Dhru Purohit Podcast show

Dhru Purohit Podcast

Summary: Exploring the inner workings of the brain and the body with the brightest minds in wellness, medicine, and mindset. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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 #36: The Postpartum Experience and Women’s Health with Dr. Maggie Ney | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:18:41

Did you know that the postpartum hormone drop is considered the largest sudden hormone change in the shortest amount of time…and it has a tremendous impact on the brain? With such a dramatic drop in hormone levels it’s no surprise that 1 in 7 women struggle with postpartum depression and anxiety after birth. Why does postpartum depression happen so often, and more importantly, what is the cure? On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Dr. Maggie Ney, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and women’s health advocate. She is also the founder and director of the Women’s Clinic at the Akasha Center for Integrative Medicine in Santa Monica, California. In this podcast, we do a deep dive into the postpartum experience—from postpartum depression to “mommy brain” to hormonal shifts, and understanding the changes that happen in the brain during the postpartum period. Dr. Ney shares her own health challenges as a young adult and how that inspired her journey into naturopathic medicine. We discuss how the interaction of diet, lifestyle, mindset, and environment affect a woman’s hormones and the aging process. We also talk about the importance of developing an individualized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of hormone imbalances. Once obstacles to health are identified and removed, and the body is given appropriate support and nourishment, optimal health can be obtained. Dr. Ney’s mission is to empower women to understand their bodies and to help optimize their health, so they can live their best lives. In this episode, we dive into: -Navigating the postpartum period (5:43)-The impact of poor sleep on the brain (10:36)-The importance of nutrition and community in the postpartum period (18:04)-Changes in the brain during the postpartum period (22:10)-Dr. Ney’s recommendations for new moms (30:03)-Infertility, lab tests, and what obstacles to look for (34:32)-Hormonal shifts during perimenopause and menopause (39:36)-Benefits of acupuncture in supporting hormonal transitions (43:50)-Support tools during menopause (45:57)-Basic lab tests to ask your doctor for (47:53)-Genetics and Premenstrual Disorder (PMDD) (62:31)-Symptoms associated with thyroid dysfunction and what tests to ask your doctor for (64:50)-Optimizing liver function and gut health (70:02)-Learn more about Dr. Ney and her work (76:00)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #35: A Holistic Approach to Balancing Your Hormones with Dr. Shawn Tassone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:29

When a hormonal imbalance is present in your body, did you know the symptoms can vary considerably? Symptoms can include anything from fatigue, depression, anxiety, weight gain, low libido, hair loss, heavy bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and more. On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Dr. Shawn Tassone, a board certified obstetrician and gynecologist through the American Board of Integrative Medicine. He holds a medical degree, in addition to a PhD in mind-body medicine. In his 20 years of practice, Dr. Tassone has seen over 40,000 women and is a highly regarded patient advocate. In this podcast, we discuss how to address the root cause of hormonal imbalances, how our hormones impact our brain health, and the importance of not just treating symptoms, but your body as a whole. We also talk about the mind-body connection and how our mindset and spiritual health are even more powerful than the foods that we eat. Dr. Tassone has made it his life’s mission to educate women about hormones and how to balance them through an integrative approach. In this episode, we dive into: -What influenced Dr. Tassone in becoming an OB/GYN and his journey into integrative medicine (2:53)-The fundamental difference between female and male hormones (9:04)-The impact of modern day living on hormones (17:01)-An overview of hormones and how they function (20:14)-Signs of hormonal imbalances (22:30)-The relationship between hormones and brain health (32:17)-DUTCH hormone test (38:11)-The mind-body connection and the impact on our health (41:07)-The birth control pill and the long term effects on women’s health (44:37)-Alternative forms of contraception (48:08)-Essure device and complications associated with it (51:21)-Dr. Tassone’s top three recommendations to support hormonal health (55:16)-Learn more about Dr. Tassone and his work (58:21)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #34: The Healing Power of Mushrooms with Tero Isokauppila | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:35

