Think: Business Futures show

Think: Business Futures

Summary: Host Stefan Posthuma finds the people who are the movers and shakers in business, and brings them together to get to the essence of the financial issues of the day.


 The Real Costs of Climate Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:48

When I ask you what the cost of climate change is, you're most likely to answer with a bigger macroeconomic picture. But what are the actual figures? Natural disasters already cost Australians over $13 billion on average every year, expected to rise to $39 billion per year by 2050. The National Climate Disaster Fund is a proposal by independent think-tank the Australia Institute for an independently administered fund to reduce the cost burden of natural disaster response and recovery to Australian households, businesses and taxpayers. Joining me today is the Australia Institutes Principle Climate Advisor Mark Ogge.

 The Burst-Proof Travel Bubble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:59

This week, we're taking on the biggest news story in the country. The gates have been opened across the ditch, and the New Zealand-Australia travel bubble, an idea first floated in April of last year, is finally upon us. Joining me today to help 'burst the bubble' is Senior Lecturer in the Management Discipline Group at the UTS Business School, co-chair of the CAUTHE (Council of Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Educators), and member of DFAT's Consular Consultative, Dr. David Beirman.

 Future Submarines; A Shipload of Trouble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:28

It's time to dive to periscope depth and take a closer look at the Federal Government's $90 billion dollar Future Submarine Deal. With former Home Affairs minister Peter Dutton now sworn in as Defense Minister, many are expecting a decision on whether to stay the course with this white elephant of a defense contract, or simply torpedo the whole thing and start again. We ask former Submariner, and now Independent Senator for South Australia Rex Patrick, why the largest defense contract in Australian history could be already dead in the water. It's time to find that je ne sais quoi which makes a Submarine float.

 A Tale of Stocks & Memes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:21

Earlier this year, struggling businesses GameStop (NYSE: GME) and AMC Entertainment Holdings saw their stock prices skyrocket overnight, thanks to a short squeeze initiated by a group of investors on It was r/wallstreetbets, a coalition of largely amateur investors on the site- known as the front page of the internet- that created a surge of interest in a number of stocks being shorted by some of Wall Street's largest hedge funds. It was seen as a brave new form of financial activism by some, and a terrifying new brand of speculation by others. Today, Think: Business looks back on those whirlwind months of January and February, when it seemed like occupy wall street had moved online. Joining me to discuss this today is Noam Korbl, Director of Compare Forex Traders, an Australian online trading platform. And Professor Michelle Baddeley, Professor in Economics and Director of Research and Development at the UTS Business School.

 Hot Property | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:46

They say there's never a bad time to buy Real Estate, but do we believe it? Predictions in March of last year were dire, with a 30% drop in market value expected across the country. Instead, figures suggest the real situation may be the exact opposite. Auction clearance rates are at record highs, asset prices are through the roof, and first home buyers are leading the charge with a 50% share of purchases over 2020. But, with all this hot-air in the system it isn't easy to imagine one enormous bubble.

 From Pharma to Table; Australia's Vaccine Odyssey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:12

In this, our glorious return to the airwaves, we ask; What does the global pharmaceutical industry have to gain from the roll-out of vaccines? Household names like Pfizer are their own kettle of fish, but for the AstraZenecas and Novavaxs of the world, it's a rare coalition of public goodwill and government assistance that could fundamentally change the industry moving forward. But, when a global health crisis greases the wheels of the world's pharmaceutical regulatory bodies; what happens when the virus is controlled? Joining me today to discuss this is Jennifer Herz, Managing Director of Biocelect, an Australian company now partnered with Novavax to deliver 51 million doses of the global brands Covid19 vaccine, ofcourse pending approval by the TGA. And Dr. John Rose, Professor and founding Director of the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (BIDA) Research Centre in the UTS Business School.

 Think Business Extras: Dr. Dean Jarrett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:36

This week, we bring you something different. I sat down with Dr. Dean Jarrett, the first Indigenous man to be awarded a PhD by the University of Technology Sydney's Business School to talk about his thesis, which posed the question; rather than Indigenous business' needing to imitate mainstream ways of working to achieve success, should it really be the other way round? Dr. Jarrett finds a clear divide between western transactional understandings of trade and economy, with the relationship style that is intrinsic to indigenous culture. We spoke about business, culture, how a convergence of both can benefit the bottom line, and how the cauldron of crisis of 2020 could end up making the answers a lot clearer.

