Leadership and Loyalty™   show

Leadership and Loyalty™

Summary: What podcast do the top Fortune 500 executives listen to?This one!What generates leadership and loyalty today is vastly different than what it was less than a decade ago. In this podcast, Dov Baron and his world-class guests including Guy Kawasaki, Tom Bilyeau, Jordan Harbinger, Bedros Keuilian, Carly Fiorina, John Oates, and Kevin Harrington share the raw truth of their heroic journeys from devastation to purpose. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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 Why The Future Will Reward Clarity But Punish Certainty [audio] with Bob Johansen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:32

We are all being disrupted at every turn. And as much as you might enjoy the disruptions that make your life easier like: Uber or Netflix. Disruption might not feel quite so great if you are the Blockbuster video of your industry… So how do you think and act 10 years into the future so that you don’t just survive but you can thrive? Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest on this episode is Bob Johansen: www.iftf.orgBob Johansen is a futurist at Institute for the Future (IFTF) in Silicon Valley. The author or co-author of ten books. He has outlived his forecasts three times over. 2018 is the Institute for the Future’s 50th anniversary. Bob focuses his life ten years ahead. He has time traveled from the future to be with us todayTo find out more about Bob Johansen and The Institute for the Future:To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  Constance Dierickx: High Stakes Leadership [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:05:43

On a good day leadership is about sharing a vision, rallying the troops around that vision and celebrating when we hit the goals that make the vision a reality. But what happens when the stakes go up? What happens when crisis hits and vision get lost in the chaos… How do you make sure that you (or any of your team) don’t become the cause of more chaos? Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest today is Constance Dierickx: Constance Dierickx is known as The Secret Weapon. Clients rely on her advice to grow their companies, deal with crisis and hear advice that they can't find elsewhere. A former stockbroker, she learned from clients and colleagues alike that making decisions is both rational and emotional. Those most at risk of making poor decisions are people who are blind to the factors influencing them. Fortunately, many leaders want to understand their own leadership and improve. These are the leaders that call Constance.Find out more about Constance Dierickx: www.CDConsultingGroup.com To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Prof Andy Molinsky: Reaching Beyond Your Comfort Zone [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:23

As companies go Global we have to make sure that our people do to. The question is; How do you prepare your people to leave their personal and cultural comfort zones and operate at the highest possible levels? Moreover, How do you adapt your behaviour Across Cultures Without Losing Yourself in the Process?Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest on this episode is Andy Molinsky: Andy Molinsky is a professor of Organizational Behavior and Psychology at Brandeis (pronounced Brand-ICE) university where he’s also the director of the Global Leadership Institute, and the author of two popular business books - Global Dexterity (with Harvard Business Review Press) and Reach (with Penguin Random House). He the host of Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Interview Series, where he has interviewed people like Simon SinekHe also writes frequently for Harvard Business Review, Inc.com, and Psychology, and consults and speaks with corporations around the world.Find out more about Andy Molinsky: www.AndyMolinsky.com To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Brian Mohr: "Hiring on Purpose" [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:02

How important is it for companies/organizations to identify and communicate their higher sense of purpose? There is a growing polarity in business today, there are those focused on profit at any cost, and on the other side a movement toward responsible conscious capitalism. So today you may be asking can you compete against the ruthless profiteers without compromising your soul? Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest on this episode is Brian Mohr: Brian describes himself as a lucky husband, proud father, music enthusiast, and a conscious capitalist. He's the co-founder of Y Scouts, a purpose-based and performance- proven leadership search firm, the host of the Built on Purpose podcast, and co- author of his soon-to-be-released book, 'Hiring on Purpose - How the Y Scouts Method is Revolutionizing the Search for Leaders'. He's also the author of the upcoming "Hiring on Purpose" - How the Y Scouts Method is Revolutionizing the Search for Leaders". More on Brian Mohr: www.yscouts.comTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Michael Gale: The Digital Helix [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:20