Did you know that 50% of human DNA is shared with fungi? Not quite plant and not quite animal, mushrooms occupy a pretty unique place in the biosphere. Mushrooms account for 25% of the Earth’s total biomass, and 92% of all plants are dependent upon mushrooms for their survival. When it comes to the idea of food-as-medicine, nothing really encapsulates the concept like mushrooms. Their antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties hold great potential to combat many of our largest health problems. Current research shows that functional mushrooms have a myriad of healing properties such as inhibiting cancer cell growth, balancing excess hormones, and reducing chronic fatigue. The list of vital nutrients found in mushrooms is extensive. With all these benefits packed into one delicate functional fungi, it’s no wonder mushrooms are referred to as the original superfood.On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Tero Isokauppila, a Finnish foraging expert, and founder of Four Sigmatic, a company specializing in functional mushrooms, superfoods, and adaptogens. He is also the author of Healing Mushrooms: A Practical and Culinary Guide to Using Mushrooms for Whole Body Health and Santa Sold Shrooms, the untold story of Saint Nicholas. In this podcast, we discuss all things functional mushrooms and the power that these superfoods have to improve our health. We also talk about the difference between functional and culinary mushrooms, how mushrooms can improve our gut health, as well as the research on how mushrooms support cognitive function. Tero also shares with us the surprising story of the most famous person on earth, Santa Claus, and how he sold shrooms!There are so many incredible benefits yet to be realized from the fungi kingdom. Tero has dedicated his life to studying the link between health and mushrooms and shares with us how incorporating them into your daily routine can take your health and longevity to the next level.In this episode, we dive into:-Why mushrooms are important for humans and the similarity between our DNA (5:54)-The difference between culinary mushrooms and medicinal mushrooms (9:17)-How functional mushrooms support our immune system and the best mushrooms for health (12:45)-Mushrooms and brain health (14:29)-The best herbs used for cognitive function (17:18)-The connection between mushrooms and gut health (18:55)-How Tero got into medicinal mushrooms and made it his life mission to make mushrooms more accessible to everyone (23:35)-Why people with certain conditions should avoid some mushrooms (32:58)-Tero’s advice on creating something in the health space (40:17)-The story of Santa Claus and how he sold shrooms (47:19)-Tero’s recommendation for people who are just starting off using mushrooms (53:08)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #33: Supercharge Your Brain and Prevent Alzheimer’s with Dr. David Perlmutter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:07

Did you know that Alzheimer’s is a preventable disease? Our lifestyle choices today are extremely important variables, that are clearly connected to our brains destiny. Taking an active role in improving the health of our brain can help prevent some of the most debilitating chronic illnesses we face, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s.On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Dr. David Perlmutter, a Board-Certified Neurologist and four-time New York Times best-selling author. In this podcast, we discuss the latest scientific research and the most effective ways you can maximize your brain’s potential. Dr. Perlmutter talks about how elevated markers of inflammation in your blood today are setting the stage for Alzheimer’s years from now, and how leveraging lifestyle factors can pave the way for a healthier brain.Chronic degenerative conditions are the number one cause of death on the planet. The proactive steps we take today can safeguard ourselves against cognitive decline and neurological disease. We can change our destiny by making better choices, and Dr. Perlmutter tells us exactly how to do that! In this episode, we dive into:-Why Alzheimer’s is a preventable disease (7:33)-Lifestyle factors and setting the stage for Alzheimer’s years from now (8:45)-Blood sugar and the risk of dementia (11:44)-What you should do today to support your brain health (14:10)-The importance of the chemical BDNF on brain function (17:01)-Ketones and super fuel for brain cells (23:01)-Benefits of MCT oil (29:34)-The importance of prebiotic fiber in your diet (33:01)-Difference between Atkins and a ketogenic diet (34:30)-Being vegetarian on a ketogenic diet (35:58)-DNA testing (36:57)-Alzheimer’s gene ApoE4 and the effectiveness of a ketogenic diet for brain function (39:28)-Risk factors associated with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (41:47)-The connection to IBD and Parkinson’s disease (43:55)-Dr. Perlmutter’s daily non-negotiables as it relates to brain health (49:25)-The 5-year anniversary of Dr. Perlmutter’s book, Grain Brain (59:50)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #32: Winning at Life through Gratitude, Sex, and Community with Dave Asprey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:32

