Athlete Maestro | The Ultimate Podcast For Young Athletes | Sports Education | Sport Psychology | Mental Toughness | Athlete Development | Mental Training with Tola Ogunlewe show

Athlete Maestro | The Ultimate Podcast For Young Athletes | Sports Education | Sport Psychology | Mental Toughness | Athlete Development | Mental Training with Tola Ogunlewe

Summary: As a young athlete, you face many obstacles before achieving your sports goals. You must master the mental and physical aspects of sports as well as understand the business side of sports. Join Sports Performance Coach and Sports Lawyer Tola Ogunlewe as he helps you break your mental and physical limitations in sports and understand the business side of sports with the help of the Athlete Maestro Method. Every lesson/interview is broken down into simple actionable steps to get you to achieve your sports goals and perform your best as an athlete. This podcast is also for parents who want their children to play professional sports.

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  • Artist: Tola Ogunlewe - Sports Performance Coach & Sports Lawyer
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 EP 167 - BONUS - What No One Told You About Injuries In Sports | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:33

In this episode i share with you a few things nobody tells you when you get injured but which are critically important in your journey in sports. We talk about pain and why its not always bad news. We also talk about loneliness and why you never see it coming when you get injured. Click play PS: If you're interested in a course that further breaks down all the steps you need to go through to understand, prevent and recover from injuries, head over to to signify your interest. Knowing more about injuries means you don't have to worry about anything going wrong and you can focus on fulfilling your potential.

 EP 166 - Monica Seles - Your Mind Is Your Most Powerful Tool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:16

Monica Seles is a former professional tennis player and former world number 1. She's also a winner of 9 grand slam titles. Today, we share two lessons you can learn from her legendary career. Click play PS: Head over to and start on your FREE email course on how to build your mental toughness

 EP 165 - The Law of Cause And Effect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:17

The law of cause and effect is simple. Everything you're doing right now has either a negative or positive impact on your career. The fact that you're listening to Athlete Maestro right now has the positive effect that you're being a student of your sport and you're trying to improve. The diet that you miss has a negative impact on your career. The training that you miss also has a negative effect. Understand this EVERY thing you do has an impact and the minute you realise that you're a step closer to achieving your goals. Click play. PS: As a step in the right direction head over to to begin tracking your performances today so you know what to change and what to keep doing. I challenge you to be great.

 EP 164 - How To Effectively Recover From Injuries In Sports | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:00

What happens when you get injured? What happens when you have an injury setback? Here's the thing, no athlete is immune from injury. In this episode i share with you tips on how you can effectively recover from injuries when they do occur. I'm creating a detailed course on the entire process an athlete must go through to prevent and then recover from injuries. It contains everything you need to know as an athlete so you know what steps to take at every stage. If you're interest head over to now. I look forward to helping you on this journey. Click play.

 EP 163 - 5 Top Athletes Who Recovered From Devastating Injuries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:40

Peyton Manning won a Super Bowl title after he was let go by the Indianapolis Colts because they feared he would never recover from his neck injury. Monica Seles won an Australian Open title after she was tragically stabbed in the back by a fan in 2003 at a tournament in Hamburg. She was out of the sport for two years before making her return. Tom Brady tore his medial and anterior cruciate ligament in his knee in 2008. The Patriots kept faith with him despite missing the entire season. He returned to his best form and won two more super bowl titles. He also won the NFL comeback player of the year in 2009. Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer are both legends of the Tennis game. But in 2015 and 2016 they suffered various injuries which prompted many to question the time they had left at the top of the sport. Federer had back surgery, Nadal had knee issues. They both returned in early 2017 to reach the Australian Open final which Federer won. Nadal won the French Open and US Open while Federer won Wimbledon that same year. If there's one thing peculiar to all this athletes, its that they've stared injury in the face and come out the other side. They prevailed after overcoming adversity and you can too. Click play. PS: if this episode resonates with you, do us a favour and share it with any athlete that comes to mind. Head over to to download your free guide on the 5 biggest mistakes that athletes make.

 EP 162 - Focus On Self Appraisal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:44

Self appraisal is your ability to look within yourself and access your progress. "put yourself in the best position to achieve. consistently evaluate your actions and ask yourself a very simple question, will my current actions lead me to where i'd like to go" If as an athlete you don't ask yourself this question regularly, you are making a mistake. I created a free guide to help you with this. Head over to to access this free guide. You need to consistently appraise yourself. Rather than appraising others, appraise yourself. Its the best way. I challenge you to be great

 EP 161 - How To Reduce The Risk Of Injuries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:50

If there's one thing we already know, its that injuries are a part of sports. So how best can you prevent or reduce injuries in your own career. Thats what we discuss on today's episode. Injuries can be devastating, especially when you don't know where they came from or how they came about. One of the lessons we teach in this episode is educating yourself about the necessary muscles your sport entails. The knowledge that you have about those muscles means you can prime them to handle the demands of your sport. Click play for the other lessons that would help you reduce the risk of getting injured. Remember, no athlete is immune from injuries and any athlete can get injured at anytime. But the more aware you are and the more you do to aid your cause, the better you are for it. Imbibe these lessons and follow them and you will see a change in your injury track record. PS: If you haven't download your FREE copy of the Ebook, 5 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make here Don't forget to leave us a review on itunes and follow athlete maestro on soundcloud