Digital Transformation how it’s changing the way we work, play and even govern. Currently, 80% of businesses are attempting to digitally transform. But is it possible for an old school business to change it’s DNA to compete with today’s start ups… companies that have Tech as their life’s blood?Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest on this episode is Michael Gale: Michael Gale is a serial entrepreneur who has built and sold two large companies and been Chief Web Officer at Micron. Today he’s joining us as the co author of the Wall Street Journal and Amazon best selling book on Digital Transformation, The Digital Helix. This is the number one selling book on the subject and is designed as a practical framework for making your investment returns greater than the sum of all the parts. The model borrows from the work of Crick and Watson from the double helix to explain how (just) 16% are getting it right. Find out more about Michael Gale and The Digital Helix: Micheal@inc.digitalTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Dave Sanderson: Ordinary Leaders, Extraordinary Situations [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:47

What happens when we put ordinary Leaders in Extraordinary situations?There comes a point where you feel like you have your systems in place, you know what you’re doing, and it can all seem pretty routine… until it’s not. The bottom-line is that real leadership requires, resourcefulness and the ability to adapt and manage your own mind in a crisis, but when "the feces hit the fan," how can you be sure that’s what will happen? Well stay tuned, because we are about to find out! Our guest today is Dave Sanderson.Dave Sanderson was a top sales producer in every company he worked for, and on January 15th 2009 he was on a business trip he’d made hundreds of times before. Like all of us when we travel, especially on business, things are often routine and we take things for granted. Then out of the blue something happens that changes what was once routine to a day that changes your life. In what has become known as "The Miracle on the Hudson," he shares the lessons of that day with audiences around the world and shows you how leadership, resourcefulness and managing your mind in a crisis, anyone can step up and overcome their own “personal plane crash.”  More on Dave Sanderson: http://DaveSandersonSpeaks.comTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Matt Schwartz: Transformational Talent [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:15

There's a growing trend of Transformational Talent… What is it, and how can you tap in to it?We’ve got to stay on top and that means constantly upgrading our skills. I it also means that we are looking for people with skills that didn’t even exist 10 yrs ago!But how do you find these kinds of people and just as important how can you keep them when they are so in demand? Well stay tuned because we are about to find out! Our guest on this episode is Mathew SchwartzMatt Schwartz is the President of M.J.S Executive Search. MJS is a retained executive search firm that Matt founded in 2003 after 4 years at the New York office of Heidrick & Struggles. MJS specializes in the placement of Transformational Talent for Global Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurial start-up. On this episode we'll dive into: What Transformational Talent Really Is  What's forcing the companies themselves to transform And the new trend of Vender-tainment  To find out more about Matt Schwartz: http://www.mjsearch.com or Text: mjsearch44222To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Evan Hackel: "Ingaging" Leadership [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:27

It’s no secret that disengagement in the workforce is high…but here’s the question; How can we effectively reverse it, increase innovation and profit along with engagement? Well stay tuned because you are about to find out; our guest on this episode is: Evan Hackel, he is a thought leader, author, and management consultant in the area of leadership. Having started10+ businesses, including starting three different franchise businesses. Evan has managed $5 billion business.His book “Ingaging Leadership” is in its 2nd edition.On this episode we'll dive into...Why leaders don't lead?Why playing it safe is the most risky pathHow to increase the flow of innovative ideas from employeesTo discover more about Evan Hackel: www.ingage.netTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Scott Wintrip: High Velocity Hiring [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:03

Hiring and keeping top talent is a huge priority. The challenge facing most companies is that when someone walks away a delay in hiring the right person to replace them is not only costly but becomes accumulatively so over time. So the obvious question is: How can we speed up the hiring process while making sure we hire the right person?Our guest today is: Scott Wintrip…He is the author of High Velocity Hiring: How to Hire Top Talent in an Instant, named a must-read book by HR Magazine. Over the past 19 years, Scott has led the Wintrip Consulting Group, a global consultancy that has helped more than 22,000 organizations build talent rich companies that have eliminated their hiring delays.In this episode we'll examine:Why the rule of hiring has alway been hire slow, fire fast is dead wrong!What's slowing down effective hiring and how to turn it around...Instantly!The 3 steps to engage in for fast and accurate hiring!And that's just a start...Find out more about Scott Wintrip here: www.highvelocityhiring.com To find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Greg Centineo: Lucky By Design [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:16