Gratitude is the gateway to happiness. Study after study has found that gratitude rewires your brain for positivity. What you put in your body determines what you get out of it. That’s true for food and exercise, and it’s also true for your thoughts, your relationships, and the community that you surround yourself with. On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Dave Asprey, founder and CEO of the Bulletproof movement and company, and one of the pioneers of the modern biohacking movement. In this podcast, we discuss and dive deep into some of the top lessons Dave covers in his new book, Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life. Dave talks about gratitude and what exactly happens in our brain when we practice it and why it is the ultimate biohack. He also talks about how winning in the bedroom is an important part of life, as well as intentional orgasms and how they impact the brain. Dave shares the importance of community and surrounding yourself with people who have similar values and can help you reach your goals and bring more joy into your life. Dave is on a mission to share his knowledge with the rest of the world, helping people on their journey to a better self. In this episode, we dive into: -Why gratitude is the ultimate biohack (4:00)-The relationship between gratitude and fear (8:07)-The Polyvagal Theory (9:00)-The Telomere Effect (9:55)-Use sex to get the best drugs (16:36)-Taoists formula for longevity (23:27)-Weasel words and the impact on your nervous system (29:49)-The power of no and mastering the art of doing what matters the most to you (35:32)-What does it look like to win at life (43:18)-The importance of community (48:10)-Eat like your grandma, not like a caveman (57:57)-Learn more about Dave and his work (64:23)-Dave and Dhru share what they are grateful for today (66:36)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #31: Overcoming Hormonal Imbalances: PCOS, Hashimoto's, and More with Angelique Panagos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:20:43

Sugar. It’s the one ingredient that so many of us have an unhealthy love affair with that we can’t quite figure out how to give up. It’s in practically everything that is packaged and in many restaurant meals. Sugar is one food that UK-based nutritional therapist and Functional Medicine practitioner Angelique Panagos credits with her many health issues, including hormonal imbalances that caused years of pain and suffering for her and her family. On today’s Broken Brain Podcast, our host, Dhru, talks to Angelique about her personal story revealing her battle with several eating disorders, Hashimoto’s, PCOS, and more. Angelique also shares her very personal account of having two miscarriages, a devastating occurrence that 15-20% of women face. In this podcast, you will get tons of practical tips, insights, and reflections that will leave you with a much deeper understanding of why so many women face these health issues. Angelique is on a mission to educate women about hormones and how to balance them. In this episode, we dive into: -How sugar affects hormones (3:36)-What is PCOS and what does it affect? (6:03)-Angelique’s story (10:43)-Biggest misconceptions of eating disorders (16:19)-Getting a Hashimoto’s diagnosis (19:55)-Using food to heal (25:06)-Kicking old habits and making positive changes (27:58)-Why excessive exercise isn’t the answer (29:53)-Paying attention to protein and fats (36:14)-Constipation and fiber needs (41:28)-Angelique’s struggle with miscarriages (44:48)-Preconception planning—the dad’s side (57:03)-Writing a book on hormones (1:05:59)-Being realistic about the postpartum period (1:11:01)-Learn more about Angelique and work with her (1:18:09)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #30: The Power of Community, Connection, and Ritual with Dr. Michelle Peris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:00

Our world is slowly becoming a lonelier place. Social isolation is on the rise and more people are reporting in surveys that they have fewer meaningful relationships. And yet we know how important community is to both our physical health and mental health. But how do we create it?In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, host Dhru Purohit interviews Dr. Michelle Peris about the power of community and ritual, and how we can create more connection in our world to improve our overall health.Dr. Michelle Peris is the founder of The Poppy Clinic based in Toronto and the creator of Rebel Tribe, a community based health initiative designed to bring more connection into the lives of women.Dhru and Dr. Peris cover a bunch of topics including the impact that community, and the lack of it, has on our brain, the root factors taking place today that are driving disconnection, and how purposeful friendships can dramatically improve our health. In this episode, we dive into: -Dr. Peris’s origin story (5:30)-How our brains are wired for connection (8:20)-Why community is so important for our health (10:26)-Dr. Peris explains how lack of community impacts her patient's health (13:30)-What are the root issues that are driving us to become more isolated today? (15:20)-Dr. Peris talks about the importance of rituals in our modern society and the inspiration we can take from her Rebel Tribe (20:30)-What are practical tips on building community and connection? (26:00)-A few examples of how community has helped Dr. Peris's patients (32:15)-How Dr. Peris helps women better understand their health and the unique challenges they go through (36:20)-Addressing the toxic nature of unnecessary guilt and its impact on women's health (41:13)-How our friends can help us in our healing journey (42:54)-Dr. Peris talks about honoring the natural cycles that women go through (45:30)-Where to find Dr. Peris and learn more about her work (52:44)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #29: The Optimal Morning Routine Plus Keto Tips with Dr. Stephanie Estima | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:10

