The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity!

Summary: The 5 AM Miracle is a podcast dedicated to dominating your day before breakfast. My goal is to help you bounce out of bed with enthusiasm, create powerful lifelong habits, and tackle your grandest goals with extraordinary energy. For more information on achieving your own 5 AM Miracle visit

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  • Artist: Jeff Sanders: Author of "The Free-Time Formula"
  • Copyright: © Jeff Sanders Productions, LLC


 7 Steps to do Your Chores Like a Pro [Podcast #092] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:27

Are you buried in chores? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss how to do your chores like a pro. We all have to do them, we just need a better plan to do them well. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Lennart Tange via Compfight cc Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Fiverr [spend $5 and get almost anything] * Singh Satnam [the amazing designer I hired on Fiverr] 7 Steps to do Your Chores Like a Pro * Make a list of every chore in your life (personal and professional, home and office). * Eliminate every chore you can from the list. * Prioritize the remaining chores, listing the most critical at the top. * Create a Chore Calendar, deciding when to batch and when to space out the chores. * Find the ideal time to do each chore during the day it’s assigned (morning, evening, etc.). * Divide the chores among all the people in your home and/or office. * Hire help if you can afford it. Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be interviewing Jeffrey Binney, a comedian, actor, and now documentary filmmaker. We will discuss his new film, Once is Enough, a story that follows Jeffrey's own weight loss and ultramarathon aspirations. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle: Exercise Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:50

This is the second article in the series: How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle. Read the other articles here. Exercise is one of the most magical habits you can form, but when do we ever have time for it? Despite the fact that I have run marathons in the past, I still find it difficult to make time for the workouts I love. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Compfight

 Powerful Personal Growth: An Interview with Jeff Brown [Podcast #091] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:58

Are you ready for a big boost to your personal growth? This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Jeff Brown, host of the Read to Lead Podcast. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Vote for The 5 AM Miracle in the 2015 Podcast Awards [Best Produced category — voting ends Tuesday, March 24th] * Clammr iOS app [Bites-sized, 18-second audio clips] * Read to Lead Podcast [hosted by Jeff Brown] * WAY-FM [Christian music radio station] * Dan Miller [author of 48 Days to the Work You Love] * [audiobooks] * Seth Godin [author of over a dozen books] * Hal Elrod [author of The Miracle Morning] Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be discussing how to systematize your household chores. We all have to do them, so we may as well do them quickly and efficiently. I’ll share my system for minimizing weekly chores and freeing up more time for the projects that matter most to you. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 Meditation for People Who Can’t Sit Still [Podcast #090] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:40

Have you tried to meditate but found yourself just too physically or mentally restless to focus? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss how people just like you can make meditation work, even if you can't sit still. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → I took this picture of my brother Tim during a recent vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Get featured in my new book [submit your 5 AM Success Story today] * No BS Lab [life-boosting workshops from Nicole Antoinette] * Running with the Mind of Meditation [book by Sakyong Mipham] * Psycho-Cybernetics [book by Maxwell Maltz] * Calm [meditation app for iOS and Android] * Headspace [meditation app for iOS, Android, and Amazon] * Buddhify [meditation app for iOS and Android] * Muse [meditation brain sensing headband] Download My 3 Free Guided Meditations I recorded three, 3-minute meditations on breathing, energy, and focus. Visit my new Meditation page to listen and download these recordings for yourself. I would also love to get your feedback so feel free to leave a comment below or contact me. Thanks! Download the meditations. Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be interviewing Jeff Brown, host of the Read to Lead Podcast. We discuss leadership, personal growth through reading, and the amazing power of accountability.

