Courage & Clarity show

Courage & Clarity

Summary: These spirited conversations give us a peek behind the curtain and share what it really takes to earn an independent living doing something you love. Add one part grounding inspiration to one part tangible tactics and you've got this podcast: a unique way to catch insights that really work from successful female entrepreneurs. These real, honest stories will help you find the courage and clarity to go after what you love!


 Ep 026 // Ideal Clients, "Shiny Object Syndrome" & Why it's Okay to Suck Right Now (Q&A) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 48:06

Here we are ... halfway through Season 2 of the Courage & Clarity podcast! <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="712x733" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="59065633893fc052557d3d61" data-type="image" src="" />  I'm having an absolutely blast bringing you one part inspiration and one part instruction from amazing entrepreneurs who are going after what they love in business & in life. However, since these conversations have been so action packed, I thought I would pause and huddle up with y'all. Recently, on Instagram & on Facebook, I called for questions -- and you guys really delivered! So today, I'm answering your top Q's.In this episode, you'll hear:  How to decide whether you should start a podcast Putting the "ideal client" debate to rest How to get your very first clients How this podcast is doing so far! How to get OUT of planning mode and INTO action mode What to do about "shiny object syndrome", aka the constant barrage of new ideas .... and the best advice I've ever received!  PLUS, as a little bonus, I finished the episode off by sharing some things I've been thinking about lately. You may have seen on Instagram I posted a graphic exclaiming, "It's okay if you suck right now." That post BLEW UP and so I wanted to go deeper into what I meant, what I've learned since then and how you can put this into practice in your own life. Thank you for the questions, I hope you enjoy the show this week!  SHOW NOTES: Microphone I use - ATR2100 USB Mic You know you need to define your ideal client, target market & niche, right? (FS208) BNI Meetings Claire Pelletreau - Courage, Clarity Claire's Get Paid Podcast Jenna Kutcher on Instagram Lara Casey's Powersheets Adrienne Dorison - Courage, Clarity Glennon Doyle Melton Quote My instagram: It's okay that you suck right now Jess Lively's intuition writing exercise

 Ep 025 // A 3 Step Process to Getting More Sales with Think Creative Collective (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 34:36

In this week's Clarity episode, we're jamming on a tough topic for lots of us: sales.   <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="718x730" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58fd3308f5e2316109af3781" data-type="image" src="" />  You know the scene: You're sitting at the Starbucks, sweaty-palmed, talking your face off with a client you'd love to work with, hoping and praying they are picking up what you're putting down.And then, the moment comes: it's time to sell. You hold your breath and name your price, worried that they'll get up and walk away right there. I've been in that Starbucks scenario so many times, and I get the heeby jeebies just thinking about it. That's why I love this conversation with Emylee & Abagail. They're sharing exactly what we need to tweak in order to make more sales -- and to take the fear factor out of these conversations. In this action-packed, 20 minute conversation, Emylee & Abbie spill:  Three big steps to generating MORE sales (easier, simpler & less intimidating than you think!) How to educate your clients on the value you offer vs. having to make pitches and convince them to work with you  How to help your clients see you as a mind reader (and therefore, the perfect person to trust!) A stress-free approach to talking about money with clients  Some tough love, which will help you get out of your own way and make more sales!    SHOW NOTES:  Freshbooks - 30 days free! Think Creative Collective TCC on Instagram Fizzle course: Customer Conversations TCC Course: Organize Your Business & Your Life with Trello <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="198x97" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58fd324e20099eb9a72cdad3" data-type="image" src="" />

 Ep 024 // How to find a co-founder, test your relationship & go all in with Think Creative Collective (Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:58