Every day when we wake we are given a new opportunity to be our best selves—to be present for our loved ones, do the work we are meant to be doing, and feel at peace. However, in our day and age, technology is a part of every waking moment, that cell phone alarm that wakes us up can hijack our mornings, starting us off in a panic, and prompting us to seek out what has happened in the news overnight or who needs something from us. We can choose a different path, if we want, that can set the pace for our productivity for the rest of the day while, at the same time, helping us feel balanced and happy. Dhru’s conversation on The Broken Brain Podcast this week is all about creating habits that contribute to balance with Dr. Stephanie Estima, founder of The Health Loft in Toronto. Dhru and Dr. Stephanie start off by talking about her morning routine—especially as a mom to three boys—and they meander through many important topics such as breakfast ideas, keto diet tips, isolation new moms can feel, and so much more. In this episode, we dive into: -Why is a morning routine important? (3:05)-Core elements of a morning routine to set the tone for the day (5:22)-Dr. Stephanie’s breakfast tips (13:14)-How does mindset play a role in any routine? (19:14)-Childhood habits that played a role in Dr. Stephanie’s mission (26:56)-A learning journey to helping people (32:59)-Is a keto diet right for everyone? (43:04)-The importance of listening to your body (48:04)-Dr. Stephanie’s evening routine (50:54)-The isolation factor of being a new mom (58:16)-How Tetris will help you grow your brain (1:02:22)-Where to find Dr. Stephanie (1:08:29)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #28: Mood Altering Power of Food and Farming with Dr. Drew Ramsey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:09

When Dr. Drew Ramsey, clinical psychiatrist and Columbia professor, bought a small farm in rural Indiana, he learned more about food than just how to grow a tomato (albeit, he grows one fine tomato!). He learned that putting our hands in the soil is therapeutic, that there is nothing like picking ingredients from your garden and assembling a meal for your family, and much more. Today, in our Broken Brain Podcast, Dhru talks with Broken Brain docu-series expert speaker and kale evangelist, Dr. Drew Ramsey. Dr. Ramsey integrates nutrition into his clinical psychiatry practice as an important component of treatment. Dhru and Dr. Ramsey discuss the need to put brain health and psychiatry into the vocabulary of our daily lives, the many benefits of growing your own food, nourishing our minds with community engagement, and much more. You’ll even get to hear Dr. Ramsey’s favorite kale recipe that anyone can make easily. In this episode, we dive into: -What is nutritional psychiatry? (2:53)-The intersection of traditional psychiatry and Dr. Ramsey’s approach (5:56)-Using food to improve mood and brain health (11:05)-Farm life and its benefits (19:35)-Regenerative agriculture (26:51)-Eating locally in urban areas (34:37)-Community as a form of nourishment (38:20)-The latest science on food and brain health (43:31)-Tips to choosing quality animal foods (46:35)-Dr. Ramsey’s transition from vegetarianism to eating meat (49:22)-Functional vs. dysfunctional medicine (54:33)-Dr. Ramsey’s favorite kale recipe (56:16)-Finding Dr. Ramsey online (1:02:35)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filter Interested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #27: Calming Your Anxious Mind with Ariel Garten | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:50

Have you ever wanted to be a more relaxed and less anxious person...someone who bounces back after setbacks that we all face? Someone who can take deep breaths in the midst of a stressful day and not react when something upsets you? My life is full! I am often running from morning until late at night, and I could not do it without meditation. My twice daily meditation practice is what actually gives me the reserves and the presence to accomplish everything I need to in one day. Today, we learn all about the inner workings of the brain, why we get anxious, and how meditation can help with neuroscientist, psychotherapist, and Muse co-creator Ariel Garten. Dhru and Ariel start off by getting real about mental health—it’s something we ALL need to deal with—no stigma here. It’s a part of the human condition. For all the moms out there, Ariel shares her story on postpartum depression and the anxiety she faced after having her son. This episode is full of rich pearls to teach you about our precious organ, the brain; to encourage you to try meditation (even if you think you can’t do it); and even offer tips on how to incorporate meditation in your workplace or family life. In this episode, we dive into: -There is no stigma in mental health (4:02)-Anxiety as the broken alarm system (5:42)-What does “sitting with it” mean? (9:00)-The role of our prefrontal cortex (11:09)-Ariel’s experience with postpartum depression and anxiety (13:14)-Making meaning out of everything (17:13)-Changes in your brain during meditation (18:52)-Daily routines to avoid anxiety (21:36)-Meditating as a group - work or family (25:31)-The story of Ariel’s inspiration (31:39)-The origins of Muse (33:15)-It’s ok to suck at meditation, please keep trying (38:57)-Meditation’s role in creating something new (43:51)-Identifying our story and how to change it (47:30)-The launch of Muse 2 (50:53)-How Ariel uses Muse in her life (52:55)-Where to find Ariel online (53:56)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filter Interested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #26: What Do Genetics Really Tell Us? with Dr. Ben Lynch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:30