On this episode: Why Leaders who learn to lead from the back, can do the impossible! As a leader in any capacity you know that… part of your job is to keep your people engaged and motivated but what happens when the rah-rah wears off? Is there something more potent, more powerful that will move your people beyond even their own fixed mind limitations?Well, stay tuned because you are about to find out; our guest on this episode is: Greg CentineoGreg Centineo is internationally recognized as a subject matter expert on transforming leadership, businesses and inspiring those around him to believe in themselves. He has followed the path of entrepreneurism and his consistent success in business combine both transformational processes, along with high dollar transactions. Greg's compelling storytelling, intuitive mindset, and energy attracts large numbers of people to common goals creating win/win success for all those involved. He’s also the author of a brand new book entitled: “Lucky By Design”.Find out more about Greg Centineo: www.GregCentineo.comTo find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Judy Robinett: High Powered Schmoozing: Becoming a Super Connector [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:51

Today there are more resources available than ever before...if you know how to get access. But how can you get access?Every now and again you will have the opportunity to sit down with a truly extraordinary human being, a person who is doing what not only seems impossible, not just for us, but more importantly they are doing what seemed impossible for them.On this episode that exactly what I got to do with Judy Robinett.Judy is a business thought leader who has been profiled in The Street, Vogue, CBS, NBC, Forbes, The Washington Post and Bloomberg Businessweek as a sterling example of the new breed of “super connectors” who use their experience and networks to accelerate growth and enhance profitability. She gives speeches worldwide on business strategy and high-end strategic networking to specific outcomes.In her more than 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur and corporate leader, Robinett has served as the CEO of both public and private companies and in management positions at Fortune 500 companies. She has been on the advisory boards of Illuminate Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm based in Menlo Park, California; Pereg Ventures, adventure capital firm based in New York; and Springboard Enterprises, an internationally recognized incubator whose founders have raised $7.4 billion and have had 145 strategic exits based in Washington, DC.Judy Robinett is the author of “How to Be a Power Connector: The 5-50-150 Rule,” #1 of The Top Ten Business Books of 2014 by Inc.com., and the coauthor of a chapter in “Crowdfunding for Dummies” by Sherwood Neiss, Jason W. Best, and Zak Cassady-Dorion (Wiley, 2013).Her second book “Crack the Funding Code” is released in September 2018.To find out more about Judy Robinett: www.JudyRobinett.comTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Gabriel Wyner: The Accidental Leader [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:34

The month after his record breaking 2017 Kickstarter ended, he suddenly realized how far out of my depth he had landed. One minute he was an Opera Singer the next a CEO. He rapidly went from despair, to doing what real leaders do: Sending out calls for help and advisors.There he realized that running a business was a matter of seeking the advice of others (who knew what he did not) and integrating it into an ongoing plan.On this show we talk about learning languages and the myths we have about it, and how busting those myths will transform your leadership.Our guest on this episode is Gabriel Wyner. He is the author of Fluent Forever: How to learn any language fast and never forget it.At the end of last year, he ran the most successful crowdfunding campaign for any app in history, doubling the previous record. He's now found himself running a software company that's creating the next generation of language learning products. But Gabriel's path into this role was anything but direct. 6 years ago, he was an opera singer, struggling to 'make it' in the music business in Vienna, Austria. His path from struggling musician to CEO of a successful software company makes him an 'accidental leader' - someone who doesn't set out to become a leader, and yet finds himself in that role regardless.More about Gabriel Wyner: www.Fluent-Forever.comTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader. By the way you can now listen in via “Google Home” or “Alexa” Find us there by just saying: “Play Dov Baron’s Podcast” See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Pegine: What is Diversity? [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:43