This week's Courage & Clarity conversations are double the fun as I'm joined by not one, but two brilliant business ladies: Emylee Williams & Abagail Pumphrey, the founds of Think Creative Collective. <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="750x751" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58fd31b61e5b6c4ffcc2ae68" data-type="image" src="" />  Emylee & Abagail are the brains behind this strategy powerhouse which offers courses, a podcast and lots of clarity for frazzled entrepreneurs who want to get more sh*t done. But of course, there's more to this story than a couple of bosses who've got it all figured out. Emylee dropped out of graduate school two weeks before her program began and originally thought she'd own a cupcake business. Abagail climbed the corporate ladder in the web design world only to be laid off from work. In this episode these two spill all the details of their individual paths to doing meaningful work on their own terms, including lots of bumps & bruises along the way. My favorite part, though, is how they decided to come together. After joining forces to run a webinar together, the two sat on the floor of Abagail's home office and realized their values & aspirations were so similar -- and, that they had a blast building cool stuff together. Think Creative Collective was born.In addition to these inspiring stories, you'll hear:  How Emylee went from making next to nothing as a photographer for a year, to walking out of a client's house with a $1500 check  How the two completely overhauled their business model -- which allowed them both to take January completely off, and both have only worked part time so far in 2017 What to look for in a co-founder relationship, and how to test it out before going "all in"    SHOW NOTES:  Fizzle - try it for 5 weeks, cancel any time Think Creative Collective TCC on Instagram Courage & Clarity episodes with Natalie Franke

 Ep 023 // Identify Your Strengths & Create a Unique Business with Katie Proctor (CLARITY) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:37

Have you ever found yourself wondering with questions like: "How do I figure out what I'm really good at?""What are my strengths?""How do other people see me?""How do I create a business that's uniquely me?"We've all asked these questions a million times over because it's hard to see ourselves as others see us. Sometimes when we're really good at something, when it comes easily to us, it doesn't even feel like a strength. The truth is, other people can't do that thing like you can. So in today's Clarity episode, we talk about exactly how to leverage "your thing". <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="714x710" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58f3f87b6a49630966628c81" data-type="image" src="" />  Here's what we get into today, and guys, it's a juicy one: Why getting better at your weaknesses is bad advice, and what you should do instead to grow exponentially  Where burnout REALLY comes from, and how knowing + using your strengths prevents it How to figure out what you're even good at in the first place How to use your unique strengths to differentiate your business How to take your top strengths & translate them into actual revenue We also talk about a real example of one of Katie's big strengths, and how she made a shift in her business model to capitalize on that. After you listen, I'd love to hear from you on instagram: Do you think you should try to improve your weaknesses? OR is it better to cut your losses and go all in on your strengths?   SHOW NOTES: Freshbooks - free trial Katie's website Strengths Finder 2.0 by Tom Rath Give What Grows -- How to Avoid Burnout (Fizzle Show 200) <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="198x97" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58f4d02db3db2bd6d3a61f9a" data-type="image" src="" />

 Ep 022 // How to Stop "Chasing Next" with Katie Proctor (COURAGE) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 50:42

In this week's Courage story, Katie Proctor shares her journey from a corporate marketer, to health & fitness coaching to where she is today -- helping fellow Registered Dietitians create thriving businesses.   <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="730x718" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58f3f6a6579fb369ec62c781" data-type="image" src="" />  In this episode, Katie shares: How she faced the harsh realization that corporate wasn't for her, even after spending lots of time & money getting her MBA How incorporating her own fitness transformation into her coaching powered her business Exactly how to get your partner on board with your business dreams, and the key to handling personal relationships as an entrepreneur  The importance of sharing ourselves authentically, and what's at risk if we don't start hitting publish  In addition, Katie and I jam on the idea of being brave for just 5 seconds at a time, and how we've both found our entire lives have shifted when we push ourselves to publish scary things.There's so much to learn here from Katie's ability to recognize she was "chasing next" -- next job, next degree, next pat on the back for doing a "good job". Today, instead of seeking praise and significance from large companies that may or may not validate her, Katie has built her own platform for sharing her message and she's carved out a space where she can be an influencer. It's a great story -- and next up, Katie joins me in Episode 23 to talk about finding your strengths and using them to create a business that's as unique as you are.   SHOW NOTES: Fizzle - 5 weeks free Katie's website Katie on instagram Steph on instagram <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="108x45" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58f4cfcfbe65942250c29d99" data-type="image" src="" />

 Ep 021 // Things I'm Afraid to Tell You: Losing My Brother | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 44:26

