BEAUTIFUL YOU with Becca Starr show

BEAUTIFUL YOU with Becca Starr

Summary: Becca Starr, the founder of The BITMOR™ Method, helps you create an extraordinary life even when you have no idea what that looks like. Each show is devoted to coaching you and helping you remember your true, powerful and beautiful self. Using these techniques, you'll see results quicker and easier than you ever thought possible.

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  • Artist: Becca Starr
  • Copyright: Copyright Becca Starr Collective 2017 | All rights reserved.


 Monday Motivation: Turn a Bad Day Around | Ep 47 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:13

Don't let a bad morning ruin your whole day! Here's what to do when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. We all have days like this where it seems like the whole world is against us. Rather than waiting for it to change, take control and shift your entire perspective in a few minutes. If you enjoyed this show, share it with a friend! And please take a moment to rate and review us on iTunes.  For more resources, visit Thanks for listening!

 It’s Actually a Good Thing to Be Unhappy | Ep 46 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:18

You heard it right....and even though it doesn't FEEL's exactly what you need. Use these powerful steps to get the best outcome.  NOTE: I had to record this in a different room to not wake up my babies and I didn't use a 'pop filter' which means you may hear every little thing. I hope it's not too distracting! Do your best and access the show notes at Early VIP Workshop Registration: Private FB Group: Thanks for listening and if you like our show please rate and review us on iTunes! Have a beautiful day! 

 Monday Motivation: Meditation for Peace & Power | Ep 45 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:11

Change your life with this beginner's meditation guide. Today's Monday Motivation helps you connect with your highest, most peaceful and knowledgeable power. Join me in being the change we wish to see in the world! Let's begin our week with a (super) simple meditation practice....did you catch the word 'simple'? Yes. so. simple. I've also decided to give you an audio download (freebie) this week, it's a guided meditation and will be uploaded to my website at Thanks for listening and please take a moment to rate and review us on iTunes, I appreciate your kind words. 

 Colleen Hauk on Career AND Personal Fulfillment | Ep 44 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:04

Colleen Hauk is a best selling author and executive coach, I'm grateful to share her powerful message with you on today's show. Colleen helps us accept our full vision, empowers us to live the 'AND' life (you'll see!) and offers some great strategies on how to get started. We CAN have it all my friend, let's talk more about it. For free resources from this episode, visit  I appreciate you listening and always love to hear what helps you the most in the comment section.

 17 Tips to Slay Your Goals While Working Full-Time | Ep 43 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:58

All of my favorite strategies for creating a bigger, more extraordinary life. It's possible to work full time AND build the life of your dreams, here's your coaching to slay new goals no matter what! Access SMART Goals Download at Let us know which tip helped you the most, share it in the comments below. I appreciate you listening, have a beautiful, bigger life today!

 Monday Motivation: When Life Interrupts Your Goals | Ep 42 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:52

How often do you plan things that are important to YOU but then LIFE HAPPENS?! Hear my firsthand experience, background crazy noise and all, in this week's Monday Motivation. And yes, it feels GREAT to share this imperfect podcast with you. Be imperfect today, it's worth it, trust!

 Crash Course in Goal Setting | Ep 41 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:49

Here's EVERYTHING you need to know about setting goals that matter, ones you know you'll achieve, and you'll find out EXACTLY what's stopping you when you start going after them! Let me know in the comments what your 'goal behind the goal' is and I'd love to know what you get most out of this episode. Would you like to hear the Crash Course in Goal GETTING next? The corresponding article and links will be uploaded today, please check back for those awesome resources! Much love, and please take a moment to rate and review us on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

 Monday Motivation: Goal Setting | Ep. 40 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:40

Yessss....I'm giving you a "Crash Course in Goal Setting" this week! We all need this, especially if you're feeling some discontentment where you are now. That's the perfect sign it's time to take a closer look at the direction you're facing and how to bridge the gap between where you are and where you COULD be. Your future can be very fulfilling and extraordinary with a little clarity today, a little focus, and a little work. You got this, my friend. You. Got. This. For more resources and motivation, visit and please take a moment to show some love in a review of our show on iTunes. Remember to tune in this Wednesday for the full episode: "Crash Course in Goal Setting"

 Matt Starr on How to Have Rock Star Success | Ep 39 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:29

My 1st Guest is a Rockstar! (No…really.)   Have you played it safe, do you need a push?   Ready to feel inspired to live an extraordinary life, and possibly to also listen to old vinyl albums?   Learn the secrets of a rockstar life (from a rockstar!) and how to use them to up-level your life and career. We’ll be talking about practical strategies for extraordinary living, and this show is going to DELIVER.   I’m literally giddy about this episode - it’s my first guest on Beautiful You, and to help start my new interview series in a BIG way - my Valentine and mistletoe kisser showed up for a seriously great show. There’s so much value in here, you guys are in for a treat.   I wasn’t sure what I was going to offer you as a resource to go along with today’s episode, but for starters, I’ll give you access to a download of the show notes. It’s word for word what we discuss. I think it will help you more than anything else, feel free to print it and highlight what you’re going to try next, make notes, it’s a full education covering a wealth of topics.    Strategies for a Rockstar Life (as told by a Rockstar!)   I hope you enjoy it as much as we love sharing it with you.   Thanks for listening and please rate and review my podcast on iTunes, I’d really appreciate it!

