over for the answers to her questions about her period and fertility health, De’Nicea helps her see that the answers have been within her the whole time. She just needs to know how to access and interpret it.From this new perspective, she begins to create a life FOR her instead of allowing things to happen TO her, taking a more active role in her healthcare and well-being.De’Nicea leads women to shift their relationship with their cycle to one of Self-Guided Direction – detecting cues and listening to messages of what her Mind, Body and Spirit are saying she needs.There are common misconceptions about menstrual cycles where girls and women are taught to accept certain symptoms as "normal" when really they're messages of health - holistically. Providers quickly prescribe birth control which can have major side effects on a growing girl's body and some stay on it for decades after. Or, parents/guardians are unfamiliar with how to help young ladies who begin menstruating, especially if they're nervous to talk about the possibility of pregnancy. Today our listeners will learn what are some of these common misconceptions about the menstrual cycle and what can be done to encourage girls to have a healthy relationship with her cycle. They'll also learn how to begin key steps to beginning to interpret the messages her cycle is telling her about her health and well-being.It's important that girls become cycle aware and develop a relationship with their cycles. The relationship she develops begins with how she is taught. Girls who know more cycle awareness, grows more confident and her esteem increases. Also, this positions her to set different standards for herself and those she allows in her life.For more information on De’Nicea you can find her at http://www.deniceahilton.com

 Super Hero Play and Teaching Consent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2511

Allana Robinson​believes that​t the​ ban on rough and tumble and war, weapon, and superhero play is generally in place because of a misguided feminist conviction: if we stop children from using pretend violence we can curb the rate of real violence towards women when they're adults. But the research refutes that and actually shows that children who are prevented from playing with pretend violence never learn to deal with frustration, violence impulses, and anger effectively and repress it- and in extreme cases this can lead men to acting out violent fantasies in reality because they don't know how else to process those thoughts. The research also shows that in environments where this play is accepted girls become more confident, more resistant, and more vocal as they aren't getting the message by proxy that compliance and quiet is the gold standard. In a world where children are spending more and more time in educational institutions,​ we can support both boys to become non-violent men and girls to become strong, resistant, vocal women by getting rid of zero tolerance.Allana Robinson is a parenting coach for parents of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. She provides the tools for parents who want to raise capable, confident, independent children without yelling, shaming, or enforcing disconnected consequences of their children. For a decade Allana worked with children with special needs in the capacity of an early childhood educator and developmental specialist doing early intervention. She has spent countless hours reading the latest child development and behavior psychology research, which she then uses to create targeted behavior and intervention plans. For more information on Allana you can find her at www.AllanaRobinson.comTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and make sure to join our facebook group called MOMS RAISING POWERFUL GIRLS, we look forward to seeing you there!

 Empowered Girl Digital Citizens Change the World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2727

22% of teenage girls say they posted nude or semi-nude photos or videos of themselves onlineOnly 15% of parents are “In-the-know” of their kid's social network habits, and these behaviors can lead to cyber-bullyingGirls are more likely than boys to be targets of cyber-bullying69% of tweens and teens regularly receive online communication from strangers and don't tell a parent or caretakerApproximately 89% of sexual solicitations of youth were made in chat rooms or through instant messagingJoin Founder Maria Fuller as she explores these and other startling statistics as well as talks about how to Empower Girls to use their voice, social media and technology to not only empower themselves, advocate for others and help to change the world for the better. For more information on out Online Digital Citizenship Course please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement.com

 Behavior is a Product of the Environment and Other Behavior Management Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2162

Laura Lynn LaPointe is a wife, mother of one son, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), and entrepreneur! She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Theology in 2011 from Benedictine College and spent three summers working for Children's Mercy Hospital (Kansas City, Missouri) for the Summer Treatment Program for children with ADHD. It was at the Summer Treatment Program where she fell in LOVE with training parents on effective behavioral strategies and working with children who exhibit behavioral issues. After working for a private school for two years, Laura Lynn returned to the classroom to pursue a graduate degree in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Laura Lynn earned a Masters of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis and Developmental Disabilities from Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama) and became a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) in 2015. Laura Lynn currently hosts The Parenting Clubhouse Podcast and runs an online parenting membership site to educate and train parents on effective behavioral strategies. Today she comes on the podcast to share some common strategies parents can use to manage and navigate their child’s behavior because let's face it at some point or another we will face behavior issues during our parenting journey!For more information on Laura Lynn and her work you can find her at www.lauralynnpointe.com for information on her parenting site check out our blog at www.raisingapowerfulgirl.com/blog You can also find information inside of our private Facebook​ group “Moms Raising Powerful Girls”To find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com we look forward to seeing you there!