Today's episode is one I'm both excited and totally terrified to share with you. It's me, alone on the microphone, opening up about the hardest and most unthinkable thing I've ever dealt with.  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="730x730" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58eaa57b579fb3beba1026b6" data-type="image" src="" /> In this very-close-to-my-heart episode, I'm sharing:  A traumatic, tragic loss I've experienced in my life recently and my current thoughts & feelings The perspective I've gained from hardship and how we can challenge ourselves to live our best lives A before-and-after glimpse into how a family trip to Ireland deepened my healing 3 things grief has taught me that apply to career & business A powerful & moving excerpt from my journal and the message in my heart about grief In case you'd like to read the words from my journal, here they are in written format. Per Jess Lively's "writing to your intuition" exercise, I asked myself the following question: Why do I feel this is the episode I need to share? Here was my unedited, un-analyzed gut reaction (I arrived here by just writing without thinking too much):"Your life is not the shiny perfect image that people might see. You are not perfectly courageous and composed. There is so much suffering, and you are afraid. You do not know how the events of the past year will manifest in terms of your family. Questions weigh heavier on your heart than your mind allows you to truly explore. It is too traumatic to completely comprehend. As such, everything (including career) is impacted. There are positives and negatives to this. The negatives are perhaps more obvious — there is stress, bad dreams, unexplained and unexpected tear-filled moments, your anger flairs up in a way that feels out of control. This is all related to the unprocessed mountain of emotion that sits in your heart like a knot. Importantly, do not rush to untie this knot. You cannot untie this knot without the right tools. You do not have all of those tools today, nor do you have all of the puzzle pieces to know how. Instead, this is a project that will be unraveled piece by piece, over time, and there is nothing you can do to speed this process except try to be open to your truth.You know exactly what I mean: it’s that back-and-forth you have in your own mind about whether it is safe to hear your heart’s voice. Sometimes that voice will tell you scary things, or sad things that make you cry. I am here to say IT IS SAFE.More than just safe, it is everything to hear your heart’s voice. Do not be afraid. Or rather, be afraid, but listen anyway. Cry when it hurts. Show yourself and show up. The only thing you have to do is be open and be light. Do not try to be more than exactly what you are, right now." SHOW NOTES: Jess Lively: Things I'm Afraid to Tell You concept Courage & Clarity Episode 14 with Chase Reeves  Courage episode with Cassandra Bodzak Jess Lively: intuition writing exercise 

 Ep 019 // Your Life's Purpose, Simplicity & World Travels with a Family (Tsh Oxenreider, Courage) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:45

We've all heard about "the dream" of a nomadic lifestyle, working anywhere in the world with an internet connection from the comfort of our laptops. But what about those of us with, you know, families and stuff? <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="719x727" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58dc6370f7e0ab63e526767b" data-type="image" src="" />  Tsh is a writer, podcaster and a coach focused on the angle of living simply and unconventionally. She's been running a blog for 9 years called The Art of Simple, hosts a podcast called The Simple Show, and is the author of a book coming out this month, At Home in the World. In this week's Courage story, Tsh tells us all about how she and her husband found themselves in Turkey, a completely foreign country, and how her anxiety and discomfort led her to writing as a creative outlet.From this scary experience, her blog was born -- and now she's been at it for nearly a decade. Tsh and her husband spent five years devising a plan to save up enough cash to take their whole family on the road -- including their three young children.What happened over that year is truly inspiring, and might have you rethinking what you'd like your life to look like. In this episode you'll hear: The fears Tsh faced when she decided to take both her family and her business on the road  What it means to live simply according to your own unique life's purpose (and each of us may have our own definition of "simplicity") A new, refreshing spin on what it takes to be "an expert" How Tsh has stayed engaged in her area of expertise for close to 10 years, despite some lackluster moments Enjoy this episode, and then join us in Episode 20 where Tsh shares the exact steps she took to take her business & family on the road for a year!   SHOW NOTES  Tsh's website Tsh's new book Tsh on instagram Steph on instagram

 Ep 020 // Exactly How to Take Your Business & Family on the Road with Tsh Oxenreider (Clarity) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 37:50