 Get Featured in My New Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:59

UPDATE: I am no longer accepting Success Stories for my upcoming book, The 5 A.M. Miracle. However, you can certainly still submit your story and I may use it in another form sometime in the future (podcast, blog, book promotional materials, etc.). Thanks! Since the announcement of my new book in early February I have been talking about giving you the opportunity to get your story included in the final publication. Well, that day is here. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders One of the most effective ways to convince anyone to do anything is to show them it's possible and worth it to take action. Nothing is more motivating than the power of a crowd. Just as Amazon reviews can make or break sales of just about anything, so too can powerful personal stories of growth, achievement, and transformation. I want to give you the chance to share your story with every new reader of my book. You can influence others with your own journey and provide something I would never be able to, your voice. What I'm Looking For Though I cannot guarantee I will choose your 5 AM Success Story for the final version of the book there are a few things I'm looking for that could give you a leg up. * Your 5 AM Miracle: The whole point of collecting these stories is to show others how waking up early and with a plan can dramatically improve their lives. That's what I'm looking for in your story. How has your life changed? What changes have you made? What amazing benefits have you experienced? Who were you before and who are you now? * Using key strategies: If you have utilized any of the strategies I have mentioned on my blog or podcast, that would be very helpful. This could include everything from inversion, standing desks, and drinking kombucha, to task managers, focused blocks of time, and Evernote. If I have talked about it before, and you have benefited from it, feel free to mention it. * Nothing fancy: Don't try to sound like anyone other than yourself. I'm not looking for big words, fancy use of vocabulary, or “author speak.” Just be you. * 100-300 words: These stories are meant to be inspiring, but also bite-sized. Lengthy essays will likely not make the cut. But, if you surprise me with something amazing I could change my mind. * Deadline is July 15th: I know that may seem like a long way off, but the earlier I get your story the more likely it is that it will make the final cut. Unless you have a reason to wait, why not submit it now? How to Submit Your Story Just for the sake of clarity, submitting your story to me gives me the right to publish it in a public manner (like in the book or on my website, podcast, blog, etc.). If I choose to use your story I may ask you sign a release at some point in the future, which is why I need your email address to contact you. Please only share information with me that you approve for public use. If you're ready to share your story, visit the 5 AM Success Story Submission Pag...

 How to Eliminate Insecurity: An Interview with Sean Stephenson [Podcast #089] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:24

Are you ready to celebrate life and dance? This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Sean Stephenson, author of Get Off Your But and creator of the über-popular dance party videos. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Sean Stephenson Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Vote for The 5 AM Miracle in the 2015 Podcast Awards [more details on the post] * Beyond the To-Do List Podcast [hosted by Erik Fisher] * Read to Lead Podcast [hosted by Jeff Brown] * Sean Stephenson [his website] * Get Off Your But [book by Sean Stephenson — Affiliate Link] * When Life Works List [#4 on the list of 7 Life Planning Strategies that Really Work] * Dance Party [the first video] * Dance Party 2 [the new one] 15 Books that Sean is Reading This Year * Launch [book by Jeff Walker] * Think Like a Genius [book b...

 Fewer Goals and Better Results with a 12-Week Year [Podcast #088] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:26

How much could you accomplish with a shorter time frame? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss how to select fewer goals and get better results with only a 12-week year. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Phillip Niemeyer Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * My 2015 Reader Survey [It's still open if you'd like to chime in] * The 5 AM Miracle Podcast [Over 1 Million downloads!] * The 5 AM Miracle Community Group on Facebook [Over 1,000 members!] * My NEW Coaching Service [Say goodbye to the 5 AM Blueprint and Ambitious Coaching] * My NEW Affiliate Program [Earn hefty commissions promoting my products] * My NEW Start Here Page [The first place to begin your 5 AM Miracle] * My NEW Toolbox Page [Find the tools and resources I use and recommend] * My NEW Media Coverage Page [Read articles and listen to other interviews of me] * My NEW Book Contract [Boo yah!] * The 12 Week Year [Book by Brian Moran — Affiliate Link] * Forget Annual Goal Setting and Do This Instead [Episode #79] * Best Topics for a Weekly Accountability Partner Meeting [Episode #48] * Evernote [My digital brain] *

 How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle: Starting a Business Edition [Podcast #087] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:04