 Teaching Girls the Creative Process as a Foundation for Problem Solving and Future Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2487

An accountant turned creative Jane Harbison is a perfect example of how tapping into your natural strengths and doing what you love can reward you multiple times over.Raising confident creative girls is important to Jane and she has built a business around it.At school,​ Jane felt she had to be able to support herself. She didn’t want to be reliant on her parents. They had already worked so hard to give her amazing opportunities and put her through school.Jane knew accounting was a good option – you can always use accountancy and get a job with it. So she made subject choices at school that she thought would help her get a good TE Score – maths, chemistry, French. Problem was she was really good at art, home economics (particularly clothes design/fabrics) and history.She likes to talk with girls about the importance of combining what they love and what they are good at in order to be successful in the world.Jane is the founder of Dreaming Big for Little Girls where she uses creativity to teach the creative process. The creative process is a clever problem-solving tool.She has been interviewed by The Australian, ABC Radio and other city and regional newspapers and business groups on her unique initiatives for girls.She has been involved in the governance of independent schools for nearly 15 years. She is also passionate about advancing rural women and girls and is past Chair, Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women.For more information on Jane and her work you can find her at www.dreamingbigforlittlegirls.com for information on her journal for girls check out https://www.dreamingbigforlittlegirls.com/teen-girl-journal/ref/RaisingAPowerfulgirl/ You can also find information inside of our private Facebook group “Moms Raising Powerful Girls”To find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com we look forward to seeing you there!

 Celebrating Culture, Diversity and Finding Yourself Through Stories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2028

Meenal Patel is an artist, designer and author based in San Francisco, California. She is inspired by family, childhood wonder, strong women, textures in nature, and her Indian-American heritage. When she’s not making art, she loves reading to her nieces, cooking chana masala, eating ice cream, visiting her home state of Minnesota and being in the beautiful outdoor spaces of California.Much of my Meenal’s art focuses on representing strong women and girls. She believes that it's critical for women and girls to be surrounded by imagery of strong women – as inspiration for themselves and as reminders of their own strength. Meenal also believes that representation and diversity in art is important especially for kids. Coming out of making her first children’s picture book she felt even more strongly about the importance of diversity and representation in imagery. All children deserve to have exposure to a variety of imagery and stories – ones where they can see themselves reflected and ones where they are exposed to many kinds of people who are different from them. Kids need opportunities to see themselves as heroes, to celebrate what makes them unique and to feel connected to other people. For more information on Meenal and her work, you can find her at www.meenalpatelstudio.com for information on her book check out our blog at www.RaisingAPowerfulGirl.com/blog . You can also find information inside of our private Facebook​ group “Moms Raising Powerful Girls”To find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com we look forward to seeing you there!

 Pelvic Floor Problems that are Affecting Young Girls That No One is Talking About | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2771