In Episode 19, you heard about Tsh's inspiring story of taking her family of five and her business around the world for a year. In this episode, we're getting into the nitty gritty of how the heck this actually works and what preparations to consider for a major lifestyle shift like this one. <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="717x718" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58dd17e2d1758edf848bd416" data-type="image" src="" />  In this episode, Tsh reveals:  How to plan for a year around the world, including how much money she saved up and how long it took  What systems and fail-safes to implement in your business before you hit the road  How this works with young children, including education & the balance between action & relaxation What one thing she would have done differently with her travels & business At this exact moment, I'm traveling around Ireland in a minivan with my entire family, including my 10 month old baby girl! Tsh totally inspired me to go with the flow and keep my perspective open when it comes to business, family and travel.   SHOW NOTES:  Tsh's book Tsh's website Tsh on instagram Steph on instagram Freshbooks: enter code "courage+clarity" <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="198x97" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58f4d04ebe65942250c2a675" data-type="image" src="" />

 Ep 018 // Not Another Target Market Conversation with Amanda Cook (CLARITY) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 41:51

Think you've heard all there is to hear about "target market" and "picking a niche"? I thought I had too, until this conversation with Amanda.Before you skip this episode because you're tired of the same advice (seriously, I feel you!), you have to hear from Amanda. Talk about a totally refreshing and clear approach to this murky, complex subject.  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="719x712" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58d83be1440243314dc6fbd4" data-type="image" src="" />  In this episode Amanda lays out:  a 6 month roadmap for using a specific target market to power up your business how to approach target market if you feel your business can help everyone what to do if picking a target market makes you feel "stuck in a box" how to keep your potential customers' "BS meter" from going off when they find you how to get the right people to your website... and turn them into real customers exactly how to create attractive email opt-in offers & the process for keeping new readers engaged  Seriously, there's so much here in this conversation and Amanda generously holds nothing back. Are you putting this framework to use? I'd love to hear about it! Find me on social media (@stephcrowder_) or send me an email ( to let me know!   SHOW NOTES: Amanda's book Amanda's website Freshbooks Minimalist Baker Customer Conversations from Fizzle {grab your free 5 week trial} <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="198x97" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58d816f31e5b6cc3c4fe8770" data-type="image" src="" />

 Ep 017 // How Amanda Cook Used Corporate Marketing Experience to Power a Wellness Business (COURAGE) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 39:31

This week I'm talking with Amanda Cook of Wellpreneur, digital marketing for the wellness industry. She helps health coaches, yoga teachers, personal trainers & nutritionists bring more of the right people to their websites and turn them into paying clients.  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="715x722" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58d839559f7456928cd1eae3" data-type="image" src="" /> Sounds crisp and clean, like Amanda's really got her business together, right? It wasn't always this way, and in this Courage story, Amanda opens up about her days as a deflated corporate employee chasing a job overseas in pursuit of freedom. Initially thinking a career in health coaching was the answer, Amanda excitedly obtained her certification, started a blog and began working with clients only to realize this totally wasn't for her. After realizing that a new home in Paris nor a new career in health coaching would fill the void in her life, Amanda found herself majorly confused about what to do next. Somewhere along the way, someone told Amanda to "start looking at who’s already showing up in your business." What Amanda realized next was absolutely key: she had tons of friends coming to her for tech and marketing help, and she actually loved that stuff. She had closed the door on her corporate background in marketing without realizing there was another way to make it work in her own business.  You'll have to join us for this conversation to hear: the exact moment that things clicked for Amanda How she figured out what services to offer after tearing her hair out doing work she hated Why the clients started flowing when she was previously struggling .... and what advice she'd offer her former self.   SHOW NOTES: Amanda's website Amanda's book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert Fizzle: Try 5 weeks free!

 Ep 015 // How Adrienne Dorison Quit Her Job & Paid Off a $48k Debt in 6 Months | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 41:32