Are there things happening in your body that you can’t see? We were all born with the genes that are code for everything in our physical bodies and even account for some personality traits. Genes determine hair and eye color, sleep patterns, how you detoxify, food sensitivities, and so much more!Some genes have what are called SNPs and that’s when things can get complicated. Finding out if you have SNPs, and what they are, is important. Even though there are strengths and weaknesses to having SNPs, there are practical things you can do to support the genes you have so your body can function better—right now and in the future.Today, our Broken Brain Podcast host Dhru talks to genetic expert and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Ben Lynch, author of the best selling book Dirty Genes. Dhru and Dr. Ben discuss what dirty genes are and how we can clean them up! Dr. Ben shares his personal genetic testing story and how he manages with a SNP in his MTHFR gene. You’ll get to hear Dr. Ben’s advice on finding a doctor who knows how to work with genetics and so much more.In this episode, we dive into:-What are dirty genes? (2:45)-Are we doomed or will epigenetics save us? (4:25)-SNPs in our genes (8:14)-What is the MTHFR gene all about? (10:50)-Dr. Ben puts the pieces together (20:50)-Other important SNPs we may have (29:57)-Cleaning up the COMT gene (34:34)-Practical tips to scrub those genes clean (36:12)-Dr. Ben’s approach to testing (40:56)-Where can I find a skilled practitioner? (47:36)-Thriving with the genes we have (52:02)-Dr. Ben’s dream vision for gene testing (53:25)-Finding Dr. Ben online; bonus book chapter (58:36)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filter Interested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #25: Fascia: The Connective Tissue That Keeps You Healthy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:31

Host: Dhru PurohitGuest: Dr. Shalani BhatHave you ever thought about how our organs are able to stay in place, exactly where they need to be? There is a stretchy webbing, or connective tissue, inside of our bodies called fascia that runs from head to toe around our organs and our muscles. We are learning more and more about this tissue, the role it plays in our health, and how to keep it healthy so you can feel your best.Today, we dive into this topic with Functional Medicine practitioner Dr. Shalini Bhat, founder of The Movement Boutique in Toronto. Dr. Bhat and Dhru will start off by explaining what fascia is and why it’s so important. Then, they will talk in depth about how to keep fascia healthy through diet and movement—because after all “motion is lotion.”As a Functional Medicine doctor, Dr. Bhat is always interested in finding the root cause of issues, so you’ll also get to hear her perspective on how fascia may impact digestion and brain health. And, finally, if you want to hear some practical tips on things you can do to support healthy fascia in our daily lives, listen to the end!In this episode, we dive into:-Dr. Bhat’s background and education (4:18)-What is fascia? (12:16)-Discovering fascia is an organ with an important function (18:41)-Addressing nutrition to keep fascia healthy (20:30)-Fascia and digestion (27:32)-Does your fascia affect your brain health? (30:38)-How has technology impacted our fascia? (35:12)-Sitting properly in a chair and desk work (42:00)-Fascial release at home (46:46)-Finding root causes to help fascia (49:30)-Emotions stored in the body (54:33)-Where to find Dr. Bhat online (1:01:13)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #24: Practicing Awareness to Live Your Best Life with Dr. Dan Siegel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:30

Host: Dhru PurohitGuest: Dr. Dan SiegelWhat kind of person would you be if you were calmer, more centered, kinder, and relaxed? Do you think you would feel better about yourself and your relationships with others...make different decisions...be more loving? The golden ticket to living your best life is within reach for every single human, and, best of all, it's free.Today, mindfulness expert, psychiatrist, and professor Dr. Dan Siegel and our host Dhru have a noteworthy conversation about the awareness the brain is capable of, including tips on implementing the Wheel of Awareness as a daily practice, and how that can impact our lives from day to day and also in the long-term.Starting with an awareness practice, this conversation is one you’ll want to be present for. Dr. Siegel also describes how the attention we give to certain thoughts can stimulate new neural connections, the science behind the changes in the brain when one is aware, and even gives you a glimpse into his daily awareness routine.In this episode, we dive into:-Opening awareness practice (2:40)-Is awareness more important today? (6:07)-What is the opposite of awareness? (8:38)-Creating new brain wiring (11:30)-Reducing reactions with awareness (16:20)-Science of awareness in our brains (18:35)-The Wheel of Awareness (21:57)-Why your morning routine matters (27:31)-Integrating practices into your life (33:12)-How did Dr. Siegel get here? (46:30)-Awareness leading to kindness, gratitude, and joy (53:15)-Movement - Dr. Siegel’s love of dance (1:06:43)-Where to find Dr. Siegel’s work (1:07:47)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #23: Cultivating a Resilient Mind with Dr. Yashar Khosroshahi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:14

