Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast  show

Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast

Summary: A podcast about mostly film photography! Hosted by Mike Gutterman, Andre Domingues, Mike Kukavica, Roxanna Angles, and Jessica Jones.

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 Negative Positives Podcast #321 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:17

A Mike solo show with emails from Michael Raso (IG filmphotographyproject, Youtube filmphotographypodcast, from the Film Photography Podcast, Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35) and Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) about Instagram account @myinstantimages (ignore the mistake in the podcast where Mike says the IG account incorrectly!).  Next, Mike receives an awesome print from Gary Clennan (IG calgary_street) and the first zine from Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo, IG billthoo_astro, IG thoobill), and a call in from Marina (IG ifwefilm_ , from the Analog Television Youtube Channel about the Best Film Photography Guide For Beginners (  Next, Mike has an interview with Christiaan Hillen (IG analogwilderness) about how he got into photography, the Pentax ME and MX, Pentax pancake lens, Agfa Isola, the Learn Camera Repair Facebook Group (, a Soviet Panorama camera called the KMZ FT-2, shooting during Covid in the Netherlands, getting a Leica, Pentax hacks, having two creative outlets, and why we are attracted to tactile experiences.  Finally, a call in from Morgan Messner about Roland Barthes' "Camera Lucida"  book, and a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, of a track titled "Paddy Lay Back".

 Negative Positives Podcast #320 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:12

A Round Table episode with Sam Warner (IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict, and Mike Padua (IG themikepadua, Twitter @mikepadua,!  Topics include the mindset of shooting cheap cameras vs. more expensive cameras, choices for our final output goals with photography, how Instagram photos die a quick death and better ways to share our photography in a more impactful way, how Covid has changed our photography plans and goals.  Next, Mike Padua talks about how one of his favorite photographers, Khalik Allah, just received the honor of becoming a Magnum Agency Nominee and we discuss how we support our influences, also making zines and scanner resolution.  Finally, who has influenced us in photography lately and how those influences effect our personal photography.

 Negative Positives Podcast #319 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:08

Mike receives a lumen print from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob,, and a new photography book from Kim Beil (IG kebeil) called "Good Pictures, A History of Popular Photography" about trends throughout photographic history.  Also, Mike interviews Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor) and we cover how he got back into film photography, VHS, Vinyl, photography vs. marital status, the importance of family photos vs. art photography, archiving memories, the film photography market and shooting during Covid 19 in Sweden, film scanning and hints about his plan for creating a new film scanner solution! Next we have a call in from Eric Dan (, IG 35mmlove) about Kodak Tri-X, a call in introduction from Keith Sharples who just joined the film community and started a new podcast called "The Jazz and Photography Years Re-Visited".  Finally, the listener music track is from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Silky Hair". Link to Kim Beil's article mention in the episode:

 Negative Positives Podcast #318 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:48:26

A show with the hosts of the podcast with a surprise last minute guest!  Andre talks about Cinestill's free roll of film giveaway, receives an APS camera from Jeff Greenstein (IG sjeffgreenstein), his upcoming trip, and getting the Lomo look out of the LCA 120.  Roxanna appears on Clay Daly's (IG cwdaly) podcast "Through My Lens with Clay Daly", her trip to Big Bear with instant photography, gets a postcard from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob), and talks about the progress of her book about mindfulness with photography.  Mike receives a package from Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor)  with a Kodak bottle opener and dye sub prints for his next print torture test, a package from Nuno Cruz (IG narc_expired_film, Ebay store Narc Expired Film) of some rare expired film, and Mark Rossi (IG duenorth_leather, sends some handmade leather camera straps from his business Due North Leather Goods Co.!  Next, we have a surprise appearance from Roxanna's husband Brian La Belle (IG brian_c_labelle, IG summerland_creative, FB summerland creative, FB summerland story company)!  We talk about film making, how he got back into shooting film, Super 8, expired film, favorite film makers, how motion pictures influence his still photography, the film making community, film developing, the dynamic of living with another image maker, their family short horror movie, his favorite film and camera from Roxanna's collection, the difference of their shooting styles, and living with another creative person!

 Negative Positives Podcast #317 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:16