This is the first article in the series: How to Make Time for Your Side Hustle. Read the other articles here. Based on my 2015 Reader Survey, 66% of my audience works full time and 28% are planning to start their own business. As an entrepreneur who started his own business while working a full-time job, I know how tough this can be. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders Building a successful business is tough, even if you have all 168 hours every week to work on it. Taking into account a 40-hour a week job, a family, personal hobbies, personal health, social time, weekly appointments with doctors, churches, car repair shops, and walking your dog, it can be next to impossible to make time for a side business. But (and this is the big but) — it can be done. In fact it happens all the time and I plan to shed some light on this ambitious and worthwhile goal. Define Your Objective and Stick To It The nature of business is that it is endlessly and wonderfully overwhelming for one simple and amazing reason, there are nearly infinite ways to earn money. This is likely not surprisingly, nevertheless, it's imperative that you know exactly why you're going into business and what you believe to be the BEST way to earn a living in your industry. Knowing these building blocks provides focus, which is the most important element in this process. Your ability to work ONLY on what matters and NOTHING else is the difference maker between success and failure. Let me say that one again, but with different words. When you isolate the most important elements of your business (the vital few that earn you extraordinary profit) and spend nearly all of your time on those elements, you provide yourself with the greatest chance for success. Starting an Online Business Most future business owners are seeking opportunities to build online enterprises, which makes sense, and I'm a huge fan. I recently wrote an article just for those folks who are getting started. It's called the Beginner's Guide to Blogging, Podcasting, and Online Business. If you are preparing to start a blog, podcast, YouTube video channel, webinar system, or any other online enterprise, check out that article and dive in fast. The online world moves faster than anything and speed is essential. In fact, I'm pretty sure you're already behind schedule if you haven't clicked that link yet . . . The Miracle Outside of the 9-to-5 Most bosses won't be too happy if you spend company time working on your side project, especially if that project involves you making money for someone else. Your best bet is likely working nights and weekends. Well, let me rephrase that. Your best bet is likely working on your incredible new business at sunrise. (Did you think I would miss that one?) When you wake up early to work on your business, instead of trying to squeeze out time after a long day at the office,

 5 Lessons Learned When Starting Something New and Important [Podcast #086] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:09

Starting something new that matters is awesome and awful. It's exhilarating and excruciating. As the late Jim Rohn would have put it, “It's the challenge that makes the experience.” ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders A month ago I signed my first book contract and my life has flipped upside down in more ways than one. As I discussed in one of my latest podcast episodes, last month was unreal in its complications and its simultaneous abundance of opportunities. We all want more, but in the same breathe we dread the moment it arrives because we have no idea how to respond. It's easy to make assumptions and predictions about our own future behavior, but when the tables turn and you get what you asked for . . . watch out. It's about to get real. Dreaming of a New Day When we dream of new opportunities we rarely dream about the work it takes in the moment. We dream about going to college, getting married, buying our first house, signing out first book contract, holding our first child, or getting that long awaited (and highly deserved) promotion. What we don't dream about are the late nights, the sweaty palms, and the ever-increasing blood pressure. What happens when we get what we ask for? We get it all — the good, the bad, and the perceivably-unmanageable chaos of everything we never expected. As I have recently launched myself headfirst into a new book I have also learned a few critical lessons in goal achievement and life balance. It didn't take long. I have only been working on the book for a few weeks and already my daily schedule has transformed into a new monster I'm still trying to tame. Here are five lessons that have become abundantly clear in the wake of my new adventure. 1. Previously Important Goals are No Longer Important In January I was totally immersed in training for a 50-mile ultramarathon, one of my life's bucket list goals. I was serious about it — committed. I was invested in the process — totally sold. I exercised 48 days in a row in the beginning of 2015 and created the most effective training schedule I have ever had. But (and this is big), I didn't plan for the unforeseen. I didn't expect the unexpected or plan for my schedule to to be thrown out the window. Sure, I planned for hiccups, mistakes, and days when I just didn't feel like running. But, I didn't plan to nearly eradicate running (my most important goal of the year) for a book (my now most important goal of the year). In the matter of a few days I began focusing all of my efforts on the book. I knew I was missing workouts but I really didn't care. My previously important goals for the year were trumped by a new and highly important endeavor. Lesson learned: when life hands you an opportunity that could transform your life, be willing to drop everything and run as fast as you can. 2. Every Day Matters I have mentioned the