 New Age Bureaucrat; QR Codes and The Future of The Public Service | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:56

How many pubs, clubs or restaurants have you signed into over the last few weeks using a QR code on your phone? It's become the go-to method for digitally tracing outbreaks and hot-spots of COVID19 in NSW, as well as other countries like Singapore. Around 2.2 million NSW residents now have the Service NSW app on their smartphone, up from 1.7 million last month, while another 5 million have a MyServiceNSW account. But, how exactly does one run an operation of this magnitude? And more importantly, how does the data on millions of private citizens stay private? Joining the program today is NSW Minister for Customer Service, The Honorable Victor Dominello MP.

 Road to Somewhere; The Financial Sector's Guide to The Future | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:52

Today, the 24th of November 2020, marks the release of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative's new roadmap to reshape the countries financial system in the wake of droughts, bushfires and a global pandemic. Comprising of 80 organisations across major banks, insurers, super funds, civil society, and stakeholders, the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative has handed down 37 recommendations that will enable the financial services sector to deliver a transition to a net zero, resource-efficient and inclusive economy. Joining me today to discuss the road map, are three contributing academics from the University of Technology Sydney. Dr. Scott Kelly, Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology Sydney. Professor Robynne Quiggin, Associate Dean (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement), The Dean's Unit at The University of Technology Sydney And Dr. Deborah Cotton, Senior Lecturer in the Finance Discipline Group at the University of Technology Sydney.

 Under New Management: What Will The World Look Like Under A Biden Presidency? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:46

It was one of the founding fathers, and the United State's third President Thomas Jefferson who said of the presidency ; "No man will ever bring out of that office the reputation which carries him into it. The honeymoon would be as short in that case as in any other, and its moments of ecstasy would be ransomed by years of torment and hatred.' In today's episode, we're taking a wider scope, and asking; 'What happens to the rest of us with the United States under new management?' Joining Max Tillman is University of Technology Industry Professor, and Former Australian Foreign Minister, The Honourable Bob Carr and Associate Dean of Research and Development for The Dean's Unit at The University of Technology Sydney, Michelle Baddeley.

 'That's Just, Like, Your Opinion Man'; The Mechanics of Political Polls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:53

Well, the quadrennial circus of rallies, rhetoric and state roll-calls has finally reached its last stop on the road. And by roughly lunchtime, the world will most likely know whether the polls were right, or whether- once again- political science's own creation will turn on its masters as the polls did in 2016. Joining me today is Professor Lionel Page, from the Economics Discipline Group at the University of Technology Sydney's Business School. Professor Page has just released some new research, including an article in The Conversation, outlining the possible effects of political polls on voter patterns, and whether they are a blessing or a burden for the modern democracy...

 Is The Federal Budget Fair to Women? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:51

Criticism has been leveled at the Federal Government's $240 million Women's Economic Security funding package, that aims to support a return to the workforce for many women, greater opportunities in STEM industries, and channels for female entrepreneurs and start-ups. It's a mere fraction of the spending, but how little is too little to help women who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic? To discuss this, I'm joined today by Katherine O'Regan, Executive Director of The Sydney Business Chamber, and Dr. Alice Klettner, Senior Lecturer at The University of Technology Sydney's Business School.

 Is Money The Cure to All Ills? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:55

It was the 18th century philosopher Voltaire who once said; '"The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." And, with the Federal Budget's delivery in health funding of a record $115.5 billion in 2020-21- and $467 billion over the forward estimates-there's more than enough to amuse ourselves with here at Think Business Futures. It's a lot of money, a dizzying amount, but what are the real stories behind that wall of zeroes? Joining me today to pull apart the portfolio is Dr Stephen Duckett, Health Program Director at the Grattan Institute and former Departmental Secretary to the Australian Government Department of Human Services and Health from 1994 to 1996.

 Budget Bite #2: Extended Interview With Industry Professor Warren Hogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:26

The full, unabridged interview with former ANZ chief economist Warren Hogan on this year's Federal Budget.

 Budget Bite #1: Nicole Sutton breaks down the $2 Billion R&D Tax Incentive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:06

We covered the murky waters of R&D tax incentives in this week's coverage of The Federal Budget 2020. But for those who's curiosity was piqued, Nicole gives further detail on the evolution of the R&D tax incentive scheme from the Turnbull days of 2016 until now.


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