Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi show

Own Your Future with Dean Graziosi

Summary: Welcome to the Own YOUR Future Podcast with Dean Graziosi! Our aim is to meet our listeners where they're at and provide practical insights and strategies to help them thrive in today's economy. Our goal is to empower our listeners to take control of their time, finances, and future, so they can fulfill their potential and become the person they were meant to be. Dean interviews some of the most brilliant thought leaders of our time, who share their wisdom on how to Own YOUR Future.

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 When Dreaming Big Will Betray You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:12

We’ve all done it…. We’ve all pictured our “ideal self” and dreamed the big dream. And maybe that inspires some people. But for most of us… It’s actually a HUGE stumbling block.  Listen NOW to find out why I’m calling B.S. on this whole concept of the “ideal self” and how you should find your motivation instead. *** Want to text me personally? Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***

 How And Why To Sell What You Know | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:03

You have knowledge inside of you RIGHT NOW… And there’s someone out there who is starting on day one and needs to hear the wisdom you have to share…  The Knowledge Industry is not going away anytime soon and in this podcast I share why it’s never been easier to be a part of... Listen NOW for why you MUST join the wave of one of the fastest growing industries in the world...  ****Click here to start your 14-day free trial and launch your first course on Mastermind.com → https://mastermind.com/****

 How To Feel Your Best In Any Decade Of Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:51

People tell stories about each decade of adulthood… how “it’s all downhill from here.” But what would you do to defy that stereotype? Would you shift your habits if it meant more energy? Would you change 3 things to own your future? Listen NOW for a pep talk on how to feel better now and next year (and the one after that)! Get the Better Life Journal I mention in this video to keep track of your habits and goals → https://dgachieve.com/better-life-journal?utm_source=bljsocial

 Outcome vs. Effort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:44

What would it look like if you could achieve more every single day?? I’m talking about how that kind of next level mentality and REALITY plays out in my life… and you’re gonna want to put this in practice!! Because this is about more energy, more impact, more stamina, more enthusiasm… This is about results.  So listen NOW for how I create more success in my everyday life… and it’s so simple you won’t believe this shift. *** Want to text me personally? Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***

 Why You Deserve a Second Chance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:46

I want to tell you something: I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. But they don’t define me. My mindset is: You can choose to LEARN or you can choose to LOSE. Today, I’m talking about second chances in relationships but it applies to pretty much every area of your life.  Listen NOW to learn why you deserve to move forward no matter what. *** Want to text me personally? Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***  

 10 Steps To Communicating Better (Especially As a Parent) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:07

Acting on your emotions can be a negative thing or it can be incredibly positive… It's a risk that can pay off massively! You just have to choose the emotions that propel you, not the ones that keep you stuck. But actively listening to the emotions of others and communicating with their emotions in mind… that will NEVER fail you. As a parent, as a spouse, as a friend and as a person. It’s all about them and how you make them FEEL. So listen NOW to these 10 tips for how to improve your communication skills today! *** Text me straight to my cell! Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***

 Why It Pays to Be Underestimated & Do The Unexpected | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:57

In life, a lot of people will tell you that you can’t… but the big secret is that you can flip that around!!  I like to call this using your underdog advantage. And everyone can do this - you included! Here, I break down the top underdog advantages you can use and why you need to stop playing it safe in the arena of inaction. Listen NOW to invest in yourself and reap the rewards of the underdog advantage. *** Want to text me personally? Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***  

 The Biggest Secret to Selling Anything (It’s Not What You Think) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:44

Do you cringe when you think about selling? So many people have a negative feeling about selling a product or service… and you SHOULDN'T! I’ll tell you why in this podcast... Listen NOW for my biggest secret to selling that has massively shifted my life and learn how to get people to say “YES” with zero guilt or overwhelm…  ****If you haven’t joined my texting community yet, text me now! → 480-400-9019****   

 The #1 Way To Always Protect Your Confidence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:11

Have you ever made a good decision when your confidence was down?  Not even WAY down… if you have any self doubt at all it can crush your ability to succeed.  So my good friend Tom Bilyeu is helping me reveal the #1 secret to protecting your confidence and the small but actionable shifts you can make to start your day at the highest level. Listen NOW to learn why protecting your confidence is an absolute MUST! **** If you haven’t joined my texting community yet, text me now! → 480-400-9019**** 

 This Is Standing Between You and Your Next Level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:09

What’s blocking you from your next level of life?  And no… it’s not external circumstances or the outside world like you may think…it’s the conversation going on in your OWN head.  We aren’t who we are, we are who we THINK we are. Listen NOW to learn how changing your story has the power to change your entire life.  *** Want to text me personally? Shoot me a message HERE → 480-400-9019***

 The Secret to NOT Suffering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:03

When people talk about how you should “live like you’re dying,” they usually mean taking on your bucket list and having big, life-changing experiences…   But I disagree. If I had one week to live, I HOPE I’d live exactly the way I live now. And I can only say that because of a conversation I had with my dear friend Tony Robbins a while back.   Listen NOW to hear the secret to stopping suffering in its tracks that changed my life forever.   ***Join my texting community → 480-400-9019***

 How What You “Allow” Becomes Your Legacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:02

It’s natural to want to leave an incredible legacy for those we love... But what about YOU in the here and now? Are you the same person when no one’s watching but your family... And does it really matter? Listen NOW to learn why it’s okay to be you for YOU… and also HOW to make a real impact on the ones who matter the most. ***And if you haven’t joined the Project Next family yet, I’d love to see you inside!! Check out all the details here: https://ownyourfuturechallenge.com/get-pn-now  

 You Are Designed Perfectly (Here’s How I Know) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:41

In today’s podcast, I share an intimate coaching moment that I know will touch your heart… Listen to this story of one woman whose inner critic was crushing her and the life-changing moment that awakened her inner hero and revealed her true value… just as she was. I know this message is one you need to hear, to inspire you but also to take with you if you’ve ever doubted yourself or your worth. Because believe me… believe HER… you are who you are for a reason. And that’s a blessing. Make sure you join the Last Day of The Own Your Future Challenge - https://ownyourfuturechallenge.com/freechallenge?source=social&a=88889

 Turning Discomfort Into Your Launch Pad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:31

Today, I’m sharing what to do with the “messes” - the pivotal, meaningful moments in life that are turning points between who you are and who you want to become... These moments make uncomfortable action necessary… and I’m sharing my top recommendation for exactly what that action should be!! Listen NOW to discover how to fuel your future with the lessons you’ve learned along the way. If you haven't joined the Own Your Future Challenge, you still got time :) sign up here - https://ownyourfuturechallenge.com/freechallenge?source=social&a=88889

 Why Smaller Is Better (Myth Busted!!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:46

People always say “bigger is better”... I would say that isn't always true!! Because the #1 marketing strategy I use has proved that myth wrong time and time again… Listen NOW to learn why and when SMALLER is better and exactly how to niche down your audience… going from marketing to millions to marketing to your dream customer.  The ability to impact and serve grows MASSIVELY when you learn this one thing. Also, if you haven't already, Join the Own Your Future Challenge now! - https://ownyourfuturechallenge.com/freechallenge?source=social&a=88889


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