 The 5 AM Miracle is Going Pro . . . I Just Signed a Book Contract! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:23

Bucket list? Check! Three weeks ago I received an email out of the blue from a book publisher who wanted to know if I was interested in writing a book about productivity and early mornings. Well, that sounds like my favorite kind of email. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders I could have easily assumed this random message was junk mail and simply deleted it. In fact, I was highly suspicious of it when it first arrived. Who gets offers to write books in their inbox? Turns out, this kind of thing actually does happen. The 5 AM Miracle is Going Pro Pardon me while I scream a little . . . Whoo Hooo! Book deal! Book deal! Book deal! Yeeeaaahhh! Ok, enough of that. Let's get to the good stuff. The 5 AM Miracle, my eBook turned podcast is now making the next leap into a traditionally published book thanks to the wonderful people at Ulysses Press in Berkeley, California. In the back of my mind, for years now, I have been planning for this day. You could call it randomness, dumb luck, or coincidence, but offers like this happen for a reason. It wasn't random. The Journey to the Contract I have been building websites since 2008, including my first,, which I created for my wedding. Though it's not around anymore, that little site was my beginning into the world of blogging, web design, and, yes, even podcasting. The day after I got engaged Tessa and I returned from our trip to Cape Code and we were talking about how to share our wedding news. Tessa suggested I create a website and I was off to the races. It amazes me now how excited I was about it, but looking back I realize it was my beginning. I saw an opportunity to create something, to experiment with my own creativity. In reality, I just wanted an excuse to have my own website. Within a year I had developed a full site, complete with a plenty of pictures, blog posts, and a podcast named “Gibberish” that lasted 3 episodes and was the most rambling, incoherent audio program I could imagine. In 2009 I started “Graduated and Clueless,” my first professional blog that would quickly turn into a self-published 220-page eBook and 6-hour audiobook, which you can download for free here. In 2012 I transitioned my website at into, which later transitioned to my current site here at I literally spent thousands of hours developing these sites without making a penny. It wasn't until the last two years that I have been monetizing my work through coaching and product sales. I think it's accurate to call my work a labor of love. I am in love with the creative process, seeing something appear out of nothing and knowing it only exists because I took action to create it. 100% Self-Taught I didn't go to school to learn how to code websites, write how-to articles, or produce productivity podcasts. Over the years, in combination with thousands of hours of consuming online vi...

 Getting in the Zone: 7 Proven Strategies [Podcast #085] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:15

Today I am writing this article in a car dealership. There is a large and obscenely loud television playing a sports talk show and I am wearing oversized headphones to block out the audible distractions. Focusing in this environment, or getting into my zone, is proving to be a bit challenging. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Compfight

 How to Build a Better Brain [Podcast #084] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:46