Pelvic Dysfunction is a  silent epidemic that hijacks the happiness of over 30 million women in the U.S. alone.  That means 1-in- 3 women listening to this are experiencing this devastating pain and dysfunction. The really shocking news, this is even affecting our young girls and they don’t even realize it!As for the medical establishment? It tells women to have a glass of wine , see a psychologist, or worse have invasive (and completely unnecessary) surgery. For girls, well, girls don’t even know the issues they are having are normal, in fact for many girls they don’t even know they are having issues until it really starts affecting their extracurricular activities like running, soccer and most especially dancers and gymnast. Some of the treatments that don’t work are:* Pelvic organ prolapse mesh surgeries, which do more harm than good and often require a re-fix
* Bladder slings that don’t resolve the urine leaking, but can lead to self-catheterizing or worse erode into the vagina.* Hysterectomies that could have been avoided - most are conducted for benign reasons. 
* Botox injections in the vaginal walls that are not necessary.
* Prescriptions with severe side-effects that don’t even alleviate the pain or leaking.
But there is hope! Today, meet Isa Herrera. Isa is a licensed physical therapist as well as an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies in the field of women’s health. She developed her expertise in diagnosing and treating pelvic pain by helping over ten thousand women in her NYC based healing center Renew Physical therapy since 2005. She spent years as an adjunct professor at Hunter College in NY teaching pelvic floor techniques to 3rd-year doctoral level physical therapy students. She is the author of 5 books, 4 being on the topic of pelvic health and she has lectured nationally on the topic of Women’s Health. Isa has personally helped close to 15, 000 women suffering from Pelvic Dysfunction. Today’s conversation is an eye opener and a look into how society has taught us to believe what is an is not normal in terms of pelvic health and how even young girls are being affected today. If you are a woman or a parent to a girl this is a MUST LISTEN to conversation!For more information on Isa’s Free Master class please visit http://bit.ly/PelvicEmpowerment or our blog at www.RaisingAPowerfulGirl.com/blog to get registered! You can also find information inside of our private Facebook​ group “Moms Raising Powerful Girls”

 Bee Free A Mindfulness Journey and Story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2513

Jolene Burch is a pediatric occupational therapist and owner of a holistic Alternative Therapy Center for Children, located in Shelton, CT. She published her first children's book, Bee Free, which is a playful adventure book about mindfulness with exercises that are scientifically proven to calm the nervous system and enhance one's body/brain connection. The book is dedicated to her daughter and was written for very personal reasons to live a more balanced lifestyle after experiencing early career stress and burnout. She also saw the need for her clients to connect with their children and be more present in a fast-paced world that has so many modern-day distractions. Her mission is to share tools, educate, and support families. Jolene provides nutritional and mindful parenting consulting as well as teaches innovative neuro-developmental techniques to overcome physical and mental roadblocks among all ages. On today's episode, Jolene talks about her book, her motherhood journey and how incorporating mindfulness and other skills helped her to be more present with her daughter and decreased everyday stress and pressure and so much more. For more information on Jolene,​ you can find her at www.IntegrativeTot.com and check out the noted on our blog for more information on her book and where you can buy it!To find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and join our facebook group called “Moms raising powerful Girls” we look forward to seeing you there!

 The Myth of the Starving Artist - A Tale of Empowerment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2526

Miriam Schulman has made her living as a professional artist for over 15 years. In addition to selling paintings, she also teaches her techniques through her online site, the Inspiration Place and is the host of a top-rated podcast of the same name. Schulman abandoned a hedge fund career after witnessing the devastation of 911 to work on her art full time. Rejecting the starving artist myth, her watercolor and mixed media paintings have been seen on NBC, published in art magazines & home decor books and collected worldwide. In addition, New York museums have carried her artistic accessories in their gift shops. She has been published in art magazines such as Art of Man, Art Journaling Magazine by Stampington and is a regular contributor to Professional Artist magazine. She is a host of her own podcast, The Inspiration Place, a podcast for artists to learn how to market and sell their art; and for other people who want to become artists quiet their inner critic and reconnect with their lost creativity. On today's Podcast Interview we talk about why we have to stop telling our daughters that they can’t make a living doing what they want to do! Miriam’s daughter is pursuing a degree in music education and neither of them listened when naysayers said that she should pursue a liberal arts degree instead. Miriam talks about how if you have a daughter who wants to become an artist the best thing you can do is help her develop the skills she needs to pursue that. We also talk about how the stories and criticisms we hear early in life become our limiting self-belief. For more information on Miriam,​ you can find her at theinspirationplace.netTo find out more about how to empower the girl in your life please visit www.EmpoweredGirlMovement. com and join our facebook group called “Moms raising powerful Girls” we look forward to seeing you there!


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