The You Project show

The You Project

Summary: The You Project is a 30-90 minute dose of inspiration and education hosted by Craig Harper with great stories, ideas, strategies and lessons from high-performers in sport, business, science, media and health.

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  • Artist: Craig Harper
  • Copyright: Copyright 2021 The You Project Pty Ltd


 #218 Managing the Madness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:18

At the time of recording this episode (June 2, 2020), Bobby Cappuccio and his wife Aimi were bunkered down in their Los Angeles home in the middle of protests, riots, a 4pm curfew, a military presence (the National Guard), tens of thousands of police on the streets and, to say the least, a highly volatile, unpredictable and unfolding situation. This was an interesting, and at times confronting, conversation chatting with the dude from Brooklyn and his Nigerian wife about all things race, violence, survival, mindset, hope, love and Archie Bunker.

 #217 Herding Cats | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:45

Ex Richmond (Melbourne, Fremantle) football club(s) CEO Cameron Schwab is back and this time, he and Craig talk about what it takes to succeed and what we can learn from those who find a way to perform at the highest level (it's about much more than talent and genetics). They also discuss the lessons and lightbulbs in the new(ish) Netflix Documentary Series 'The Last Dance', the value and power of being adaptable, herding cats, the complexity of managing and leading elite athletes, whether or not we can be simultaneously satisfied and ambitious and Cam gives us a health update following his recent surgery for prostate cancer. We love Cam. Enjoy.

 #216 Unlearning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:14

Did you know that a great deal (maybe most) of human learning happens unconsciously and incidentally? Without any actual plan or intention to learn? And while we might think of learning as something that is typically a structured, conscious and/or academic process, in many cases, it is not. It's often something that happens despite us, not because of us. Quite often, without our knowledge or awareness. And while we might think of learning as a positive thing, that is not always the case. In fact, some of our learning (and subsequent beliefs and thinking) is the very thing that stands between us and growth, us and success, us and happiness. Sometimes, we need to learn to unlearn.

 #215 Surviving the Sh*t Show | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:52

There's a reason we get so much amazing feedback about Paul Taylor; he's always interesting, funny, inspirational and periodically, inappropriate. And he always tells a good yarn. In this episode, Paul and Craig talk about lessons learned, skills acquired, awareness gained and resilience built in the middle of the shit we didn't want, plan for or expect.

 #214 Toxic Friendships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:37

What's the deal with 'friends' who aren't actually friendly? People who manipulate, undermine, resent and backstab their alleged friends. How and why is this a thing and more importantly, why do the victims of these crap friends stick around? In this brief episode, Craig flies solo, thinking out loud about the true meaning of friendship, familiarity and proximity, the friendship litmus test, being desperate to fit in and the consequences of inhabiting a toxic friendship.

 #213 Learning How to Learn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:55

Dr. Richard Huysmans is an academic, pracademic and for the last two months, home-schooling dad. He has spent his life learning how to learn effectively and helping others do the same. In this episode of TYP, Richard and Craig talk about conscious and unconscious learning, academic and non-academic learning, learning styles, developing a personal learning system, studying vs. learning, going back to formal study and the health benefits of stimulating our brain as we age.

 #212 The Corona Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:15

Psychologist Jacqui Louder is back on TYP and she's talking about some of the mental health challenges and consequences of the pandemic. Jacqui discusses some of her own Covid challenges and issues and more broadly, she and Craig talk about brain training, dealing with anxiety, why we're all control freaks, our 'survival' brain, why we struggle in stillness, the psychology of guilt and the addiction we have to being busy. Enjoy.

 #211 Self-Awareness and Self-Understanding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:04

What is self-awareness? Why does it matter? How can we improve it? What impact does it have on everything from work, relationships and problem-solving to anxiety, happiness and connection? Why do I do think the way I think, feel the way I feel and behave the way I behave? Where does all this 'me stuff' come from and does it serve me or sabotage me? This brief episode is not so much a (typical) podcast, as it is Craig sharing a few thoughts and ideas around self-awareness (internal and external) and the understanding of self. It's a brief introduction to a very big conversation. Kind of a podcast-ette. Enjoy.

 #210 Re-Defining Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:58:02

TYP favourite, Geoff Jowett has reinvented himself over the last few years. The one-time high-flying, drug-taking, ego-driven, money-making entrepreneur had all the trappings of success, but none of the experience. The external show was a façade hiding a plethora of personal issues, challenges, addictions and pain. As many of you know, Geoff hit rock bottom and now describes that painful time as the best thing to ever happen to him. In this episode, we discuss the stories we have around money, tapping into the universal intelligence, the healing power of animals, dealing with criticism and negativity, being fully present, why soft is strong, being addicted to drama, getting triggered, the joy of stillness and the freedom of having nothing to prove. This is maybe my favourite Geoff chat.

 #209 Change Your Life Forever (Another Free Workshop) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:49:04

What's your life telling you? Are you living your purpose, passion and values or are you treading water in your own personal Groundhog Day? Spinning your wheels? Living in a holding pattern? Or maybe worse? Are you over-thinking and under-doing? Wasting your potential? Self-sabotaging your way into frustration and stagnation? Don't beat yourself up; it's a pretty big club. We all want to live our best lives but what does that actually mean? And where does our idea of 'best' come from? Is a 'best life' experience about what's happening in our external (physical) world or is it more about that non-physical (internal) space? Maybe it's about both? This episode is not a prescription (of course) but rather, an interesting conversation around what it means to live our best life and how we might go about it.

 #208 Change Your Body Forever (A Free Workshop) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:15

This is essentially a one hour coaching and teaching workshop. It's not so much a conversation as it is, an exploration into what it takes to be the person who 'gets in shape' (whatever that means for you) and stays that way. Forever. In it, Craig explores the seven key influencers and determinants of physical transformation. If you're after some motivational fluff, a self-help cuddle or a back rub, this is not for you. But, if you're sick of your own bullshit and you're ready to own up, step up and do the work, tune in.

 #207 Out of the Chaos and into the Calm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:53

Jen Forster was a goal-setting, box-ticking, high-performer. She developed and owned successful businesses, gained an MBA, ran 100km races, built her 'best' body, ventured to Everest base camp, did lots of cool things and in the middle of it all, she was miserable. From the outside looking in, her life was shiny and impressive but the internal experience, was quite different. This conversation is about Jen's story out of unconsciousness and anxiety and into consciousness and calm. Enjoy.

 #206 Can Science and Spirituality Co-Exist? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:16

Apart from being the wife of AFL Hall-of-Famer Paul Roos, Tami Roos is a superstar in her own right, with a PhD in Parapsychic Science (it's a thing), a best-selling book and a successful career as a Corporate Speaker and Meditation Teacher. It's fair to say that Craig was excited to open this particular conversational door and go deep on all things science, spirituality, psychology and happiness. Enjoy.

 #205 Stop F*cking Around (The Audio Version) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:53

This brief episode is essentially a coaching session (of sorts), where Craig unpacks the first ten principles (of thirty) from his most popular book. The book his mother calls... the sweary one. Enjoy.

 #204 Love Languages, Decluttering & Spice Racks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:22

One-time Journalist, TV Presenter and Sportscaster, these days Brad McEwan is immersed in the 'helping people' space and he's great at it. As an ambassador for Beyond Blue, a mental health advocate, corporate speaker and chief cheerleader for kindness, Brad is someone I love spending time with. In this episode, we talk about everything from friendly strangers and love languages to cyber-workshops, decluttering and his obsession with spices.


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