Dynamic shifts are taking place in leadership today; we must examine the need to embrace diversity and the stumbling blocks to doing so. We live in a time that demands diversity, but do we really understand “diversity”, why we need it and how to overcome those stumbling blocks? Well stay tuned because our guest is Pegine EchevarriaPegine Echevarri is known for her innovative, unorthodox and occasionally irreverent approaches to making leaders great through impact, influence and inspiring others. She is especially focused on engaging, developing and inspiring women to be great leaders. Her company, Team Pegine Inc, was named North Florida’s #3 Fastest Growing Privately Owned Company. Pegine is one of only 8 women inducted into the 58 member Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame in the National Speakers Association, Million Dollar Speakers Group. Pegine is author of 3 books including the best selling “Sometimes You Need to Kick Your Own Butt”. She is quoted by the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes and Hispanic Business Magazine.She was named by Macy’s and Minority Business Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the top 3 business women in 2016 for their “Women Who Rock Business” cover story. The Society of Human Resource Management named her 1 of 100 Global Thought Leaders on Diversity and Inclusion.More about Pegine: www.Pegine.comTo find out more about hiring the host Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist:  http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speaking See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Sal Silvester: The 4 Mindset Shifts for Senior Leaders [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:47

Anyone who is an "A" player knows the need for executive coaching, training and development… but how do you measure the results?If we are going to stay at the top of our game we must be willing to grow and change. But that growth and change has to not just stay with us, it must be the whole team. The challenge becomes when you provide the coaching and they (your team) don’t make any meaningful changes as a result…How do you make sure that you’re not wasting your resources? Well stay tuned because our guest is Sal Silvester.Sal Silvester is the founder and president of 5.12 Solutions Consulting Group and Coachmetrix. He is a blogger, keynote speaker and author of Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders. The book reached #1 on Amazon’s Movers & Shakers list. The second book in the series, Unite! The 4 Mindset Shifts for Senior Leaders was an Amazon international best seller, followed by a collaboration with Marshall Goldsmith entitled Stakeholder Cantered Coaching. Working with teams and leaders is Sal's passion. As an Executive and Team Coach, his unique perspective has been nurtured through his experience over the past 25 years as an Army Officer, an executive at Accenture, and founder of 5.12 Solutions and Coachmetrix. Sal's Coachmetrix technology is the first of its kind that is change how coaches and trainers measure the impact of leadership development.More about Sal Silvester and his team: http://www.512solutions.comTo find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

 Dustin Mathews: Sales: The New Required Skill for CEO’s [audio] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:37

As entrepreneurs and leaders it is part of our job to sell. We sell our vision, our purpose, our ideas, our strategies and more and more commonly, even though we may have a sales team in place, we have to sell our wares. Furthermore, we are often expected to do the selling through webinars & Online Media, as well as Speeches & Seminars. But how can someone who the sales process feels totally foreign to learn to not only sell, but become spectacular at it? Is there a formula that works? Well stay tuned because our guest is Dustin MathewsDustin Mathews transforms businesses and brands. Right out of school, Dustin helped take a company from $1M to $14M and #35 on Inc. Magazine's Fastest Growing Private Companies. His newest venture, Speaking Empire, is recognized as a disruptive company in the leadership training and education space. Dustin’s company was privileged to be involved with the Get Motivated Success TOUR which included past presidents and world leaders such as Bill Clinton, Laura Bush, sports stars such as Michael Phelps, Joe Montana, and business personalities like Steve Forbes & Steve Wozniak. He's the author of several books including: New Rules of The Game and The No BS Guide to Powerful PresentationsFind out more about Dustin Mathews: http://dustinmathews.comTo find out more about hiring Dov Baron as a speaker or strategist for your organization: http://fullmontyleadership.com/consulting or http://fullmontyleadership.com/speakingRemember you can now also find us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeart Radio, or wherever you tune into podcastsAnd on traditional radio stations across the US every Monday and Thursday on: 99.5 FM & 1520 AM Las Vegas102.1 FM & 1640 AM Lancaster, Philadelphia87.9 FM & 810 AM Macon, Gorgia 92.1 FM & 1630 AM Tampa, Florida97.7 The Villages, Florida96.3 FM Boulder ,Colorado90.3 FM Milwaukee, Wisconsin 94.7 FM Pittsburg, Philadelphia87.9 FM Colorado Springs, ColoradoAlso look for us on ROKU TV where there’s 100K subscribers. If you are a regular listener, then a big thank you to you for making us the #1 podcast Globally for Fortune 500 listeners! And with a potential reach of 2.5 to 3 million listeners for every show, we’re honoured and grateful to be cited in INC.com as The #1 Podcast To Make You a Better Leader.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.


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