Mike talks about the honor of appearing on Analogue Wonderland's YouTube show "Analogue Television" on their YouTube channel.  Thanks to Paul McKay (, Youtube Analogue Wonderland) and Marina (IG ifwefilm_)!  Also, the debatable honor of recording with The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast with Em ( and Hamish Gill (!  A cool package and call in from Dale Rogers (IG photo_rangers, IG salamanderrepublic, surrounding his new zine called "Grainy Days, My Analogue Gippsland".  Mark Rossi offers some handmade leather camera neck straps and wrist straps (, Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, Etsy junction rails, sends a zine titled "TFS 6x6 Issue 1" which is a project by members of the Toronto Film Shooters Facebook Group, Henry Scott from the "Tales from the Magic Box Podcast" starts using some of Mike's "Sea Hero" music on his podcast, and the Central Camera Go Fund Me campaign to rebuild after the fire.  Next, an interview with Svein Olav Humberset (IG humbersetfoto, Flickr Viewfinder Vikings Podcast) of the "Viewfinder Vikings Podcast".  He talks about how he got into photography, what brought him to shoot film and the pains of starting to shoot it, and what eventually made him embrace the process.  Also, what made him start his podcast and the evolution of that, his thoughts about the Covid situation and the struggle with making photography a career, his recent purchase of Tri-X and his plans for using it and dealing with film curling.  Next, shooting in Norway weather and what the film market is like there.  Finally, we talk about a film community music project that we are planning through the -/+ Podcast Music Group Facebook Group!  Lastly, we have a call in camera review from Gaetan Cormier for the Nikon F5 and a listener original music track from Lilly Schwartz ( from a project of hers called Polarcoaster with a track titled "Inner Light"

 Negative Positives Podcast #316 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:31:16

This episode we welcome on Eric (IG conspiracy.of.cartographers) and Vania (IG surfmartian) from the "All Through A Lens" Podcast (IG allthroughalens.podcast,!  It is a long episode and we cover so many topics and go down so many rabbit holes that I'm not about to type all this shit out!  Just know that we talk about their photography, their podcast, and Duran Duran!  Just listen, it was a blast talking to them!

 Negative Positives Podcast #315 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:50:21

Mike receives an Instagram message from Philip K (IG dyslexsyk) about Flickr, a Facebook Messenger message from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob) about developing film including thoughts on hardening fixers, emails from Regalado Santos (IG pretty_nifty) about inkjet printing, Richard Hall (IG connexions) about developing expired color film as black and white with stand developing,  and Kiran Atwaroe (Flickr diabloco2002) about his photographic journey to film.  Also, announces the winner of the Expired Film Photography Facebook Group photo contest, gets goodies in the mail including a print from co-host Andre Domingues, some Pentax 67 caps from Simon Forster (IG simonforsterphotographic) of the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast sent by Ben Couto (IG bencouto,, a new zine from Matt Murray (IG mattloves, from the Matt Loves Cameras Podcast, a new zine from Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, and info about his new community project "The Twin Lens Challenge".  Next, we have Andre Domingues submitting an interview with Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, about the cancellation of The Photography Show, using social media and live streams for promoting ideas and products, the future of photography trade shows, how these weird times have forced people to connect more through the internet, the state of social media now, and gate keeping in the community.  Finally, a call in camera review from Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast about the Kodak Instamatic 500, and a listener music track from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast with a track called "Mother Nature".

 Negative Positives Podcast #314 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:28:14

This week we welcome on Graham Young (IG grahamhomemadecamera, Flickr freezerofphotons, film podcast listing website, podcasts "The Homemade Camera Podcast" and "Get Started With Film Photography"), Nick Lyle (Flickr nicklyle, IG avynick), and Ethan Moses ( Polaroid scanner trays, IG cameradactyl,, ) from the Homemade Camera Podcast.  Graham and Nick talk about how they got into photography, Andre talks about Cinestill's new E6 developing kits, Roxanna talks about her virtual shoots through Zoom including a session with Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike), Graham talks about a black magic printing process, Nick talks about moving to larger formats with his camera projects, Ethan teases us with talk of a possible film scanner project and scanner trays for Polaroids, and Mike threatens to open up a black hole in the universe to explore APS pinhole photography.  Next, we have questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group to the Homemade Camera Podcast gang about what camera they'd like to build, scameras, photographer's jeans, new 35mm camera production, Ethan's camera production plans, making film, what cameras they admire most, hurdles with building cameras, which plastic camera would they choose to recreate, and Nick's hair!  Finally, talk about alternative shutters, youtube possibilities, and Holga masks.

 Negative Positives Podcast #313 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:10:08

We preempt a usual solo show to welcome Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo) and have Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6) fill in as a cocoa captain for a missing Andre Domingues.  Bill talks about how he got into photography, how a Holga brought him back to film, and acquiring film cameras.  Stanley announces his Fuji Superia 1600 project and Roxanna Angles talks of her first virtual photo shoot through Zoom.  Next, Bill answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group that brings up discussions about shooting night photos on film, how he's dealt with the pandemic being in the health care field, zines and projects, film supply in Australia, where he'd like to travel for photography, Pentax 67, composing photos, InstantKon RF70 and instant cameras, what would he change when he started shooting, Mamiya and canned pasta, Instax, Leica M4, portrait photography, favorite films and formats, shooting in Sydney, next camera purchases, teaching photography, the film community in Australia, and favorite shooting locations.  Finally, Australian wildlife, stand developing in color, shooting in the Australian bush, hi-fi vs lo-fi photos and pinhole photography!