 27 Ways to Tap Into Your Unique Genius | Ep 38 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:19

I’m so excited to share today’s episode with you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved putting it together for you! If this topic could help you, use these suggestions slowly over time, or try them all in a week, just use them! Let me know what you get most of it! And FRIIIIDAYYYYY…. I’ll have an incredible interview to share with you! I’m giddy…if you listed to Monday Motivation this week, you know who it is, shhh! It’s good, you’re going to get a lot of great concepts from this guy. Until then…. Here’s your FREE DOWNLOAD to keep you on track with Tapping Into Your Unique Spark of Genius: CLICK HERE

 Monday Motivation: Hello Genius | Ep. 37 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:26

Super excited about this week's theme "How to Tap Into Your Unique Spark of Genius"  This very first step is 1 of 27 Ways I'll be sharing with you this Wednesday and I have an AMAZING guest on Friday.....soooo exciting.  The episode I refer to in today's podcast is: "The Smile Within | Ep 31" Let me know what you think of you Monday Motivation and please take a minute to rate and review us on iTunes!

 5 Steps to Get Courage & Clarity | Ep 36 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:00

Do you have courage? Not the kind to jump out of an airplane, it's not always like that. It can feel just as scary to start a conversation or a business, or a new habit. We all need a little courage at times and today's episode gives you 5 Steps to begin building courage AND clarity. Together, they'll make you unstoppable! To access the FREE Download I mention in this episode, go to: Please take a moment to rate and review our podcast, it would mean the world to me! Below you'll find today's Show Notes for easier reference, hope it helps!   5 Steps to Courage & Clarity - Show Notes 00:08 Welcome to Beautiful You. My name is Becca Starr and I'm the host of our podcast where I remind you of how beautiful and perfect you already are. I give you tips and strategies, very simple techniques to access the power you have inside of you. 00:28 I am so excited about today's episode. I'm going to jump right in. This week I'm sharing something we all need sometimes: Courage. This week we'll be talking about courage and clarity, and at the end of this episode I'm going to give you a special link to access a downloadable guide that will help you through these exercises and techniques I'm offering in today's episode. 00:56 So courage is truly the difference between success and feeling very satisfied in your life, and not feeling satisfied but also living a life of regret, and that's a very big difference. When you step back to look at the two options there, I want you to understand that that is what you choose. We all need courage but many of us are not able to access it on a regular basis, and the courage I'm talking about isn't about jumping out of an airplane but sometimes just simply starting a conversation can feel just as scary as skydiving. We've all been there, and the difference between the successful people who feel so confident and satisfied is that they feel that fear and they do it anyway by any means. They do it anyway. I'm going to break it down for you. 02:07 So this episode will help you if you're playing it safe. You want to do more with your life or your career, but you're not sure how, and anytime you have an idea it quickly becomes an afterthought. It's as if the spark of an idea isn't fanned with courage, and it becomes very easy to feel convinced it really wouldn't be good. And it gets brushed aside with a lot of other little great ideas you've had. Does that sound familiar? 02:41 When we have little hits of inspiration, I like to call them, there's a process that happens. Now this happens for everyone. It's the process of change for human beings. It can be big or small skill stuff, and what happens is we have a great inspired thought. We feel excited, a little relieved maybe because it's a solution to something that we're not feeling complete about. That's why we get this hit. That's why we get this inspiration or this idea, this particular stream of thinking. It has a positive energy to it. Within moments literally that's all it takes, without acting on that inspiration, we can quickly lose our motivation, the courage required to take action. 03:36 So here's what I suggest. Micro-actions are a big part of what makes the BITMOR Method so effective. Carry a small notebook around. Write down the thought, and that's it. Just put the thought on paper. I'll give you four more actions, excuse me, micro-actions to take as you build your courage and get more clarity on what will create a fail-proof plan for you. Plus I will give you access to a special link for a free downloadable workbook. Just stay tuned until the end and get that special link. 04:16 You're listening to this episode because you're ready to create an extraordinary life. You've been playing it safe. You're probably pretty successful in certain areas of your life and you don't want to give up the security you have. I get it. I was there. What I know for sure is that the universe will make things change for you if you don't begin to do it for yourself. You have choices. You can take small consistent action that requires some courage, or you ignore your ideas for change and you very well may find yourself faced with a lot less options. 