Brains were born to change, grow, and evolve. In fact, your brain can serve you in more ways than you could ever imagine if you take it to the brain gym. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: ajeofj3 via cc The phrase “use it or lose it” certainly applies to the world of neuroplasticity — a big word that simply means your brain can and does change. For many years brain researchers believed the brain was static, meaning that after a certain growth period the brain would simply stop developing or adapting in a significant way. Turns out, that was far from the truth. Your brain is constantly flexing its muscles, molding itself, and responding to new and challenging stimuli just like your biceps do during exercise. Now, I'm not a scientist, so I'm not going to dive into too much research or the biomechanics of brain development. For now, I'll focus on what you can do today to begin building a better brain, which can lead to dramatic improvements in your creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Your Smarter, Sharper, and Sexier Brain A better brain may be your ticket to massive goal achievement, especially as you get older. In Dr. John Ratey's book, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, he tells a story about Sister Bernadette, a nun from Notre Dame who spent many years late in life building her brain. Sister Bernadette constantly challenged her mind. She completed puzzles, studied new vocabulary, debated complex issues, and, essentially, exercised her mind like a muscle. Along with over 600 other nuns, Sister Bernadette joined ongoing research about aging and the brain. At the age of 85 she passed away from a heart attack and her brain was donated to the study. An autopsy revealed that her brain had been severely damaged by Alzheimer's disease. “She should have been lost to the ravages of dementia. Yet despite the damage in her brain, she remained mentally sharp.” Sister Bernadette is a shining example of how you can literally defy your genetics, overcome disease, and remain mentally brilliant throughout your entire life. Just like an old nun, you too can have a smarter, sharper, and (dare I say) sexier brain, despite your age, intelligence, or busy schedule. How to Build a Better Brain Just like going to the gym for physical exercise, building a better brain for mental strength and flexibility isn't necessarily hard, you just have to do the work. I began intentionally building my brain three years ago when I started a simply daily practice inspired by the late Earl Nightingale (one of the founders of the personal development industry). Earl recommended that I start thinking on purpose. He challenged me to spend time every day flexing my mental muscles in an attempt to solve a pressing problem in my life. Here's how the practice plays out: * Set aside 30 minutes of uninterrupted time where you can be alone.

 The Fascinating Power of Anchor Habits [Podcast #083] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:27

What are your most powerful habits? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss the fascinating power of anchor habits. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: BiLK_Thorn via Compfight cc Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Nominate The 5 AM Miracle for a Podcast Award! [All 3 Categories: People's Choice, Best Produced, and Business — Deadline is February 2, 2015] * Podcast Name: The 5 AM Miracle * Podcast URL: Action Steps * Solidify your first and most important anchor habit: waking up early. * Choose one habit that will immediately follow your anchor habit. * Measure your progress each and every day on a habits tracker spreadsheet. * Join The 5 AM Club to download my habits tracker. Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be sharing an interview of me on the Beyond the To-Do List podcast, hosted by my friend, Erik Fisher. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 The 5 Choices: An Interview with Kory Kogon [Podcast #082] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:50

Are you doing your most extraordinary work? This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Kory Kogon, a leadership and productivity expert at FranklinCovey, as well as co-author of the new book, The 5 Choices. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: FranklinCovey Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * 5: Where Will You Be Five Years From Today? [book by Dan Zadra — Affiliate Link] * Kory Kogon [Global Productivity Practice Leader for FranklinCovey] * The 5 Choices [book by Kory Kogon – Affiliate Link] * FranklinCovey [The Ultimate Competitive Advantage] * The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People [book by Dr. Stephen R. Covey – Affiliate Link] Action Steps * Prioritize your day the night before to prevent urgent interruptions from knocking you off task. * Create a list of your key roles in life and use those as energy drivers during your workday. * Buy your copy of The 5 Choices and discover how to unleash your extraordinary abilities every day. Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be discussing the fascinating power of anchor habits. ← Previous Episode

 5 Strategies to Conquer Procrastination [Podcast #081] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:50

What's the biggest project on your calendar this week that you haven't started on yet? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I share 5 strategies to conquer procrastination. You don't do that, right? Yeah, me neither. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: cobblucas via Compfight cc Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. Resources Mentioned in the Show * The One Thing [book by Gary Keller – Affiliate Link] * The 10-Minute Momentum Method [blog post] Action Steps * Make a list of your natural tendencies. When you procrastinate, what are you doing? * Write down a solution for each of your tendencies so that the next time one pops up, you're ready. * Reorganize your schedule for tomorrow. Prioritize your most important project first, ahead of everything else. Next Week Next week on the podcast I will be interviewing Kory Kogon, a leadership and productivity expert at FranklinCovey, as well as co-author of the new book, The 5 Choices. Kory and I will be discussing how you can overcome the 3 biggest challenges to daily productivity that are holding you back from consistently doing extraordinary work. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →


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