 EP 160 - Inky Johnson - Injuries Are A Part Of Sports | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:21

Inky Johnson is a former college American Football player for the University of Tennessee. He played cornerback and was 10 games away from realizing his dream of playing professional football in the NFL. However, things didn't go as planned as Inky suffered a serious injury that ended his dreams. The injury paralyzed his entire right hand. In this episode we break down all the injury lessons you can learn from Inky Johnson. How he approached his setback, what he is doing now for himself and what led him to being one of the top motivational speakers in the world. You can learn a lot from him as we continue on this series tackling the myth of injuries and how every athlete can try to prevent injuries and recover from them better than ever. Click play If you learnt anything from this episode, pay us the highest compliment by sharing this episode with any athlete that comes to mind. PS: Head over to to download your FREE copy of the 5 Biggest Mistakes that Athletes make. You can also go one better by heading to to begin analysing your performances today. RIP Davide Astori

 EP 159 - Inspiration Is Good But Action Is Better | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:31

Everyone can be inspired. It doesn't require any special talent or special effort. Listen to music or a great podcast, watch athletes perform on the grand stage and you immediately feel pumped up. What people don't do is take action after being inspired. Your inspiration is worth nothing if you don't act on it. All it does is heighten your emotions. Yes be inspired but better still step out from the crowd and your peers by taking action. That simple step gets you closer to your dreams and goals. Simple truth is only about 40% of athletes take action after being inspired or hearing a positive message. Be the exception. Click Play. PS: If you haven't download our FREE EBOOK on the 5 Biggest Mistakes that that athletes make here That's one action you can take today.

 EP 158 - What You MUST Know About Injuries As An Athlete | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:15

Every athlete gets injured. You've been injured, I've been injured. We won't be the first and we won't be the last. The interesting part is some recover and some don't. Do you remember what it was like before your first injury? How fearless you were? Running into tackles, dribbling with reckless abandon and feeling invincible. All that changed the minute you got injured. You began to doubt yourself. You saw others competing while you couldn't. You lacked motivation because everything you touched turned to pain. You second guessed every decision from then on. We have all been there but not all of us have recovered. Not all of us will recover. I don't want that to be your story. I want to help you. And together we can make this happen. In this series i want to teach you everything you need to know about injuries. Why it's important, how to avoid them and most importantly how to recover from them. Athletes pay thousands to get this knowledge. In this episode i introduce you to why injuries are critical and why you must be mentally aware. In the coming weeks we go into deeper details and help change your life for good. If this is something you are interested in, send me a YES to I read every mail. I don't want to waste time on a topic you have no interest in. Lets get started. PS: Have you downloaded our FREE EBOOK on the 5 Biggest Mistakes Athletes Make. Head over to If you avoid the mistakes then your journey just got easier.

 EP 157 - Sidney Crosby - Do You Know The Ins And Outs Of Your Sport? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:47

Sometimes its easy, sometimes its not. Sometimes it appears you have it all figured out and other times its complete chaos. Thats the life of an athlete One of the lessons you'll learn from Sidney Crosby today is knowing everything about your sport. Its that simple. The more you know the more confident you are. The less frustrating the process is. I want to help you on this journey and Sidney Crosby is the perfect example. Click play. If you need a little extra, which you absolutely should because it increases the knowledge you have of your sport, head over to to download my free guide on how to analyse your performances in sport. The more you analyse the more knowledge you have. See the point. If you haven't leave us a review if you enjoy what we do and the content we put out. Just scroll down its that easy or head over to

 EP 156 - Your Habits Will Make Or Break You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:57

Have you wondered how far your habits will take you or if your habits are even that important to start with. Guess what? They are. They are as important as the talent you have. They set you up for success. They are the fulcrum with which you will change the world. In this episode we discuss the power of your habits and how they can be the change you need in your career. Click Play. music credit: A. Himitsu on soundcloud

 EP 155 - Maestro Mindset 3 Most Important Traits You Need In 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:22

Your life as an athlete might be confusing. There's so much to keep up with, so many advices, so many plans and it all gets overwhelming. Do you start with A? or do you skip A and go to B? What happens to C? You get the point In this episode, we break down 3 must have traits for every athlete in 2018. Forget all the clutter and focus on just these 3 things. The catch is this, focus on these three things and every other thing becomes easy. These 3 traits are the bedrock of all the things you have struggled to practice and keep up with. Start here. Start Now. Lets get into it. Click Play. I challenge you to be great.

 EP 154 - Carli Lloyd - Why You Must Take Kindly To Criticism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:26

What can you learn from an athlete who is a two time world player of the year? No special circumstances or connections, no special path to success. That's the story of Carli Lloyd. When nobody was watching she was putting in the work. Her story is detailed and filled with lessons every athlete can learn from. At a point she almost quit all together. But she survived and is making waves in the soccer world. Personally i love her story and the dedication she put into mastering her craft. Her success tells the story. In this episode you will learn three lessons from her. Make sure you apply them today. Click play.

 EP 153 - Use Revenge As Your Motivator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:38

We have all felt the feeling of revenge. I know you have. Question is, have you used it to your advantage or have you let it consume you.


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