Host: Dhru PurohitGuest: Dr. Yashar KhosroshahiYou may take great care of your body, but do you take care of your mind? Do you sit with feelings when they arise or do you get weighed down by them and become resentful? Do you take time out of your productive day to slow down and sit quietly?Our Broken Brain Podcast this week is all about our mindset. Dhru and our guest this week, Toronto-based naturopathic doctor and founder of “Mindshift Ninja” Dr. Yashar Khosroshahi, talk about going from knowing something to actually doing something...taking that knowledge you have acquired from years of reading and studying and applying it to actionable steps.This is a special conversation that contemplates mind practices such as meditation, awareness, and reframing beliefs. There are practical tips, too, like how to become that mindshift ninja, mentoring your kids to start out young with a healthy mindset, and what you can do to increase resilience.In this episode, we dive into:-What is a Mindshift Ninja? (3:19)-More than one brain (4:57)-Dr. K’s personal mindset (7:12)-Closing the knowing vs doing gap (8:58)-B.R.A.I.N.—more than an organ (15:55)-Acknowledging pain for what it is (27:40)-The ego’s role in mindset (28:43)-Dr. K’s patient story on reframing beliefs (30:43)-The balance between “can do” and “slowing down” (36:28)-Increasing awareness and resilience (41:13)-The role of meditation in mindset (47:17)-Biofeedback and heart rate variability (50:35)-Healthy mindset in kids (56:57)-Applying these tools in Dr. K’s life (1:00:49)-Practical hacks (1:05:52)-Finding Dr. K online (1:08:53)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AirDoctor Air Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 #22: Wild Food, Brain Food, and All Things Nutrition with Josh Gitalis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:29

Host: Dhru PurohitGuest: Josh GitalisWe talk about the topic of food often—it gets a lot of airplay, but shouldn’t it? We eat three, sometimes more, times a day and we believe that food fuels our cells. It’s important! Today, we are talking with Toronto-based functional nutritionist Josh Gitalis who is passionate about helping his clients figure out the best approach to eating for their needs.Josh and our host Dhru start off with wild foods and how they are nutritionally superior to your supermarket finds. Have you eaten any dandelion greens lately? (Just be sure they aren’t sprayed with pesticides!) Find out how you can incorporate wild foods into your meals and adapt to enjoy the taste of bitter foods.You’ll also get to hear about why you may need a different diet for different times of your life, functional lab testing, how you can incorporate more greens in your meals, practical tips for feeding kids, and much more. This is a great one!In this episode, we dive into:-Josh’s love of wild greens and mushrooms (3:38)-Wild food and brain health (6:15)-Adapting and retraining taste buds to enjoy bitters (12:15)-Cutting through the nutrition confusion (14:26)-What is the FODMAPs diet? (20:36)-When is it time to go back to a less restricted diet? (24:14)-Using functional labs to dig deeper (25:44)-Josh’s background and journey (29:12)-Eating greens and their role in our microbiome (35:20)-Tips to help you eat more whole foods (38:51)-Freezing food for later (43:12)-Tools for helping with meal prep (46:04)-Bone broth—fad or a real healer? (48:21)-What’s in a brain? (50:28)-Genetic testing clues to help us (57:58)-What does Josh eat? (1:03:24)-Tips for feeding kids (1:11:07)-Resources and where you can find Josh (1:15:49)Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by our partnership with the AquaTru Water Filter. To get exclusive access to this deal visit www.brokenbrain.com/filterInterested in joining Dhru’s Broken Brain Podcast Facebook Community? Submit your join request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2819627591487473/For more on Dhru Purohit, be sure to follow him on Instagram @dhrupurohit, on Facebook @dhruxpurohit, on Twitter @dhrupurohit, and on YouTube @dhrupurohit. You can also text Dhru at (302) 200-5643 or click here https://my.community.com/dhrupurohit See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.


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