 Negative Positives Podcast #312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:12:10

The return of round table episodes!  This round table includes the hosts along with Shaun Nelson (, IG shaunnelson) and Robert Lainez (IG rlainez, IG robertshootsfilm, IG!  Topics include motivation in your photography and guilt when you go long periods without shooting, expired film and the success vs. disappointment at the results as well as the discussion on whether we should shoot it,  why we post to social media, do people care if it was shot on film, and are people fishing for likes, how much gear to take on outings with loved ones, and taking photography classes with instructors that impose their creative point of view instead of letting the student develop their own style of photography, photo critics, and does anyone else's opinion matter when it comes to your creative outlets.

 Negative Positives Podcast #311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:36:59

Mike chats with Mrs. Manette Gutterman (IG justmanette), announces our new product "Uncle Gutterman's Gas Relief Tonic" with an advertisement produced by Jack Allan (, IG jack.w.allan) (music for the ad from Kevin Macleod, a new film photo podcast by Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee, called "The Ordinary Photographer", info on a "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" giveaway with a call in from Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) about a prize donated by Christer Brandt (IG cb_13onfilm).  Next, an interview with Anthony Fisk (IG tehmonolith, youtube Film Camera Hacks (search fch ep on youtube to find it!)) where we talk about how he got into photography, Russian cameras, the New Zealand camera and film market, 3D printing, hacking cameras, Sokol, Lubitel, the comfort of shooting basic cameras, building an SLR, weird supermarket purchases, pinhole photography, opportunistic photography, and shooting in New Zealand.  Finally, a call in camera review from Sindri Skarph on the Contax T2 and listener music from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) of a track titled "Patient Haste". Submit your favorite two cheesy 1980's style photos by using the hashtag #npp80sfilterchallenge on Instagram!  Contest runs till the end of June!

 Negative Positives Podcast #310 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:58

This episode we welcome Timothy Ditzler (IG timothymakeups, YouTube Timothy Makeups,, IG analogtalkpodcast) from the Analog Talk Podcast!  We talk about how he got into film photography, how he ended up in Tennessee, how the Analog Talk Podcast got started, Polaroid week, Polaroid Spectra, 4x5 still lifes, shooting Polaroids indoors, and Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day shooting.  Next, we talk about Timothy's recent health scare and how it has changed his photography, film photography as therapy, how he wants his photography to evolve, shooting during this isolation, documenting his recovery, where he would like to travel, interviewing famous people, photographic legacy, and favorite Polaroid cameras and film.  Finally, we discuss the correlation between music and photography, his music, who he would like to interview next, and social interaction with other film photographers.

 Negative Positives Podcast #309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:08

A Mike solo show!  Thanks for birthday wishes, a print from Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails,, an email about IG posting, an extension of the contest started by An Gelo based from the Expired Film Photography Facebook group and how to enter, and Matt Murray from the "Matt Loves Cameras" Podcast (IG mattlovescameras) calls in with all the details of the Matt Loves Panos Plastic Pano Camera Challenge.  Next, an interview with Theo Panagopoulos (IG theo_panagopoulos, where we talk about dangerous Australian wildlife, how he got into film photography, how a Holga brought him back to film, his massive camera collection, his website, trying to go pro, starting out with point and shoots, support within the film community, his adventures with Stephen Rea, and shooting in New Zealand and Australia.  Finally, a call in camera review from Sindri Skarph for the Olympus Stylus Epic, an unbelievable act of generosity from Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) where he matched the Ko-Fi donations to Roxanna Angles' student film project, and original music from Carsten "Doc" Deutschmann with a track called "SkaNo1".

 Negative Positives Podcast #308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:56

A rare episode with just the hosts of the podcast!  Mike, Andre, and Roxanna talk about our weeks, the new Negative Positives community challenge... the cheesy 80's Filter Challenge!  (Listen to the episode for all the details! IG hashtag will be: #npp80sfilterchallenge), the difficulty of starting new creative projects, some talk on Instagram posting, and our thoughts about this weird Corona Virus era and how Ko-Fi donations to the podcast will be donated to Corona Virus efforts.  

 Negative Positives Podcast #307 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:48:33

A Mike listener interaction solo show!  A shout out to Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) from the "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" for offering film developing during these weird times, a call out for support for Timothy Ditzler (IG timothymakeups, IG timothy.makeups, IG analogtalkpodcast) of the "Analog Talk Podcast" who had some health issues recently, donations can be submitted to the gofundme page for timothymakeups or Timothy Ditzler, emails from Paul Friday ( about flash photography, Leo Nikishin (IG 10rolls_of_film) from the "10 Rolls of Film Podcast" with a nice message and about his new zine, Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob, about lumen prints, and a funny segment from the "All Through A Lens Podcast" episode 15 (IG allthroughalens.podcast) about a Gutterman dream from Ethan Moses (IG cameradactyl).  Next, Mike talks with Anil Mistry (IG anilmistryphoto, about his photography including street and portrait photography, hybrid photography, shooting during the pandemic, and family photography even during difficult times.  Next, a call in from Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, about his "4 Stops" zine series, and a film photography contest that An Gelo started on the Expired Film Photography Facebook Group.  Finally, listener music by Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike,!


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