Season 2 is HERE, and we're getting this party started with Adrienne Dorison: success guru, money mentor and podcast host behind the School of Self-Mastery and The Pop-Up Podcast! <img class="thumb-image" alt="dorisonimage2.png" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="807x802" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58cd8f38ebbd1a54a33be3f2" data-type="image" src="" /> In this Courage story, Adrienne shares the fascinating story of how her background in wildlife & forestry led her to launching a business that helps people double their business in half the time. Her dream of petting polar bears on a daily basis led her to a creativity-stifling job at a paper company... and landed her $48,000 in debt. Adrienne started blogging as a desperately needed creative outlet without really intending for it to turn into anything. She didn't think anyone was reading, and she certainly didn't realize she could parlay this into a real career path. By immersing herself in entrepreneurial communities, Adrienne learned what was possible and thus set her mind on side hustling her way to replacing her corporate job income. She ended up smashing this goal, and paying off her entire $48,000 debt in just 6 months. This is an awesome episode for anyone wanting to make a leap or transition who also feels held back by some obstacle or commitment -- debt, family, you name it. I can promise a hefty dose of inspiration, as well as some practical tips for making this kind of transition in your own life. After this episode, join me for Episode 16 with Adrienne (her clarity episode) -- she's teaching us how to get more done in less time by giving us a peek into the productivity process she uses to power her projects! SHOW NOTES Adrienne's website 5 weeks of Fizzle - try it for free, cancel anytime Hal Elrod / Miracle Morning Adrienne on Instagram Steph on Instagram  

 Ep 016 // A Clear & Simple Process for Getting More Done in Less Time with Adrienne Dorison | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 45:32

Feel like you've got a million things on your to do list and few results to show for it on this Monday? Adrienne Dorison's got a few things to say to you in this Clarity episode!(If you missed our Courage conversation, skip back one to Episode 15!) <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="717x670" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58ce89752e69cfea22de7744" data-type="image" src="" /> This isn't necessarily about working less -- it's about making sure the results you're getting match the effort you're putting in. It's deflating to feel you're ALWAYS working on your business, yet you never have the results to show for it. In this episode, Adrienne reveals why this effort and results become lopsided:"Effort does not equal progress. The real gamechanger is effort with direction."Adrienne also shares:  What to do in the next 90 days to maximize your progress The number one mistake people make, which leads to nothing getting completed The concept of "Most Important Mission", the criteria for it, and how you can put this to work so you never feel you've wasted a day  How to handle essential (yet annoying) operational tasks using batching and boundaries  The concept of "To Do", "Doing" and "Done", and where your results are getting bottlenecked Adrienne is so hard-hitting in this episode. A few more favorite quotes from her:"Are you choosing easy over results?" "People sit around waiting for motivation, but I think motivation comes from action."   SHOW NOTES:  Adrienne's website Freshbooks - try a month for free Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog Trello   

 Ep 014 // A Stress-Free Approach to Getting What You Want with Chase Reeves | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 1:24:39

Are you ready for this bonus episode?! It's a little out there and incredibly raw... and while it's a departure from the classic C&C format, I'm still a little electrified from this conversation.  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="712x721" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58c57214bebafb01e04c865f" data-type="image" src="" />  As we prepare to kick off Season 2 of these podcast (YAY!), I was having a conversation with my teammate and friend, Chase Reeves. He asked me one important question:"How do you want Courage & Clarity to feel?" The question gave me pause for a few different reasons.First of all, it was refreshing. Questions like, "What should our goal be for this podcast?" often leave me scratching my head -- uhh, 1,000 people listen to it? A million people? Having Oprah on the show?? But how I want it to feel? That's a question I can actually answer. This conversation isn't about shirking results. Results are big time important mile markers -- I'm starting to see them as the guard rails that help ensure a project is on track. But I see them less and less as a guiding light. You see, "results" or "goals" as we traditionally define them are burdened with energy-draining traps laid by ego, comparison and doubt. Those goals want to keep us on the hamster wheel, chasing "success" without ever really feeling great.You have to start with how you want it to feel, not just when it's over, but while you're creating. Here's how Chase put it:"If you want some outcome, spend time practicing how you want that outcome to feel." I know it might feel like a stretch, but all the things you want to feel -- joy, competence, excitement, security, safety -- you don't have to wait to feel them. You can feel those things right now, before you reach "success" (<-- which, by the way, what the hell is this anyway?)"This is about excavation, not education." That's another nugget of wisdom from Chase, and we go deep on finding your own internal guidance versus constantly relying on the pressures of what the world around you says you should do. This was such a cool conversation, and I can't wait to hear what you think. If it's not your cup of tea, I totally get it -- Episode 15 launches on Monday, and we're back to the Courage & Clarity format you know and love! Let's get into it -- I'm talking about how to take a stress-free approach to getting what you want with Chase!  SHOW NOTES:  5 weeks of Free Fizzle!  Experiments in Truth - Ram Dass Abraham Hicks Motherbirth Jess Lively / The Lively Show If I Sit in My Own Place, a poem by Rumi