04:59 This isn't to scare you. This is just to remind you we have intuition and inspirations for a reason. They are our friend. When we pay attention to them, they become more clear and we get more needed information. Either way, things are always transforming. When we ignore that still small voice, it can get a little louder. It can get more persistent. It can bang on your door and it has the power to knock your house down. 05:34 But when we choose to listen and take some actions and honor that voice, our path gets more clear. Our still small voice becomes comforting. We meet people and find ourselves in situations we could have only dreamed of. So what are the micro-actions you can take to gain more clarity and live with courage to stop playing it safe? 05:58 As I mentioned: 05:59 1. Get a small notebook and carry it with you, writing down all inspired thoughts, big, small, sensible and totally unreasonable. Write them all down. 06:12 2. Get more conscious about inspired thinking. Take a few moments each day to ask your invisible team, your God, the universe, higher self, your spiritual team. Ask what you can do today to create an extraordinary life. You ask what you need to ask to get your inspiration. You know simply you can specify your goal, you can leave it wide open and just see what comes. The goal of this particular micro-action is to ask. 06:45 You may get an answer right away. Write it down. You may feel a hit of inspiration a little later. Write that down. Stay in the flow. Writing these thoughts down is taking action. Trust the process. 3. For our micro-actions. Now you know I don't want you to only have a notebook with amazing inspirations that you carry around and do nothing with, so choose one. Just one, and take that action. Take that action and take one action a day. Simply one action. 07:25 4. This one will help if you're feeling scared or starting to convince yourself that it's not a good action to take. This happens a lot and like I said already, it literally only takes moments for a good idea to be tossed aside. Find your strength. Get a mentor, a coach, an accountability partner. Find a friend who lifts you up and might be willing to be your cheerleader. Be your own cheerleader. Read stories of people who have the strength and courage you'd like to have more of. 08:02 There are inspirational stories everywhere. Find somebody that resonates with you. Find more than one person. Read about their experience. If they are alive, contact them. Ask them how they have courage. Surrounding ourselves with people who are doing what we desire to be doing gets us there so much faster. 08:27 Embody the feeling state of what your future self is capable of. Use Nike's slogan: Just do it. Whatever is required for you to step out of your comfort zone. 08:41 5. Share your success. Share it with your cheerleader, your mentor, your coach. Please share it in the comments of our podcast webpage. What are you getting most out of these micro-actions? They're all equally important and some might be easier than others. When you share your experience and your strength, you inspire others. You're a powerful beautiful human being. 09:07 Thank you so much for joining me. You can access your free workbook that I have designed specifically to get more clarity and courage at Join us next week when we talk about accessing the inner spark of genius that only you possess. How do you get more in touch with that? I cannot wait to share that with you, and until then, have a beautiful week my friends. I would love and appreciate it if you took a moment to rate and review our show on iTunes. Thank you so much.

 Monday Motivation: Courage & Micro-Actions | Ep. 35 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 04:27

Start your week off with COURAGE. What's ONE thing you can do RIGHT NOW to start creating an extraordinary life - it's SO simple yet so powerful. I'm excited to hear what you see as a result of THIS Micro-Action. The second episode in our new series: Monday Motivation. Check back each week for quick strategies helping you create seriously kickass situations.  For motivation every day of the week, follow us on Instagram @mrsbeccastarr. Let me know what motivates you, share in the comments if you use our feeling state method and what experiences you've noticed!

 Why a Vision Board Might Not Work | Ep. 34 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:41

Have you had any luck with vision boards? They can be extremely powerful, but they also might not be the best tool to use. Find out when you should hold off making one and when it's time to retire the one you've been looking at every day! For tons of resources on making your vision board work for you, visit You'll get a full guide including workbook, checklist, and resources.  Let me know what experience you have with vision boards in the comment section of our podcast webpage. And please take a minute to rate and review us on iTunes, I'd really appreciate your feedback. Thanks for listening! And let us know if there's anything we can focus on in a future episode to help you reach YOUR goals: 

 Monday Motivation: Feel Your Way to Your Goal | Ep. 33 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:53

Start your week off with the most effective and powerful feeling state. How does it FEEL when you imagine experiencing your goal? Embody those feelings to attract people, situations and ideas quicker and easier than you ever thought possible. To access our free Feeling State Guide go to: For motivation every day of the week, follow us on Instagram @mrsbeccastarr. Let me know what motivates you, share in the comments if you use our feeling state method and what experiences you've noticed! 


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