 Ep 013 // All About Podcasting + Productivity: Season One Q&A | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 43:50

 I'm so excited to be back on the microphone today! Before we kick off Season 2 (it's DEEP in progress right now!), I thought we could take a step back and digest the jam-packed episodes of Season 1. <img class="thumb-image" alt="Screen Shot 2017-03-05 at 4.32.45 PM.png" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="524x528" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58bcd17c44024365b3357e8f" data-type="image" src="" /> I wanted to turn the mic over to you guys to see what you'd like me to go deeper on, and you asked some great Q's that I'm ready to A for ya (a few of these lovely guests even chimed in to help!)Here are some big things we get into today, as requested by you guys! What you need to know about starting a podcast (my experience with this show so far!) How to get past bad days  What to do about jealousy + comparison in business Criteria for truly excellent morning + evening routines  How to manage multiple revenue streams at once  What to do about spouses / partners who aren't on board with your business Tips for engaging with your community as you grow your social media  SHOW NOTES Fizzle: 5 weeks FREE for C+C listeners!  3 Essential Podcast Launch Tips Power Your Podcast with Storytelling, a course with Alex Blumberg Productivity Planner More about the pomodoro method Romance & Revenue: Big Relationship Tips for Entrepreneurs (Fizzle Show ep. 55) Minimum Viable Income How to Spend $40 a Month on Facebook Ads that Actually Work with Claire Pelletreau Claire's eBook, Bullseye

 Ep 011 // How a college side hustle led to an empire of 50,000 members with Natalie Franke (COURAGE) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 37:22

This week I’m talking with Natalie Franke, founder of the Rising Tide Society, which is an international network of creative entrepreneurs who believe in community over competition. In this Courage story, Natalie tells us about what it was like to grow a photography business to 6 figures and — get this — she did that on the side as she studied FULL TIME as an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania.  <img class="thumb-image" data-image="" data-image-dimensions="717x711" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="58a113d559cc6819caa080c8" data-type="image" src="" /> She came to an extremely interesting and confusing crossroads when it was time to graduate, and she had to decide the fate of her business. Should she continue down the entrepreneurial path she inadvertently set in motion when she was trying to fund her education? And if so, what was the point of getting that expensive degree in the first place?We get into this and much more in this episode, and I can’t wait for you guys to hear from Natalie — she was so fantastic to talk to. She’s got this comforting and nurturing way about her that really pulled me in. I’m especially excited for these conversations, because The Rising Tide Society is so aligned with the work that we do over at Fizzle. Natalie and I share many of the same views about the role that community plays in building a business and how lonely it can be to go it alone. In this episode Natalie shares that 1 in 3 entrepreneurs suffer with anxiety or depression, and she opens up about how she is one of them.Clearly as the founder of Rising Tide Society, a network of 50,000 entrepreneurs, Natalie is an expert on how to build community.That's why in her Clarity episode, the one right after this one, she's taking us behind the scenes to tell us what it really takes to create a following of loyal people who would follow you off a cliff. These two episodes are the last ones for Season One of the Courage & Clarity podcast. (!) But don’t worry... the truth is I’m already working on Season Two (!!), and I'm so excited to bring you more inspiring & instructional conversations from incredible entrepreneurs. (!!!)However, there's one thing I need from you: in between the two seasons I’m going to create a “Question & Answers” episode devoted to going deeper on anything you heard in Season One (or, anything you want, really!)There’s a super quick survey here. If you could head over there and let me know what you’d like me to answer, I would so appreciate it.Stay tuned at the end of this episode when I wrap things up and give you my key takeaways, as well as tell you more about what’s in store for the next few weeks of this podcast. Let’s get into it: it’s my Courage conversation with Natalie Franke, founder of the Rising Tide Society!  SHOW NOTES Quick Season One survey Natalie Franke The Rising Tide Society Fizzle Gary Vaynerchuk  Natalie on instagram Steph on instagram


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